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Guess the picture



 At the end of this discussion , you are expected
 1.know what is the relationship between the
foundation of education and the school.
 2.define the aim contents method and
contribution of historical foundation of education.
 3. explain the changes in the earliest period with
the present education.
Introduction :

Education is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and

attitudes that make us do better, it is not only a preparation
For life, but it is life itself, education is driven by the Latin
word “EDUCARE” or “EDUCERE” which means to lead
forth. Also it acquire habits, interest, and abilities that
tangible to human qualities through training and self-
 Foundation is a base which any structure
or system stands. A strong foundation makes
the structure of system firmly established
and strong enough to be able to serve its
purpose and to survive calamitous events.
The structure or system is like a house with
strong foundation
 Foundations of Education are those systems or
sciences upon which education stands and has its
roots, origin, or bases. Foundations of education are
those from which education arose and came into
being. They are the factors that affected education
so much particularly, curriculum content. There are
six foundations of education: (1) psychological, (2)
sociological, (3) anthropological, (4) historical, (5)
philosophical, and (6) legal foundations
 1. Psychology. It is the study of human behavior, of
how a person acts and reacts under different
situations, consciously or unconsciously, mentally,
physiologically, physically, overtly or covertly.
 2. Sociology. It deals with the study of human beings
living in-groups, of how people act and interact under
different social situations, and how they relate
themselves to one another.
 3. Anthropology. It deals with the study of civilizations
and culture of people: their origins, customs, traditions,
beliefs, mores, folkways, and practices.
4. History. It deals with study of past events that makes
us understand the present situation and to enable us to
predict future events.
5. Philosophy. It deals with a systematized truth or
principle that serves as a guide for conduct or thinking,
Philosophy is a fixed idea.
6. Legality. Refers to the conformity to the laws passed
by the state establish and guide to conduct of an
educational system.
 1. the theory of the divine creation advocates
when GOD in the beginning of time, created man
according to his image.
 2. the theory of evolution. on the other hand
believes that education started when every primitive
man, had just evolved from the lower primates began
to find ways to feed, clothe, shelter, protect himself.

 Life among primitive or tribal people was very
simple compared with the complex life that
people have today. Their means of livelihood
were hunting and gathering wild fruits and
vegetable. There was no reading or writing
and information was transmitted through word
of mouth, songs, gestures, ceremonial, rites
and the like.
 Aims of education
 1. security
 2. conformity
 3. preservation and transmissions of traditions

 some characteristic of primitive culture:

 *relatively simple
 *relatively narrow social and culture contacts
 *extraordinary conservative and prone to
 * The organization of primitive life is tribal not
political so that one function of education is to
enable one to live with his relatives
 * absence from primitive cultures of reading and

 Types of education
 1. vocational. This includes learning the skills in
procuring basic necessities of life like hunting,
constructing a hut, etc.
 2, religious (animistic). Consisted in learning how to
participate in ritualistic practices to please or to
 Content to be studied
 1. ways of procuring the basics necessities in life and
of protecting from dangers.
 2. superstitious. Included as how to worship before the
dwelling if an unseen spirit such as big tree, a big rock,
a river, etc.
 *culture was passed on and preserved for generation.
 *tribes were able to meet their economic needs and
were able to survive.
 *people were able to adjust and adapt to social and
political life.
Egyptian education
Egypt the gift of the Nile, is situated in the northern part of
the African continent. Ancient Egypt was a dessert country
watered only by the Nile river which flooded the country
from august to October, leaving behind a very rich black
earth. The government of Egypt was autocratic, ruled by a
king pharaoh who had absolute power.


1, training
2. Religious
 Types of education
 1. religious education
 2. vocational – professional education
 3. military education
 4. public administration
 5. priesthood education
 6. home arts education
 Content to be studied
 1. reading writing, and language
 2. religious and secular literature
 3. artistry in metals and lapidary
 4. mathematics, especially geometry and
surveying, were studied due to the frequent
inundations of their field which
 5. subjects in astronomy, engineering,
architecture, physics, medicine, embalming,
dentistry, and law were taught in the temple
schools by the priests.
 6. music, dancing, playing the harp, cymbals, drum,
lyre, guitar, and clapping to rhythm.
 7.sports, games, and physical education with
swimming, wrestling, archery, and hunting and fishing
taken as vocations and vocations.
 8. the military schools offered training in the use of the
bow and arrow, battle axe, lance, mace, and shield.
Egypt became a military power in the ancient world
from 1600 to 1400 B.C
 The outstanding contributions of the early
Egyptians to education were probably
geometrical measurement and surveying.
 Greek Education
 the Greeks are a mixture of the Aryan and Germanic
people, two great races, but because of the presence
of natural barriers such as mountain and bodies of
water, they lived in tribal isolation and developed
differences. They considered it as an honor to serve
their country in any capacity. There were many Greek
city – state but two of them rose above all others.
These were Sparta and Athens.
 Sparta was in the south of Corinth in southern
section of the PELOESSIAN peninsula.
Spartan education was based upon the laws
of Lycurgus. It was the basis of Spartan
political, social and educational system. This
turned Sparta into a totalitarian soldier state.
This system lasted for 700 years from the 9th
to the 2nd century B.C, especially during the 5th
 1.military, to make every citizen invincible in
war, possessing physical perfection and
complete obedience to the state.
 2. discipline. To develop conformity and
obedience, courage strength, cunning,
endurance and patriotic efficiency.
 1. Intensive gymnastics and paramilitary exercises.
 2. practice in moral and social habits for the state
such as controlling the appetite, modesty, obedience
and respect and listening intently to elders, etc.
 3. reading and writing to a limited extent to
understand the Lycurgus laws and some poems of
 4. music with serious, moral and martial rhythm to
arouse patriotism.
 5. speech had to be laconic and terse.
 For girls, gymnastics to make them strong to bear
strong children.

 Athenian education
 Ancient Athens was the leading cultural center of
the Greek world. Many of the most gifted writers of
Greece lived there.
 They wrote works of drama, history, lyric poetry
and philosophy that have influenced literature up to
the present time, in many ways , the city was a
birthplace of western civilization. Education was
supervised by the state although education was
no compulsory. It was not clear, however if the
state maintained public schools.
 Aim of education
 Good citizenship
 Individual excellence
 Man-sided development

 Types of education
 Civic training
 Moral training
 Intellectual education
 art
 Content to be studied
 Reading by the alphabet method
 Writing on wax and tablets
 Arithmetic for market use
 Homeric and other poems
 Gymnastic exercises
 Physical education exercises
 Military training subjects
 Athens became an empire in 479BC, wen
Greeks defeated the Persians at the battle of
Plataea. Athens, the head of the Delian
confederation, contributed largely to the
victory. The triumph brought about attitudinal
changes toward education among Athenians.
 Aims of education
 By the sophist, pragmatic and utilitarian.
 By Socrates, development of the power of
 By Plato, control by individual rules,
 By Aristotle, rational living.
types of education
1.Moral training
2.Professional training
3.Intellectual training
4.Vocational training
 Domestic training
 Physical, military and civic training
 Science and philosophy education
 Aesthetic and cultural education
 Sports and games
content to be studied
1. Lower elementary level – reading, writing,
arithmetic, poetry and gymnastics.
2. Higher elementary level – physical and
military exercise grammar, declaration,
argumentation, and public speaking.
3. Secondary schools – geometry, astronomy,
drawing, grammar and RHETORICS.
4. Higher level – philosophy, mathematics, and

 1. The SOCRATIC METHOD of teaching as far as

the method is concerned.
 2. another is in the realm of philosophy, the
greatest world philosophers came from GREECE,
among whom were Socrates, PLATO, Aristotle and
 3. Another is in the field of mathematics,
Euclidean geometry has been studied for 2
thousand years up to the present.
 4. arts and classical literature are also great
 Roman education
 Italian peninsula was occupied by Italians,
Etruscans , and Greeks who settled in Sicily
and the south. The Italian tribes were the
Sabellians, the Umbrians and the Latins, out
of the mixture of these peoples emerged the
strong energetic romans, these peoples also
develop city – states AND LATIUM, THE CITY
– STATES OR ROME, became the most
powerful, the romans judge things by their
 Aims of education
 1. utilitarian. Education was for practical purpose, to
produce men who would be active and efficient in
daily life.
 2, moral, to produced good citizens who knew how
to exercise their rights, fulfil their duties and
obligations and acquire virtues such as piety,
obedience, manliness, courage, bravery, industry,
honesty, prudence, etc.
 3. military, to train to be good soldiers and
conquerors in war.
 4 civic and political, to train men to be
participative and wise in politics.
 5 religious, to train men to have reverence
for the gods.
 Content to be studied
 in the elementary education were included
rudiments of reading, writing, and calculation.
 Arithmetic was primitive because of the
cumbersome roman notation. The twelve
tables later gave way to the Latin translation
of homer
 In secondary school, grammar was the chief study with the inclusion of literature, prose,
poetry, and language. Greek and Latin authors reflecting the new literary attitudes were
 In higher schools

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