Hijrah Kaum Mus-Kel3

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Hijrah kaum

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Pertanyaan EDUCATION
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presentation where you can
enter your title introduce your project. Keep it
short and go straight to the point.

Your audience will appreciate that

“Here comes the quote. Words full of wisdom that
someone important said and can make the reader get 8

—Someone famous
Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4

Describe here your

task 1

Describe here your

task 2
enter your title 9
Describe here your
task 3

Describe here your

task 4

Describe here your

task 5
enter your title

Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful name and Mercury is the closest planet
is a cold place, not hot. is the second planet from the to the Sun and the smallest
It’s full of iron oxide dust, Sun. It’s terribly hot and its one in the Solar System—it’s
which gives the planet atmosphere is extremely only a bit larger than our
its reddish cast poisonous Moon
Phase 1 Phase 2
Venus has a beautiful name, Mercury is the closest
but it’s terribly hot planet to the Sun

enter your 11
Phase 4
Phase 3
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place, not hot biggest planet in our Solar

Sales People Market 12

$ 28.87 45 shops
avg. price per unit retailers

30 days 77 units
avg. days on market remaining inventory If you want to modify this graph, click on it,
follow the link, change the data and replace it
Schedule The project schedule is on track

Resourcing Resourcing is adequate

Budget Project is within budget

enter 13
Risks All project risks are under control your title

Issues Project issues need to be solved

Project benefits do not meet the

Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place,
not hot

Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s terribly
Saturn is composed
mostly of hydrogen
and helium

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Where we are Where we want to be

enter your title 15

If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and replace it
Despite being red, Mars is a cold
place, not hot. It’s full of iron 20XX
oxide dust

Mercury is the closest planet to

the Sun. It’s only a bit larger than 20XX
our Moon

Venus has a beautiful name, but
evolution it’s terribly hot, even hotter than

Jupiter is a gas giant and the

biggest planet in our Solar 20XX

Our evolution 16
Mars Mercury Venus 17
June 10 Feb. 27 May 13
Despite being red, Mars is Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
a cold place, not hot planet to the Sun name, but it’s terribly hot
Audiovisual Static
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant and
planet to the Sun and the the biggest planet in our
smallest one in the Solar Solar System

enter your title

Interactive Dynamic
Saturn is the ringed one. Venus has a beautiful
It’s a gas giant, name and is the second
composed mostly of planet from the Sun. It’s
hydrogen and helium terribly hot

Thanks 19

Does anyone have any questions?

+91 620 421 838

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