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Part of Business Letter

• 1. Letter head (kop surat)

Isi dari kop surat biasanya:
- Name of the company - Telex number
- Address of the company - Post office box
- Telephone number - Kind of business
- Facsimile - Branch office
- Email - Logo
• 2. Date of the letter ( tanggal surat)
British style American style
12th January, 1993 January 12th , 1993
12 January 1993 January 12, 1993
• 3. Reference line (referensi surat)
Initial nama orang yang mendiktekan atau
menandatangani surat dan yang mengetik surat.
Ref. WS/LS/C5
WS = inisial penandatangan
LS = initial pengetik surat
C5 = nomor filing dalam filing sistem
• Example:
Your ref: LH/DC/2D = Referensi surat masuk
Our ref: RM/AM/21A = Referensi surat keluar

Reference line ditulis di sudut atas sebelah kiri

dua spasi di bawah kop surat.
• 4. Inside Address (Alamat surat)
Mr.Richard R. Anderson
Personal Manager
Jakarta Computer Supplies Ins
Skyline International Building, 7th floor
10B Jln. M.H. Thamrin
Jakarta 10003
• 1. Tidak boleh menyingkat nama kota
• 2. Tidak boleh menyingkat jabatan
• 3.Gunakan Mr. (untuk pria), Mrs. (untuk
wanita bersuami), Ms./Miss. (untuk wanita
yang belum menikah)
• 5. Attention line (baris nama orang yang
Attention : Mr. Robert Mann, Purchase
=> Jika surat ingin cepat tiba pada orang
tertentu dalam suatu perusahaan, gunakan
attention line, letaknya di bawah alamat surat.
• 6. Salutation ( salam pembuka)
British style American style
Dear Sir, Dear Sir:
Dear Madame, Gentlemen:
Dear Sirs, Gentlemen:
Dear Mesdames,
Dear Mr. Richard, Dear Mr. Richard:
• 7. Subject line (perihal surat)
Subject: Computer Sales
Subject: Purchase Order No. 24X
Re: Purchase Order No.21x
=>letaknya dua spasi di bawah salam pembuka
• 8. Body of the letter (isi surat)
1. opening paragraph
2. message of the letter
3. closing paragraph
• 9. Complementary close (salam penutup)
British style American style
Yours faithfully, Very truly yours,
Yours very truly,
Yours faithfully, Very truly yours,
Yours truly,
Sincerely, Sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely, Cordially yours,
With best wishes, With best regards,
• 10. signature (tanda tangan)
It is accompanied by the sender’s full name and title

11. Enclosure (lampiran)

Enclosure : catalogue Enc.2 Encl (2)
Encl.2 Enc. Catalogue
=> Letaknya di bagian kiri bawah surat
• 12. Carbon copy notation (tembusan surat)
CC CC: cc cc: Copies to:

cc: Mr.Rahman, Director

=> Letaknya di bawah enclosure
• 13. Postcript (pesan tambahan)

P.S. If you order within seven days, we can give you

a 10 percent discount.
• => letaknya di sudut kiri bawah
• Cambridge Electronic Corporation, 231 Blackmore Street,
New York, NY 20011,USA =letter head
• Dear Sirs,= salutation
• 7 May, 1993=date of the letter
• Ref. DT/NN/12= reference line
• You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet
your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not
wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment.=Body
of the letter (paragraph 1)
• Mr. Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd, 16 Fifth Avenue Street,
Los Angeles =inside address
• We have to remind you that your account for
televisions ordered on 12 February has not yet been
paid. Discount cannot now be allowed.(paragraph 2)
• A copy of the statement is enclosed, and we shall be
glad to receive your cheque by return. (paragraph 3)
• Cambridge Electronic Corporation=signature
Jonathan R. Smith
• Yours faithfully,= complementary close
• Enc.1= enclosure

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