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Consumer Behaviour

• Consumer Behaviour is the Study of how, why and what people

do when they buy products or avail of some services. It attempts
to understand the buyer decision making process, both
individually and in groups.

• Understanding the thinking an behaviour at Pre-Purchase

During Purchase
Post -Purchase
Need Recognition

• Why do I need to purchase this product?

• Difference between Actual state and Desired state
• A need is felt if there exists sufficient or above the threshold level
of Discrepancy.
• Ex: Walkman –i-pod
Information search

Internal search External search

• Recalling • Pop
• Motivation • Display
• Opportunity • Hoardings
• Brand • Media adds
• Earlier purchase experience • Samples
• Word-of-mouth
PERSONAL Sales Personnel, Family, friends, colleagues, experts,
Other shoppers
opinion leaders.

IMPERSONAL Product Internet/ websites, catalogues,

Labels, POP magazines, Newspapers, Television and
Evaluation of alternatives
• Total set
• Awareness set
• Consideration/Evoked set
• Purchase alternatives
Purchase Decision
• Packaging
• Placement of product in supermarket
• Advertising and promotion
• Price-off
• Emotional attachment
• Brand
• Income
• Festival season
Post purchase Evaluation

• Performance Vs Expectation
• Satisfaction
• Dis satisfaction
• Decide future purchase

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