Homework. Week 1

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Sánchez Torres
Lizeth Guadalupe


Week #1
This song is about a battle on the eastern front, in the
framework of the First World War, which pitted the
When the time was ripe, it quickly spread, causing heavy
German Empire of William II against the Russian Empire
casualties within Russian troops. The German troops
of Nicholas II. This happened on August 6, 1915.
advanced towards the enemy trenches and found a small
group of soldiers (100 or less) charging them with
The troops of both opponents fought for the taking of
bayonets. The appearance of these soldiers impressed
the fortress of Osowiec, located to the northeast of
the German side because, according to what they
Poland. This fortification was in Russian hands and they
described in a unit diary, they were covered in blood,
built it to defend their border from Germany. The
their faces affected by gas, covered as they could with
German side was commanded by Paul von Hindenburg
rags (since they did not have gas masks) coughing part of
and the Russian troops by Vladimir Karpovich
your lungs. It must have been so terrifying that they
Kolinsky.The numerical difference between the two sides
panicked and 3 battalions fled, passing over their
was remarkable. The German troops had just over 12
comrades, thus creating chaos that was used by the
battalions, having more than 7000 men. The Russian
Russians to attack them with everything they had.
troops, on the other hand, were defending the fortress
with just over 900 min.
Finally, the Russian troops are victorious and the German
troops are forced to retreat. Despite this triumph, the
The German side, in addition to having a greater number
Russian side could not hold Osowiec for long and after
of troops and having artillery, was equipped with a new
the German takeover of the fortresses of Kaunas and
type of weapon that was revolutionizing this World War,
Novogeorgiesk, the Russians withdrew from this place,
gas. They carried 30 batteries of chemicals strategically
destroying much of it before leaving
placed and they waited about 10 days for a favorable
wind to be able to launch the gas-filled cylinders, which
contained a mixture of chlorine and bromine.
After several tests using this gas and seeing how lethal it
was and knowing that the Russians did not have gas
masks to face them, the Germans were confident
believing that no resistance would be encountered when
attacking a said fortress, but they did not foresee having
to face such a counterattack, much less than a terrifying
load of dead men would defeat them.

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