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Father of Prose Sir Francis Bacon

- Presented By,


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Bacon, the

Genesis of his

Bacon ,the

Bacon, the


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analysis of his work Of Delay Bacon

Quotations of Picture Gallery conclusion


the man Bacon,

Sir Francis Bacon was born on 22nd January 1561 at a place nearby St.Albans.As a very young boy who was the second son of a lawyer and a statesman he had a serious mind and self confidence which earned him the title Young Lord Keeper which was merrily 4/22/12

Bacon was educated at Trinity College , Cambridge. He chose law as his profession and was called to bar in1582. He was also the Queens counsel in 1589. As an orator he made his mark in the House of Commons. Being in a great position as Lord Chancellor he misused his power. He faced his downfall from 1621 because of malpractice and corruption. As he was impeached before the House of the Lords he admitted himself guilty and pleaded for mercy. He was ordered for a lifetime imprisonment and a fine of forty pounds. Luckily , he received a royal pardon and retired in disgrace to his residence .It was then when he held his attention over Literature & Science. He died in 1526 as he had caught 4/22/12

Bacons Character

Bacon was a person whose character was compounded of contradictions and inconsistencies. He believed that he was born for the service of mankind. Meanwhile he sincerely desired to devote his wonderful powers to the advancement of the knowledge which would lead to The glory of the creator and the relief of mans estate. The tricky nature and meanness of Bacon is both hard to understand as well as to forgive. He gave his whole mind for self advancement. No man of this age had greater foresight than 4/22/12 Bacon. To note, material success

Francis Bacon, Lord Verulum and Viscount of St. Albans was a philosopher, statesman and an essayist. He occupies an unique place in the history of English Essays. He is the first to have written essays in English language. An essay according to Bacon was defined as a composition of moderate length with certain characteristics like brevity, freedom, informality and personal element. He was the first prose writer to revolt against highly organized and

Bacon ,The Essayist



Moore and immediate predecessors Lyly, Sidney,etc.., It was Bacon who provided a working model for the English essays. Bacons contribution to literature is his collection of essays in three editions. 1st edition 10 essays published in 1597 2nd edition 38 essays published in 1612 3rd edition 58 essays published in 1625 Lord Bacon had used his Essay in etymological sense which is equivalent to Assay "meaning trail or an attempt. Bacon took the form of essay from the French master, Montaigne. Essay was a repository of Dispersed Meditations". Bacon is always objective and aphoristic and also writes about humanity in general.

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Bac The ilosop Ph Bacon s essay were her

basically called as Counsels, Civil and Moral. A Civil essay is one in which he sets his thoughts on political and administrative questions. A Moral essay is concerned with private and personal questions like love, marriage and the problem of parents and children.

Some essays are on topics ,which we may call Aesthetic. Indeed, it is the great variety of his essays which makes them so very interesting and impressive. His essays were wrote for the elite. The 4/22/12 works are full of practical wisdom.

Bac The ilosop Ph her

Bacon also said, Let the dead bury their dead. It was intended to help young people to get ahead in life. Bacon also represented splendor and sordidness of that era. According to him , life is very much as a question of fortunes.

Bacon is an apostle of success . The tone of Bacons essay are always dictorial and lordly. His aim was to make the world a better one. Finally ,Bacon has no one equal to him and if anyone seeks Bacons monument we must always look at the world 4/22/12 around us.

, The n Baco

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Bacons greatness as an essayist depends on his style. He always had put an end to prolixity and diffuseness. It was his scientific training that enabled him to express himself with clarity and precision. He employed a style at once clear, simple, effective and flexible enough to deal with profound as well as ordinary thoughts. The basis of Bacons style remains aphoristic and epigrammatic; his utterances are terse, pithy and sententious. He usually condenses sentences with a proverbial ring. His essays are described as infinite riches in a small room. Bacon does not

, The n Baco

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Bacon uses: Balance & anti-thesis Engaging openings Analogies, Similes & metaphors from Bible, history, philosophy, science & astronomy. Quotations , Allusions & Archaisms His words are always precise, economical and accurate. The style is Latinised. For a modern reader its sure to find Bacon as a hard nut to crack. There is some economy of touch and crispness in his essay as usual.

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

Of Delay is an essay of Bacon which appeared in the 3rd edition of essays in 1625. It is an interesting and essays that is essay that is easy which shows all features of Bacons style of writing. It is a one page essay and consists of just one paragraph. This proves his style of writing condense sentences with deep meanings. The title Of Delay reveals its theme that is, the need to do the right things at 4/22/12

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

As discussed, Bacons essays have interestingly openings in the same way Of Delay opens with the starting sentence with comparison-Fortune is like the market. When we think of share market there are two words that explain the market movements-volatile and unpredictable.

In the same

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

fluctuates; this is what happens in markets. Prices may go up or fall down. Bacon suggests that in many times, if we could stay a little, the price will fall. Incase we go to a vegetable market late in the evening, the vendor in his anxiety to dispose the remaining vegetables offers at a low price. The delay may help us at many occasions. 4/22/12 Here the delay is not the

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

This proves that this essay is a moral based one. Here the style is aphoristic and avoids vain speculations and provides practical hints of life as it would help the youth to grow. The essay is replete with similes and classical allusions & references. Further, in order to make a note on a point that delay may cost much 4/22/12 he tells us another

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

There was a Roman king by name Tarquin. Sibilla, an old lady offered Tarquin nine books for a fixed sum of gold. The king did not think high of the old woman. So he was not interested. She burnt three books and offered six books for the same amount. The king was not impressed. She further burnt three more books 4/22/12 and offered three books

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

him to buy the books. The king then bought the books. The books contained great secrets which were of great use to the Roman kings. At this time we can mark his style of writing which was for the people of noble class and not the common people. Further it proves to be simple and if only Tarquin had bought earlier when 4/22/12 Sibilla made an offer, he

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

The price did not fall; He got less for the same price. What matters is the smartness to make the best of the occasion as and when it presents itself Tardiness proves disastrous. Finally, He deals with a theme to tell us how important is it to unite the hazards and make the best use of the opportunities 4/22/12 that comes in our way. As

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

a lady with forehead full of locks and a bald back. When she appears for the first time she offers her forehead. She is easy to hold with her forelocks. If you fail to catch her she feels insulted and leaves you in a huff. Now that she frowns and presents her bald back where no hold is possible. Bacon then compares the occasion to a bottle. 4/22/12 First it presents the

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

which is too round and big to grasp. The bottle slips. Failure to take timely action can be detrimental. This shows an evidence of Bacons usage of simile, allegory, metaphors and analogies. Further he tells that time wisdom lies in choosing the appropriate time to set things in motion. Bacon wants us 4/22/12 to be vigilant against

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

we should not exaggerate fears of small things. The ripeness or unripeness of the occasion must ever be well weighted. Last by not the least, Bacon tells that one has to study the pros and cons of an enterprise before proceeding to tackle it. Argus was a hundred eyed man in Greek mythology. Bacon 4/22/12 wants us to be like Argus

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

moment. Once the moment is chosen we have to strike with hundred hands like Briareus. While planning we must wear the helmet of Pluto that made him invisible. Our planning must be shrouded in secrecy. Once the action is started all our energies must be directed for swift implementation. Here 4/22/12 Bacon proves his simple,

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

To mark an end and to summarise, lets see to the techniques that Bacon had followed to prove his essays to be the working model for todays essays. He had got a great manner of presenting essays in a crisp and short length with content that is detailed. This essay Of Delay is only of one 4/22/12 paragraph but the

Critical Analysis :Of Delay

The style is simple, easy to understand and also objective and aphoristic. We can find the gathering of many instances as dispersed meditations likely to be linked under one title. It does have a moral value. Thus Bacon proves to be a hard nut to be cracked. He 4/22/12

Quotations of Knowledge is power Bacon

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. charity there is no excess. far the best proof is experience. is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. is the virtue of






Quotations of Reading maketh a full Bacon


man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. have taken all knowledge to be my province. is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. in speech is more than eloquence.


Discretion In

charity there is no excess. 4/22/12

Quotations of Man seeketh in society Bacon

comfort, use and protection.


of whom many are afraid ought to fear many.


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