Definition of Statistics

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Question: TOPIC:

• Who among you here are in a

relationship? RANDOM
• Who are single?
• Who are in the process of courtship? VARIABL
- Randomly, how much is
the Probability that you
will be selected? *Probability
- Randomly, how greater is Distribution
the Probability in choosing
the right one?
Definition of Statistics

Statistics is defined as a science that

studies data to be able to make a
decision. Hence, it is a tool in
decision-making process.
Definition of Statistics
Statistics as a science involves the methods of
collecting, processing, summarizing and
analyzing data in order to provide answers or
solutions to an inquiry. One also needs to
interpret and communicate the results of the
methods identified above to support a
decision that one makes when faced with a
problem or an inquiry.
Definition of Statistics
Trivia : The word “statistics” actually comes from the word “state”— because governments
have been involved in the statistical activities, especially the conduct of censuses either for military or
taxation purposes. The need for and conduct of censuses are recorded in the pages of holy texts. In the
Christian Bible, particularly the Book of Numbers, God is reported to have instructed Moses to carry out
a census. Another census mentioned in the Bible is the census ordered by Caesar Augustus throughout the
entire Roman Empire before the birth of Christ.
Definition of Statistics
Uncovering patterns in data involves
not just science but it is also an art,
and this is why some people may think
“Stat is eeeks!” and may view any
statistical procedures and results with
much Skepticism (an attitude of doubting the
Statistics enable us to
• characterize persons, objects, situations,
and phenomena;
• explain relationships among variables;
• formulate objective assessments and
comparisons; and, more importantly
• make evidence-based decisions and
Random, Variable,
Probability – it may be all possible outcome / results.

Random – chosing something without particular plan or pattern, or everthing may

be given an equal chance in choosing something.

Variable- something that have or a set of values / symbol that represents such a
-is a characteristics or attribute that can be assume different values. Uses
capital letters to denote variable.
– 1. Tossing three coins
• A set off all possible outcomes of an experiment ( any activity which is done repeatedly under
– 2. Rolling a die and tossing a coin simultaneously
similar condition)

– 3.Drawing a spade from deck of cards

***systematically list this possible outcomes of given experiment.
– 4. Getting a defective items are randomly selected
from a box of two defective and three non defective
– Drawing a card greater than 7 from a deck of cards

-Variables that are associated with PROBABILITIES.
-A function that associates a real number to each element
in the sample space. It is a variable whose values are
determined by chance.
Suppose three cell phones are tested at random. We want to find out the number of defective
cell phones that occur. Thus, to each outcome in the sample space we shall assign a value.
These are, 0, 1, 2, or 3.
-If thers is no defective cell phone , we assign the number 0;
- If there is 1 defective cell phone, we assign the number 1;
- If there are two defective cell phones, we assign the number 2;
- and 3, if there are three defective cell phones. The number of defective cell phones is a
random variable. The possible values of this random variable are; 0,1,2, and 3.

Let D represent the defective cell phone and
N represent the non- defective cell phone.
If we let X be the ransdom variable representing the number of defective cell
phones, can you show the values of the ransdom variable X?
Complete a table showing the values of the random variable.

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