Classification of Public Policy

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• Public policy

refers to the actual system of laws and

regulatory measures underpinning government
action. It comprises resource allocation within the
areas of civilian life that impact society at large
(such as crime, defence and education).
3 types of public policy
Regulatory Public policy
Distributive Public policy
Redistributive Public policy
• Regulatory public policy
This type of public policy ultimately provides
the framework for ministerial rulemaking, setting
the standards of what is lawful and what isn’t
allowed in a bid to protect economic and social
establishes the guidelines for developing,
implementing and enforcing a system of public
protections impacting the economy and civil society,
and places restrictions on business practices in aims
of keeping the market efficient and fair. Examples
include minimum wage legislation and consumer
safety law.
• Distributive public policy
This type of public policy concerns
legislation surrounding government
funding into public goods or services that
provide for the common good.
Examples of this include funding of
educational facilities and access to
healthcare (such as the free distribution
of the Covid-19 vaccines).
• Redistributive public policy
These policies involve redistributing
government funds from one group of people to
a different group of people, to aid the more
disadvantaged within society.
Examples include progressive taxation systems,
welfare distribution programs (such as Universal
Credit) and student loans.
• University of York. 2022. What is social and public policy?
Retrieved on February 24,2023 from

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