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Lecture No.

1) Coordinate Systems and


2) Earth Quantities

Coordinate Systems and Earthworks

Key issues on Coordinate Systems, Area and Volume calculations :

1) Types of Coordinate Systems

2) Relationship Between Coordinate Systems

3) Coordinate Transformations

4) Methods used to calculate areas

6) Method used to calculate Volume

Coordinate Systems
What is a Coordinate System?

(a) It is system based either on local, regional

or global system used to locate positions of
points on the earth surface.

(b) Measurements made above or below the

surface of the earth must be based on a certain
reference System (Botswana uses L1
coordinate system)
Coordinate Systems
A Coordinate System

(c) Coordinate systems are used to define the location

of point, line and plane in 2-D or 3-D
Coordinate Systems
Why Coordinate Systems?

Used to define position of a point on the

earth surface

If the coordinates of a point is on one

coordinate system we can transform that point
into another coordinate system.
Coordinate Systems
Types of Coordinate Systems
(a) Plane/rectangular coordinate

(b) Polar coordinate system

(c) Cylindrical coordinate system

(d) Spherical coordinate system

Coordinate systems

(a) Rectangular/plane Coordinate

This is a two-dimensional (2D) plane coordinate
system formed by the intersection of a vertical
and horizontal lines (called X and Y) axes.
Coordinates systems

a) Comprises of two lines perpendicular to each other


b) Two axes meets at the origin (0 , 0)

c) A point is identified by its perpendicular distances from

the two axes and denoted by plane coordinates P(x , y)
Coordinate Systems
Example of Rectangular/plane Coordinate System
Coordinates systems
Rectangular/cartesian Cont…
y – axis (N)
P(X, Y)

0 x – axis (E)
Coordinates systems
Polar Coordinate System cont…

Example of Polar Coordinate System

S r
Polar axis Polar axis
Pole Pole
Coordinates systems
Coordinates systems
Example of Spherical Coordinate System

Coordinates systems
4) Cylindrical Coordinate System
Coordinates systems
4) Cylindrical Coordinate System
The coordinate can be positive or negative, while is always positive

3) Cylindrical Coordinate System

Example of Cylindrical Coordinate System
Relationship Between Coordinate
Coordinates Systems
Relationship between Rectangular/Plane and Polar

0 X -axis
Coordinates systems

Relationship Between Rectangular and Polar System

Coordinates systems
Relationship between Rectangular and Polar system

z -axis

y -axis

x -axis
Coordinates systems
Relationship between Rectangular and Polar system

y -axis

x -axis
Coordinates systems
Coordinates systems
Coordinates Systems
Transformation of Coordinates from rectangular to Spherical systems
z- axis

y- axis

X- axis
Coordinates systems
Transformation of Coordinates
Transformation of Coordinates
Class Exercise
Coordinates systems
Coordinates systems
Earthwork Quantities
Earthwork Quantities
Objectives are to:

i)Determine areas of different shapes

using different methods

ii)Determine volumes of different

Earthwork quantities

Methods of Area Computations

1) Graphical Method

2) Area from Coordinates

3) Trapezoidal method

4) Simpson’s Method
Earthwork quantities
1) Graphical Method

Where areas enclosed by irregular lines need to be

calculated, only approximate values can be achieved

The graphical method uses squared paper overlaid

onto the irregular area, and the number of squares
enclosed counted – partially covered squares are
averaged throughout the boundary
Earthwork quantities
2) Areas determination from Coordinates
If a polygon traverse or control network has been
surveyed with coordinates, these coordinates can be
used to calculate a plan area. The equation used is:
2A = (N1E2 + N2E3 + … Nn-1En + NnE1)
- (E1N2 + E2N3 + … En-1Nn + EnN1)

For a triangle, n=3

Square/rectangle, n = 4

Work through the control points

in a clockwise direction,
returning to the start point
Areas from Coordinates
Areas from Coordinates

Example: Given the coordinates of points. Calculate the area

Point X(m) Y(m)

1 150.41 234.56

2 312.00 89.68

3 36.55 45.62

4 96.25 304.78

5 178.12 118.24
Areas from Coordinates
Point X Y Positive Negative
product product
1 150.41 234.56 73182.72

2 312.00 89.68 3277.804


3 36.55 45.62 4390.925 14233.440

4 96.25 304.78 54287.414 11139.709

5 178.12 118.24 17184.478 11380.600

1 150.41 234.56 41779.827

Areas from Coordinates
Earthwork Quantities
Calculating Area from irregular shapes

There are two methods used to calculate areas of irregular shapes:

Trapezoidal rule

2) Simpson’s rule
Earthwork Quantities
Calculating Area from irregular shapes

The area of irregular shape is divided up into sections and each section is calculated

1) Trapezoidal rule:
Earthwork Quantities
Trapezoid rule
Boundary line
Given b = 5m

1 2 6
Figure 1
b b b b b b

Base line

Trapezoidal Rule: It divides the irregular area up into

sections and assumes the sections into straight edges.

Trapezoidal Rule is a rule that calculates the area under the

curve by dividing the total area into smaller trapezoids
Earthwork quantities

Trapezoid rule
Boundary line
Given b = 5m

1 2 6
Figure 2 b b b b b b
1m 1.5m 1.6m 1.8m 2.3m 2.2m 1.5m

Base line
Earthwork Quantities
Trapezoid rule
Boundary line
Given b =
1 2
b b b b b b b b

Figure 3
Base line

Question: Calculate the area between offsets 1 – 9 as provided in Fig 2

where the plan interval is 10m

Table 1
Earthwork Quantities
Trapezoid rule
Earthwork Quantities
Trapezoidal rule – worked example
Given L= 5m, Calculate the areas of A1 to A7 using
trapezoidal rule

L =

0m 1.5m 1.6m 1.8m 2.3m

2.2m 1.5m 0m

A = (5/2) x [0 + 0 + 2(1.5+1.6+1.8+2.3+2.2+1.5)]

A = 2.5 x (2 x 10.9) = 2.5 x 21.8 = 54.5 m2

Simpson’s rule

2) Simpson’s rule:

i) In this method it divides the irregular area into sections, but assumes parabolic curves for the irregular edge.

ii) It is also known as 1/3 rule. In this rule we use parabolas to approximate each part of the curve.
Simpson’s rule
Simpson’s rule
i) Given the distance L between sections = 5m
ii) Given the distance of the ordinates to the curve
Required: To calculate the area under the curve

0m 1.5m 1.6m 1.8m 2.3m 2.2m 1.5m 0m

A = (5/3) x [0 + 0 + 4(1.5+1.8+2.2) + 2(1.6+2.3+1.5]

A = (5/3) x [(4 x 5.5) + (2 x 5.4)] = 1.7 x (22 + 10.8) = 54.8 m2

Simpson’s rule area (54.8 m2) will be more accurate than trapezoidal
rule (54.5 m2) on nearly all occasions
Earthwork quantities
Comparison of Trapezoidal and Simpsons Rules:
1)Trapezoidal Rule:
i)Uses straight lines to approximate the curve Trapezoidal rule

ii)All ordinates are used in the computation

y Trapezoidal rule
Simpsons rule

b b b b b b x
2) Simpsons Rule:
i)The odd and even ordinates are used separately in Simpsons rule
ii)Uses Curve to approximate the area under the curve
iii)It is more accurate
Volumes Spot Heights
Why using spot height?
For excavations over larger areas,
volumes can be calculated from
spot heights after being given the
size of each cell (say 10m*10m)

For determination of volumes
of large open excavations areas
example: basements construction,
borrow pits, levelling play grounds,
and building sites.
Volumes from Spot Heights
Example 1: Given the reduced levels of intersection points of grid
levelling and the size of each cell is 10m. Calculate the volume of cut or
Volumes from Spot Heights

40 10m 30 30 20 10
10m ts ts ts ts
30 30 20 10 10

20 20 10 0 -10

20 10 0 -10 -20

0 -10 -20 -30 40

Earthwork quantities
Cut and fill
End of Lecture 9

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