Week 4-Power

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Day 1: Power

• ______1. Your mother asks you to buy flour in the bakery
• ______ 2. Agnes tries to escape a building on fire by breaking the
windows using her
• ukulele.
• ______ 3. The teacher asks the class to return immediately the
classroom globe to its
• proper place.
• ______ 4. Protesters on the streets forced the police to direct traffic
into alternate route.
• ______ 5. The President made sure that his constituents were happy by giving
away cash
• gifts and other goods during Christmas.
• ______ 6. The stage director decided to kick the lead actor out of the play after
72 retakes
• ______ 7. The 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution displayed unity of the
people in
• ousting a tyrant.
• ______ 8. You got into a heated argument after someone accidentally spilled
coffee on your
• pants while you were on café.
1) Define power.
2) Justify if power is positive or negative.
3) Appreciate the importance and uses of power.
4) Enumerate the sources of power.
5) Analyze the type of power used by leaders in
the society.
6) Appreciate the importance of power at home.
• (5 minutes)
• Ask: What is power?
• (5 minutes)
• Class Activity: PasaDeBola
• Ask students about the significant details learned from the
previous topics.
• (A ball shall be passed while the music is played. When the
music stops, the students who holds the ball shall give his
insights from the previous topics.)
(15 minutes)
Group Work: Small Group Discussion
• Discuss the nature, dimensions, types and
consequences of power by giving reading text to
each group. Guide questions must be provided.
• Each group will be given time to present their work.
• Guide questions:
• 1. What is power?
• 2. What are the sources of power?
(5 minutes)

Group Work: Affirming

• Three Dimensions of Power:
• The channels of power are the way in which power is
enacted. They can perhaps more readily be
remembered as 'head, hands and heart'.
• • Physical power
• • Informational power
• • Emotional power
(5 minutes)

Group Work: Affirming

..\PPG MODULES Q1\Phil-Politics-and-Governance-Week-4 for teacher.pdf

• Types of Power:
• Coercive Power
• Reward Power
• Legitimate Power
• Expert Power
• (10 minutes)
• Group Work: Group students and
make them discuss by themselves
on how to recognize the dimension
of power.
• Group Work: After the Image
• Present different leaders in the society. Let the students recognize the
dimension and types of power from the leaders presented.
•  Supreme Student Government
•  Teacher
•  Rodrigo Duterte
• 1. In your respective homes, if your parents demanded you to do the
• immediately, what power do they exercise? Why? Do you like how
they exercise
• their power?
• 2. As a member of the family, what can you suggest to have a common
ground in
• exercising power?
• 3. If you were a person in authority, how should power be properly
exercised? Why?
• (5 minutes)
• Class Activity: One-Liner
• Create a one-liner statement which
will sum up the significant facts of
the lesson (5 minutes)
• Direction: Determine the situations, check (√) those statements that present a
clearuse of power and put X mark on those that do not present a clear use of power.
Useyour notebook to write your answers.
• ______1. Your mother asks you to buy flour in the bakery
• ______ 2. Agnes tries to escape a building on fire by breaking the windows using
• ukulele.
• ______ 3. The teacher asks the class to return immediately the classroom globe to
• proper place.
• ______ 4. Protesters on the streets forced the police to direct traffic into alternate
______ 5. The President made sure that his constituents were happy by
giving away cash
• gifts and other goods during Christmas.
• ______ 6. The stage director decided to kick the lead actor out of the
play after 72 retakes
• ______ 7. The 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution displayed unity
of the people inousting a tyrant.
• ______ 8. You got into a heated argument after someone accidentally
spilled coffee on yourpants while you were on café.
• Answer key:
• 1. /
• 2. x
• 3. /
• 4. /
• 5. /
• 6. /
• 7. /
• 8. x
•Assignment: Research
•Bring pictures of
different powerful
Day 3
•(5 minutes)
•Review of the past
1. _______________is the ability of a
manager to force an employee to follow
an order by threatening the employee
with punishment if the employee does
not comply with the order.
2. _____________is defined as the use
of rewards to get an employee to follow
an instruction or order, with power
coming from one's ability to withhold
the reward for noncompliance.
3. ____________is power you
derive from your formal
position or office held in the
organization's hierarchy of
•4. ________________is
the most transient form of
5. _________________ refers to the
ability of a leader to influence a
follower because of the follower's
loyalty,respect, friendship, admiration,
affection, or a desire to gain approval
• Direction: Determine the situations, check (√) those statements that present a
clearuse of power and put X mark on those that do not present a clear use of power.
Useyour notebook to write your answers.
• ______1. Your mother asks you to buy flour in the bakery
• ______ 2. Agnes tries to escape a building on fire by breaking the windows using
• ukulele.
• ______ 3. The teacher asks the class to return immediately the classroom globe to
• proper place.
• ______ 4. Protesters on the streets forced the police to direct traffic into alternate
______ 5. The President made sure that his constituents were happy by
giving away cash
• gifts and other goods during Christmas.
• ______ 6. The stage director decided to kick the lead actor out of the
play after 72 retakes
• ______ 7. The 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution displayed unity
of the people inousting a tyrant.
• ______ 8. You got into a heated argument after someone accidentally
spilled coffee on yourpants while you were on café.
1. Coercive power
2. Reward power
3. Legitimate power
4. Information power
5. Referent power
• Answer key:
• 1. /
• 2. x
• 3. /
• 4. /
• 5. /
• 6. /
• 7. /
• 8. x
• (10 minutes)
• Class Activity:
• Ask students to present the pictures
of different powerful personalities.
• (10 minutes)
• Class Activity:
• Discuss on the power of the personalities
discussed by the students. If possible,
encourage the class to give comments to ensure
student-to-student interaction
• (10 minutes)
• Class Activity: Filtering
• Present a digested political article about the nature, dimensions,
types, and consequences of power
• Let the students criticize the article presented and gather their
ideas or opinions.
Encourage them to filter the substance of power based on the

• (10 minutes)
• Class Activity:
• Let the class perform an analytical and
critical discussion about the nature,
dimensions, types, and consequences of
power based on the articles, which are to
be utilized.
• (5 minutes)
• Individual Work: Short Essay
• Ask: Create a short essay presenting and
discussing the facts and their critical analysis
on the nature, dimensions, types, and
consequences of power.
• (2 minutes)
• Class Activity
• Ask:Considering the present situation, here in
our country how would you describe the power
of our leaders?
• What is the importance of exercising power in
the government?
• (5minutes)
• Ask: Do you agree that in every
decision we make there is always a
negative and positive effect. Why ?
• (5 minutes)
• Individual Work: Hugot Line
• Ask:What do you think is the most significant
lesson you get from our discussion?
• Cite one HUGOT LINE to describe your
Day 3
• (3 minutes)
• Political article analysis
• (5 minutes)
• Class Activity: Video Clip Analysis
• Present an actual footage or a video clip downloaded from the social
website (YouTube) which portrays the application of power in leading
and influencing people (People Power 1986)

• Encourage the students to evaluate the video clip.

• (10 minutes)
• Group Work: VideoChikahan
• Let the students discuss by themselves the video clip, which portrays the
application of power in leading and influencing people. After group discussion,
the leader of each group will sum up their discussion in front of the class.
• Guide questions:
• • What is the main content of the video?
• • What do you think is the most significant part in the video?
• • What power is projected in the video clip?
• • How can power be exercised in different situations?
• 10 minutes)
• Group Work:
• Have the class identify situations in their
locality where officials have applied their
power. Let them evaluate the use of their
power. Each of the group will present their
• (10 minutes)
• Group Work: Slogan Writing
• Let the students create a short
slogan about the use of power.
• (5 minutes)
• Class Activity
• Ask the following:
• • How does the overuse and misuse of
power affects to the people?
• • What do you think are the consequences
of overuse and misuse of power?
•Ask: What are the
consequences of
Individual Work: Short Quiz

1. If a teacher has given you a reward for following

the rules inside the classroom, what kind of
organizational power does the teacher possess?
• a. Reward Power
• b. Coercive Power
• c. Process Power
• d. Legitimate Power
• 2. Which of the following does NOT show a clear use of power?
• A. The teacher asks the class to return immediately the classroom
globe to its proper place.
• B. The President made sure that his constituents were happy by
giving away cash gifts and other goods during Christmas.
• C. You got into a heated argument after someone accidentally
spilled coffee on your pants while you were on a café.
• D. The stage director decided to kick the lead actor out of the play
after 72 retakes.
• 3. What kind of individual or personal power is
based upon employees' perception that a manager or
some other members of an organization have a high
level of knowledge or a specialized set of skills that
other employees or members of the organization do
not possess?
• A. expert C. reward
• B. referent D. rational persuasion
• 4. If you are a manager who forces an employee to follow an
order by threatening him with punishment if he does not
comply with your order, what kind of power do you
• A. Reward Power
• B. Coercive Power
• C. Expert Power
• D. Legitimate Power
• 5. What refers to the ability of a leader to influence a
follower because of the follower's loyalty, respect,
friendship, admiration, affection, or a desire to gain
• A. Referent Power
• b. Coercive Power
• c. Process Power
• d. Legitimate Power
Answer key

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
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