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Private Schools Vs

Public Schools
teacher cost
Admission process program
Class Sizes students


public private
What is a public school?
Public schools are primary or secondary schools offered to all
children with low school fees. They are funded and controlled by the
state or national government, which means they are wholly or partly
funded by taxation.

What is a private school?

A private school is controlled by a private body and funded by
students’ tuition. The fees are usually higher in private schools to
accommodate better facilities and up-to-date technology.
Private schools have an application
process that can include a tour,
application, academic assessment, and
interview. Admissions can be selective
with certain criteria based on
educational philosophy, student
conduct, or academic appetite.
Public schools provide education to all
students regardless of academic
profile, religious creed, or
developmental level
Public school is paid through taxes.
Everyone pays taxes, and some of those
dollars go into public education.
Private schools do not receive any
government funding but are funded
through tuition.
Both public and private schools set teacher
qualifications in education degrees, experience,
certification, and background checks. All public
schools require state certifications for teachers, while
private schools may prioritize advanced degrees in
the subject matter.
Private schools may accept teacher certification from
other educational organizations outside of state
Do you think there’s difference in
students between private and
public school?
Because they do not use public funds, private
schools can expand their programs and
curriculum without public funding regulations.
Private schools are not obligated to adhere to
legislative mandates in programming, funding,
and services. This freedom allows private
schools to adopt a curriculum and standards
that expand beyond the limitations placed upon
public schools.
On the other hand, public schools use a
regulated curriculum for all students. They are
governed by their school district and follow
policies and procedures established by the
district office.
Class sizes

The disparity between class sizes is a huge

consideration for parents debating between
public and private schools. The average
class size is 37 kids, compared to 30 kids
per class in private schools
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