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Acquired immune
deficiency syndrome
Carried out by: Diected by:
-CHERMIM Souria Dr.
SAMER roumaissa -

Academic year 2022/2023

Workplan :
2-The causes of AIDS
3-AIDS diagnosis
4-stages of AIDS
5-AIDS treatment
6-AIDS prevention
1-Introduction :
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted sexually, via
blood transfusions, sharing intravenous needles, and from the
mother to a child during the birth process and breastfeeding. HIV
disease has distinct phases: viral transmission, acute
seroconversion, acute retroviral syndrome, recovery and
seroconversion, asymptomatic chronic infection and symptomatic
HIV infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS.)
HIV is a retrovirus which attacks CD4 T lymphocytes eventually
leading to the death of these cells and severe immunodeficiency
of the individual who has acquired the infection.
2-The causes of AIDS
AIDS is not easily transmitted from one person to another. The
following are the most important ways of transmitting AIDS
and the causes of AIDS:
- Having anal or vaginal sex
- Sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment used to
prepare drug injections
- During pregnancy or childbirth of an infected mother, or
during breastfeeding.
Rare cases of HIV transmission
In extremely rare cases, the virus is transmitted through the
- Oral sex is the placement of the mouth over the penis (flossing),
vagina (cunnilingus), or anus.
- Transfusions of blood, blood products, or transplants of organs and
tissues that are contaminated with HIV.
- Eating food that was chewed by an HIV-infected person, and the
only known cases are among infants.
- Contact between broken skin and wounds, mucous membranes,
HIV-contaminated blood or blood-contaminated body fluids.
- Deep kissing, opening the mouth with a person if the person has
sores or bleeding gums, and the virus is not spread through saliva
AIDS diagnosis-3
Most people are tested based on their risk factors for HIV
infection. if you:
- Share needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs.
- You have a history of sexually transmitted diseases.
- You have had unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) with
multiple or anonymous partners
stages of AIDS-4

The first stage: It lasts from 2-4 weeks of infection with HIV. During -
this stage, the body fights the AIDS virus, so the signs of AIDS and the
initial symptoms in the form of symptoms similar to any viral
.infection, such as the common cold

The second stage (in which no symptoms persist): In this - -

stage the virus multiplies but none of the symptoms and signs
.of AIDS appear

The third stage: This stage is the most severe stage in AIDS, - -
as severe damage occurs in the immune system and symptoms
,of AIDS begin to appear
AIDS treatment-5
Although there is no definitive cure for AIDS, AIDS treatment
aims to control infection, alleviate symptoms and signs of AIDS,
and reduce the incidence of complications in people infected
:with HIV. Among the most important AIDS treatment drugs
AIDS prevention-6
Although AIDS is not easily transmitted from one person to another,
:there are some tips to reduce the risk of contracting AIDS, including
.Ensure that you practice safe sex by using a condom

In the event that the partner is infected with the AIDS virus, the

preventive treatment must be taken before exposure, before starting

the sexual intercourse, and in the event that it is not taken, the
.preventive treatment must be taken after exposure

.Do not share needles or other injection equipment with other people -

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to

describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and
illnesses that happen when your immune system has been
.severely damaged by the HIV virus

There's currently no cure for HIV, but there are very effective
drug treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a
.long and healthy life

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