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Speaker’s Tone,
Mood and Purpose
Read the words inside the box.
Choose the word from the box
that best describes the
character in each sentence.
Write the answer on the space
before the number.
1. She longed for the love
and care of her mother
when her mother died in a
car accident.
2. Peter said to himself, “I
will help my fellow Filipinos
to overcome the trauma of
the Covid-19”
3. “I am happy to be a
Filipino,” Ayesha uttered
to her foreign friends.
4. Arman wanted to know
what was happening inside
the hospital, so he sneaked
out from the police barriers.
5. Teacher Glen asked his pupils,
“If Ryan ate one whole cake and
drank ten packs of orange juice,
what does Ryan have now?”, then
one of his
In inferring the speakers’
tone, mood and purpose, we
give our idea of what may be
the feeling or emotion of the
speaker in a poem, song, story
or even in a picture.
Tone is the attitude of the
speaker that evokes the
emotion of the readers or
speakers and creates the
mood towards the
The tone of a reader
or speaker affects
the mood of the
listener or audience.
The tone of the
speaker encourages
the audience to be one
with him.
If the speaker’s
tone is sad, it
makes everybody
And if the speaker’s
tone is happy then it
is expected that the
audience is also
We can recognize the
tone of the speaker
through the
language /word
choices he used.
In addition, tone is the
way the speaker uses his
voice to give emphasis on
the messages and thoughts
of a certain storyline.
Other examples of the
speakers’ tone are scared,
serious, depressed, playful,
solemn, threatening, and
the like.
1. Angel felt like hiding her face.
She was wearing her new
eyeglasses to school for the first
time. She felt that everyone on
the street was laughing at her. “I
look like an owl”, she taught to
In the selection, the speaker’s tone
is conveying that she is not
confident at all about herself. We
can tell it in the sentences where
Angel likes to hide her face and
having a strong feeling that
everyone laughs on her.
2. Come on!
You can do it!
In this text, the speaker is giving
support and confidence to someone,
that he/she will continue what he/she
is doing in achieving his/her goal.
That no matter what happens, he/she
should be strong always. That amidst
problems, there will always be a
positive outcome.
Mood on the other hand, is
the general feeling or
atmosphere that the
reader can get from the
story or poem.
It is conveyed by
using the setting
and theme in writing
piece or story.
It is the overall
feeling of the whole
literary piece.
We can infer the mood at
the opening of the
speakers’ piece. If the
speaker is happy, then we
expect more positive words.
If the speaker is
sad, negative
words are being
Mood, also refers to the
holistic feeling of the readers
as well as to the listeners that
induces their excitement in
reading and listening as if
they were part of the story.
And also we can see the mood
by just looking on pictures or
images. Other examples of mood
are fear, is a disappointment,
shock, happiness, sadness and
the like.
1. “Two happy couple
sitting on a bench were
watching their kids
playing graciously.”
In this text, contentment or
being contented is shown as
the mood. The couple are
absolutely happy and
contented with the life they
have with their children.
In this picture,
we can see that
the girl is crying,
so we can infer
that the mood is
either sadness
or loneliness.
The purpose is the reason
why the writer created the
story or poem or song. It can
be determined through the
tone and mood of the
We can also infer the purpose
through earnest observation on
the way the speaker’s read or
sang the lines of the story and
analyzing each word uttered
or spoken by the characters.
The main purpose of the writer
or author is to inform or teach
the reader, entertain his
audience, persuade and
satirize the condition, and
describe and criticize an idea.
1. “I am not sure if we can
hold our flag ceremony
tomorrow if the rain
does not stop until this
Here, the purpose of the
speaker is to inform someone
that there’s a possibility that
the ceremony will not be held
if the rain will not stop.
2. Our front liners which
includes nurses, doctors,
together with the police
are living heroes fighting
against COVID-19.
The purpose of the speaker in
this selection is to honor the
front liners and to inform that
we have living heroes who
keep us safe from any
The purpose of the speaker in
this selection is to honor the
front liners and to inform that
we have living heroes who
keep us safe from any
Read the passages below
and tell the mood, tone
and the purpose of the
speaker. Write your
answer on the blank.
1. The sun is behind the mountain.
The birds are chirping. The wind
blows gently. Kites are flying
everywhere and children’s laughter
were heard.
Tone: _____________________ (happy, sad, funny)
Mood: _________ (cheerful, romantic, contented)
Purpose: __ (to inform, to persuade, to describe)
2. The building is totally dark. The
guard pushed the sliding door and
there was an eerie sound heard. He
holds his breath and he walked
slowly as he entered the room.
Tone: ____________________ (happy, scared, funny)
Mood: ____________________ (cheerful, afraid contented)
Purpose: __________ (to inform, to persuade, to
3. Linda sat on the bench, nervously
awaiting her name to be called. As soon
as the announcer spoke “and the Grand
Champion is . . .. Linda!”
she stood up, cried and hugged her
Tone: _________________ (happy, scared, funny)
Mood: ______________ (cheerful, afraid contented)
Purpose: _____ (to inform, to persuade, to
4. “Wow! It’s really good to see
children singing lively the
National Anthem”, principal
Mary said to her teachers.
Tone: _____________ (happy, scared, funny)
Mood: __________ (cheerful, afraid, contented)
Purpose: __________ (to inform, to persuade, to
5. A loud cried of a baby were
echoing inside the delivery
room. “My child”, Caleb shouted
happily behind the door.
Tone: ______________ (delighted, jealous, hopeful)
Mood: ______________ (excitement, tense, angry)
Purpose:____ (to entertain, to describe, to inform)
Activity 2
Choose the correct
answer and write it on
the space provided
before the number.
____1. It is an attitude of the
speaker that evokes the emotion
of the readers or speakers and
creates the mood towards the
A. feelings B. mood C. purpose
D. tone
____2. It is the general feeling
or atmosphere that the
reader can get from the story
or poem.
A. feelings B. mood C.
purpose D. tone
____3. It can be determined
through earnest observation on
the way the speakers read or
sang the lines of a written piece.
A. feelings B. mood C. purpose
D. tone

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