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• In the context of business or project management, an Action

Plan is a detailed document that outlines the specific steps,

resources, and timeline needed to achieve a set of defined goals
or objectives. AR (Action Required) and BR (Business Results)
are two crucial components of an Action Plan that help in
specifying what needs to be done and what outcomes are
1. Action Required (AR):
• Definition:
This section outlines the specific tasks, activities, or actions that need to be
undertaken to accomplish the defined objectives or goals. Each action should be
clear, concise, and actionable.
• Responsibility:
It identifies who is responsible for each action. This person or team
is accountable for ensuring that the task is completed satisfactorily and on
• Deadline:
Specifies the date or timeframe by which the action needs to be completed.
Setting clear deadlines is crucial for maintaining accountability and ensuring
• Resources Needed:
Lists any materials, tools, or resources that are required to carry out the
action successfully. This could include physical resources like equipment or
software, as well as human resources.
• Dependencies:
Identifies if there are any dependencies between actions. This helps in
understanding the sequence in which tasks need to be completed.
• Status Tracking:
Provides a mechanism for tracking the progress of each action. This could include
columns for marking tasks as "Not Started," "In Progress," or "Completed.“
• Potential Barriers or Risks:
Anticipates any challenges, obstacles, or risks that might hinder the successful
completion of the action. It's important to identify these in advance to develop
contingency plans.
2. Business Results (BR):
• Definition:
This section outlines the specific outcomes, achievements, or results that are
expected upon successful completion of the actions outlined in the AR section. These
should be measurable and tied directly to the overall objectives of the plan.
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Specifies the metrics or KPIs that will be used to measure the success of
each action. This provides a quantifiable way to assess progress.
• Expected Impact:
Describes how the achievement of the business results will contribute
to the overall success of the project or organization. It helps in understanding
the significance of the outcomes.
• Alignment with Objectives:
Demonstrates how the business results align with the broader goals
and objectives of the project or organization. This helps in ensuring that the
actions are directly contributing to the overall mission.
Timeline for Achieving Results:
Specifies the expected timeframe for achieving the defined business results.
This helps in setting realistic expectations and managing stakeholders' perceptions.
• Measurement and Evaluation:
Describes the methods and tools that will be used to measure and
evaluate the attainment of the business results. This could include
surveys, data analysis, customer feedback, etc.
• Review and Feedback Mechanism:
Outlines how and when the results will be reviewed, and provides a
framework for gathering feedback from stakeholders.
By including both AR and BR components in an Action Plan,
businesses and teams can ensure clarity, accountability, and a
structured approach towards achieving their goals. This
framework helps in tracking progress, managing resources
efficiently, and adapting to any unforeseen challenges that may
arise during the execution of the plan.

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