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David Bailey

Contemporary Photographer Research Assignment

Background Research
• Time Period: David Bailey has been actively photographing since around the 1960s,
however, his peak lasted from around the 60s to 80s.

• Subject Matter: David Bailey was a fashion photographer who photographed models,
celebrities, and big influential names in the industry.

• Technique: He photographed his portraits only in black and white with a blank
background and sharp focus on the main subjects. These are techniques we can use to
enhance our photos; the blank background is used to enhance the focal point and make the
image easy to process while the black and white filter is used to express a vintage aesthetic
and varying elements of design without colour.

• Style: Bailey's unique style of photography includes the usage of dramatic lighting to
emphasize the subjects' features, emotions and the different elements of design within the
image. One of the main elements of design shown is contrast between the subject and the
white blank backgrounds he always uses. This is to emphasize the influential subject and
to only draw attention to them as the main focal point of the photo.
Background Research
• Social/Cultural Influences: The 60s were a raving time when celebrity
culture started to become prominent, which is when Bailey’s career
started to take off. This influenced his work as his subjects in all photos
were influential people.

• Pioneering/Contribution: David’s work influenced photography at the

time and continues to stay prominent in the fashion industry today. He is
known to have remodeled what fashion photography in the UK used to
look like, taking it from chic and restrained to a more young and straight
forward style. His work continues to influence the work of current
fashion photographers in the industry as evident by the similar elements
viewed today in magazine shoots and fashion photographs as a whole.

• Terms/Groups - There are no terms or groups related to this

photographer. Bailey has been continuously known as one of the best
portrait photography artists in the fashion industry.
Photo #1
• This photographer uses tight framing to emphasize
the man/subject and bring focus to their face in order
to give the image emotion. The blank background
helps with this effect.
• This image displays contrast and form which are
common elements of design used in Bailey’s pictures
; the dark colour of the man’s jacket clash with the
light colours of his face/background. The angle of
lighting forms shadows on the subject's facial
features, making them look even more 3
dimensional. The black and white filter enhance both
• There is also a lot of texture being showcased in this
photo as the messy fur of the man’s hood give the
photo a rough feeling while the smooth fur of the
man’s coat balance that with a calm and gentle feel.
Photo #2
• This is a ¾ portrait shot which only captures the subject from the
chest up. I've noticed most of Bailey’s work consists of either
headshots, ¾ shot portraits, or close-up portraits. I think this is
done to make his photos more personal, as he is taking photos of
influential people and the public usually likes to feel connected to
the people they idolize (celebrity culture).
• This image shows very little contrast as most of the picture
consists of a light grey colour. This makes the dark colour of the
subject’s hair stands out against the other blander colours ( black
and white effect helps this of course). Also, the expression on the
model's face and pose is very serious and determined, which
makes the photo interesting. These two elements make draw
attention to the models face and makes the photo stand out.
• The dress the subject is wearing showcases pattern and shape
through the repetition of the diamonds; repetition enhances the
shape element, and our eyes follow the different lines of the
diamonds, yet again catching the viewer’s eye.
• There is texture being displayed through the dress she is wearing,
and this makes the picture look more 3D; the dress material is
soft and bumpy.
Photo #3
• This is an expressive body parts portrait as the subject
is showcasing the photographer's message with his
posture; the pose and facial expression give off a very
intense and confident feeling.
• The blank white background and the subject’s dark
hair and clothes clash and create visual interest.
Having a blank background is a technique Bailey
enhance an images focal point or subject.
• The buttons on his shirt forma line and cause the
viewer’s eyes to follow the it from top to bottom,
making the image stand out.
• The black and white filter that was used enhances all
the elements of design in this photo as there is no
colour to distract the viewer.
Photo #4
• This photo is an expressive body parts portrait
because the subject is using their shoulders and arm to
express the mood the photographer wants.
• There is a heavy amount of contrast in this photo as
the blank dark background colour clashes with the
light skin colour of the model, creating visual interest.
This gives the photo a really intense mood.
• There is movement in this photo as the models hair is
falling; the viewer’s eyes follow the direction the hair
is falling in and this effect makes the photo stand out.
• The image also has shape and form as the lighting
angle creates many shadows which makes the photo
look even more 3D. The shadows also make the
model stand out even more and enhance the shape her
arm is making.
Work Cited
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "David Bailey.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 02, April 2020, Accessed 04 December, 2020.

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