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Social, Economic and Technological Environment in Retail

● Age, gender, income levels, and lifestyle choices
impact product offerings
● Understanding target customer base is crucial for
● Adapting offerings to align with cultural preferences
is important
● Demographics influence types of products and
services offered
Cultural Factors
● Cultural norms, values, and preferences impact
product demand
● Retailers need to align offerings with cultural
● Understanding target audience's cultural preferences
is crucial
● Adapting to cultural factors helps meet customer
Consumer Behavior
● Consumer behavior changes influence retail
● Shopping habits and preferences impact product
● Shift towards online shopping driven by changes in
consumer behavior
● Understanding consumer behavior helps retailers
Social Trends
● Keeping up with social trends helps retailers tailor
product assortments
● Sustainability, health consciousness, and ethical
consumption are key trends
● Aligning marketing messages with social trends
enhances customer engagement
● Staying aware of social trends creates opportunities
for retailers
Community and Social
● Retailers are expected to be socially responsible
● Ethical sourcing, sustainability efforts, and
community engagement are important
● Considerations of social responsibility go beyond
just profit
● Being socially responsible enhances brand
reputation and loyalty
Economic Indicators
● Inflation, unemployment rates, GDP growth, and
interest rates impact consumer spending
● Monitoring economic indicators helps in pricing and
inventory decisions
● Retailers need to adjust strategies based on
economic indicators
● Consumer spending is influenced by economic
Consumer Income
● Disposable income affects consumer spending
● Retailers should adjust product offerings and pricing
strategies accordingly
● Understanding consumer income helps in targeting
the right customer segment
● Aligning pricing strategies with consumer income
levels is crucial
Competitive Pricing
● Economic conditions influence competitors' pricing
● Competitors' pricing decisions can impact a retailer's
pricing strategies
● Monitoring competitive pricing helps in maintaining
● Reacting to competitive pricing strategies is
important for retailers
Supply Chain Costs
● Economic factors impact the cost of goods,
transportation, and logistics
● Retailers' profitability and pricing can be influenced
by supply chain costs
● Monitoring supply chain costs is crucial for retail
● Economic environment affects retailers' supply
chain decisions
Understanding the Environment
Understanding the environment refers to the
process of gaining insights into the external
factors and conditions that can impact an
individual, organization, or business. This
understanding is crucial because it provides
the context within which decisions are made
and strategies are developed.
Understanding the Environment
1. Environmental Scanning: This involves actively monitoring
and gathering information about various elements of the
external environment. It includes identifying trends,
opportunities, threats, and potential changes that may affect
the entity.
2. Internal vs. External Factors: Distinguishing between internal
factors (within the entity's control) and external factors (outside
the entity's control) is vital. While internal factors can often be
managed and influenced, external factors need to be monitored
and responded to.
Understanding the Environment
3. SWOT Analysis: Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) is a structured approach to
understanding the environment. It helps in assessing the current
state and potential future directions.
4. Stakeholder Analysis: Identifying and understanding the various
stakeholders, including customers, competitors, suppliers,
government agencies, and the community, is important. Different
stakeholders have different interests and can influence decisions
and outcomes.
Understanding the Environment
5. Trend Analysis: Recognizing and tracking long-
term and short-term trends is essential. Trends may
relate to demographics, technology, economic
conditions, consumer behavior, or social and
cultural changes.
6. Risk Assessment: Evaluating potential risks and
uncertainties in the environment is crucial for risk
management and contingency planning.
Preparation of Strategic Plans
Preparing strategic plans involves developing
a structured approach to achieving long-term
goals and objectives based on the
understanding of the environment. Strategic
planning is a forward-looking process that
guides decision-making and resource
Preparation of Strategic Plans
1. Vision and Mission: Defining a clear vision (the desired future state) and
mission (the purpose and values) of the entity provides a foundation for
strategic planning.
2. Setting Objectives: Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time-bound (SMART) objectives that align with the vision and mission
helps in goal-setting.
3. Environmental Analysis: Incorporating insights from the environmental
understanding stage, including SWOT analysis, helps in identifying strategic
opportunities and challenges.
4. Strategy Formulation: Developing strategies to address the identified
opportunities and challenges. This may involve market expansion, product
development, cost reduction, innovation, or other initiatives.
Preparation of Strategic Plans
5. Action Plans: Creating detailed action plans that specify what needs to be done, by
whom, and when. This includes resource allocation, budgeting, and timelines.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementing a system for tracking progress, measuring
performance against objectives, and making adjustments as needed. Key performance
indicators (KPIs) are often used for this purpose.
7. Communication and Alignment: Ensuring that the strategic plan is communicated
effectively to all stakeholders and that there is alignment throughout the organization or
team in terms of goals and strategies.
8. Adaptation: Recognizing that the environment is dynamic, strategic plans should be
adaptable. Periodic reviews and updates are necessary to ensure the plan remains
relevant and effective.
Preparation of Strategic Plans
Understanding the environment and preparing
strategic plans are iterative processes. They
require ongoing monitoring and adjustment to
adapt to changing circumstances and achieve
long-term success. Effective strategic planning
helps individuals, organizations, and businesses
make informed decisions and navigate complex
environments with greater confidence.

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