LATINSKI JEZIK - Uvodna Prezentacija

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Lingua latina

Prezentacija za 1. razred šk.god. 2023./2024 .

Zašto učiti latinski jezik (u Hrvatskoj)?
 Croatia has a rich history Latin culture and learning. The Roman Empire once ruled over much of what is
now Croatia, and Latin was the language of government, law, and education. This legacy can still be
seen in many aspects of Croatian culture, from the language itself to the architecture and art.

 Studying Latin can help you better understand Croatian. Croatian is a Slavic language - both of them
Indoeuropean, as are many European languages - shares many similarities with Latin. Studying Latin
can help you to better understand the grammar and vocabulary of Croatian, and it can also give you
insights into the history and culture of the region.

 Latin is a gateway to other languages. Many other European languages, especially romance languages,
such as French, Spanish, and Italian, are descended from Latin. Studying Latin can give you a head start
in learning these languages.

 Latin is a beautiful and expressive language. Latin is a highly inflected language, which means that words change their endings depending
on their function in a sentence. This can make Latin seem daunting at first, but it also gives the language a great deal of expressive power.

 Studying Latin can help you to develop your critical thinking skills. Latin is a very logical language, and studying it can help you to develop
your ability to think critically and analyze information.

 If you are interested in learning Latin, Croatia is a great place to do it. There are several universities and schools in Croatia that offer Latin
courses, and the country's rich cultural heritage makes it a fascinating place to study this ancient language. (Bard) 2
Latinski u engleskom?
 Croatia has a rich history Latin culture and learning. The Roman Empire once ruled over much of what is now Croatia, and
Latin was the language of government, law, and education. This legacy can still be seen in many aspects of Croatian
culture, from the language itself to the architecture and art.
 Studying Latin can help you better understand Croatian. Croatian is a Slavic language - both of them Indoeuropean, as are
many European languages - shares many similarities with Latin. Studying Latin can help you to better understand the
grammar and vocabulary of Croatian, and it can also give you insights into the history and culture of the region.
 Latin is a gateway to other languages. Many other European languages, especially romance languages, such as French,
Spanish, and Italian, are descended from Latin. Studying Latin can give you a head start in learning these languages.
 Latin is a beautiful and expressive language. Latin is a highly inflected language, which means that words change their
endings depending on their function in a sentence. This can make Latin seem daunting at first, but it also gives the
language a great deal of expressive power.
 Studying Latin can help you to develop your critical thinking skills. Latin is a very logical language, and studying it can help
you to develop your ability to think critically and analyze information.

If you are interested in learning Latin, Croatia is a great place to do it. There are several universities and schools in Croatia that
offer Latin courses, and the country's rich cultural heritage makes it a fascinating place to study this ancient language.

English is a Germanic language, but it has been heavily influenced by Latin over the centuries, due to a number of factors:

 The Roman occupation of Britain from 43 to 410 AD. During this time, Latin was the language of the ruling class and
the military, and it had a significant impact on the English language.
 The Norman Conquest of England in 1066. The Normans spoke Norman French, which is a Romance language that is
closely related to Latin. After the conquest, French became the language of the English court and government, and
many French words were borrowed into English.
 The Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. During these periods, there was a renewed interest in classical
learning, and many Latin words were borrowed into English to express new concepts and ideas.
 The scientific revolution. The scientific revolution was a time of great intellectual ferment, and many new words
were coined to describe scientific concepts. Many of these words were derived from Latin or Greek.
 As a result of these influences, English has a vast vocabulary that is made up of words from many different
languages. However, Latin is the single most important source of English words, accounting for over 60% of the
total. This is why English is often called a "hybrid" language, with elements of both Germanic and Romance

There are many English words that have Latin roots. The next time you speak or write English, take a moment to think about the rich and
varied history of the language, and how it has been shaped by the influence of Latin.
Latinski na ulici?

Latinski u dućanu?

Rimljani u Zagrebu?

2D razred
2010. godine
Discipuli et magistra - latinski u Lucijanki i šire!

Festival antike: Epistula magistri

Festival antike: Cantiuncula

Enya Miraculum - Božićni koncert

Terenska nastava – Aquae8Iassae

Tragovima Rimljana u Zagrebu

1. Zašto učiti latinski jezik (u Hrvatskoj)? str. 3
2. Latinski u engleskom? str. 4 i 5
3. Latinski u dućanu? str. 6
4. Latinski na ulici? str. 7
5. Rimljani u Zagrebu? str. 8
6. Discipuli et magistra – latinski u Lucijanki str. 9
7. Valete, discipuli! str. 10


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