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Artificial intelligence is the science of making
machines that can think like humans. It can do things
that are considered "smart." AI technology can
process large amounts of data in ways, unlike
Father Of AI

• John McCarthy

• He is known as the "father of artificial

intelligence" because of his fantastic
work in Computer Science and AI.
McCarthy coined the term "artificial
intelligence" in the 1950s.
Who Is The
First AI in The
• The first working AI programs
were written in 1951 to run on
the Ferranti Mark 1 machine of
the University of Manchester: a
checkers-playing program
written by Christopher Strachey
and a chess-playing
program written by Dietrich
There are Three Main Types of AI

Weak AI
Focuses on one task and cannot perform
beyond its limitations (common in our daily lives)
Strong AI
Can understand and learn any intellectual task
that a human being can (researchers are striving
to reach strong AI)
Super AI
Surpasses human intelligence and can perform
any task better than a human (still a concept)
•The facial emotion detection &
Recognition & recognition system is one of the
Detection of trending AI-based systems. This
system is mainly designed to
Facial Emotion recognize & read the expressions
of human facial. In real-time, this
system helps in detecting the
human core emotions like anger,
happiness, afraid, sadness,
surprise, neutral & disgust. Firstly,
this recognition system detects
the expressions of facial from a
cluttered sight to perform
extraction of facial features &
classification of facial expressions.

• A chatbot is one type of computer program that

employs an AI (artificial intelligence) & NLP
(natural language processing) to know customer
questions & automate replies to them. These
chatbots are trained to have conversations like
humans with a method called natural language
The application of an AI or artificial intelligence is
known as Machine learning which allows the
applications to guess precise outcomes without
requiring accurate commands for every step. This
procedure begins by feeding them good quality data and
after that training the machines through building a
variety of machine learning models with the data &
various algorithms. Here, the selection of algorithms
mainly depends on the type of data that we have & type
of task we are attempting to automate. Machine
learning algorithms are classified into three types –
supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement.
• An artificial intelligence (AI) customer
recommendation system is a group of
machine learning algorithms utilized
by developers to expect choices &
Customer offer related suggestions to users. By
using the data science & the data of
Recommendation users, customer recommendation
systems within AI filter & recommend
the most appropriate items to a
particular user. E-commerce has
significantly benefitted from artificial
intelligence. The best example of this is
Amazon & its customer
recommendation system. This system
has helped the platform in improving
its income extremely for a good
customer experience. For an E-
commerce platform, you can design a
customer recommendation system and
utilize the customer’s browsing history
for your data.
Virtual Assistant for Windows
based on Voice
• Voice-based virtual assistant for windows is a handy tool
mainly used for simplifying daily tasks.
-> For example: you can utilize virtual voice assistants for
many purposes like looking for many items or services on the
Web, for shopping different products, writing notes & setting
reminders, etc. This system is particularly designed for
Windows, so the user of Windows can utilize this assistant to
open any type of application they need through open voice
command and also we can write significant messages with
write voice command. So it will recognize the intention of
users from the voice command & accordingly it performs the
Prediction of Heart Disease
Heart disease prediction is very helpful in the medical
field because it is mainly designed for providing online
medical consultation & guidance to patients who are
suffering from heart disease. Patients complain
frequently that they cannot find the best doctors to
support their medical requirements. So, the prediction
application of heart disease will assist you to overcome
this issue.
Banking Bot

• The banking bot is a brilliant AI

topic used to examine the
queries of users to recognize
their messages & perform
suitable actions accordingly. This
AI-based application is used
specifically for banks wherever
users can inquire for bank-related
queries like loans, credit cards,
accounts, etc.
Computer Vision

• The internet is full of images, so every

day billions of images are uploaded &
viewed each day. So it is important
that computers can observe &
recognize images through Computer
Vision which utilizes AI to remove data
from images. This data can be object
recognition within the image, image
content identification to group
a variety of images jointly, etc.
How The World
Using AI

• All types of companies are utilizing

AI to improve productivity and simplify
processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) is
the modeling of AI functions by
computers, particularly computer
systems. Expert systems, NLP, voice
recognition, and machine vision are
some specific uses of AI.
Advantages of AI

• Reduction in Human Error

• Zero Risks
• Faster Decision-making
• 24x7 Availability
• Digital Assistance
Disadvantages of AI
• High Costs
• Unemployment
• Make Humans Lazy
• Emotionless
• No Improvement
AI startups in India

• SigTuple
• Haptik
• Intello Labs Pvt Ltd
• Doxper
• Uniphore
Top AI

• AI leads to transformative applications

within a series of industrial,
intellectual, and social applications, far
beyond those caused by previous
industrial revolutions

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