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Coming of Islam to The Sub Continent

711 AD Arab Muslims in Sindh

998-1030 Mahmud of Ghazni raids into the
subcontinent from Afghanistan
1192 Muhammad of Ghoor defeats
1206 Establishment of Delhi Sultanat
1398 Destruction of Delhi by Taimoor
The Mughal Period
1526 Babar victorious in first Battle
of Panipat
1530-1556 Wars of succession
1556 Akbar victorious in second
Battle of Panipat
1556-1605 Reign of Akbar the Great
1605-1627 Reign of Jahangir; in1612
EIC opens first trading center
1628-1658 Reign of Shah Jahan
1658-1707 Reign of Aurangzeb
1761 Third Battle of Panipat; an
Afghan victory over a
Maratha army
1707-1858 Decline of the Mughal

Then comes The British India

The British India
1757 Battle of Plassey - British victory over
Mughal forces in Bengal;
conventional date for beginning of
British rule in India
1784 William Pitt's India Act
1799-1839 Sikh kingdom in Punjab under
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
1830 Institution of British education and
other reform measures
1843 The British annex Sindh, Hyderabad and
1845-49 Sikh Wars; British annex the Punjab and
sell Kashmir, Gilgit, and Ladakh
1857-1858 Uprising, variously known as the first
war of independence, Mutiny & Sepoy Rebellion
1858 British Raj begins
Aligarh Movement
 Aligarh movement was aimed at apprising the British
that Muslims only are not responsible for the War and
therefore undue wrath should not be inflicted to them.

 It was also to persuade the Muslims to get modern

education and exhibit moderate out look in every
sphere of life.
Causes of the Movement:

 British Hostility

 Hindu Ascendancy

 Muslim Antipathy
Realization by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had two pronged policy:
 To apprise the British that the Muslims are not
disloyal to them and only the Muslims are not
responsible for the war.

 To bring acute change in Muslims’ out look by

learning English and getting modern education.
Biography of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 Born on17 Oct 1817 in Delhi
 Father’s name was Mir Muttaqi
 Mother’s name was Aziz-un-Nisaa’
 Got his early education there
 Assistant Clerk with East Indian Company in1838
 Awarded LLD Award by the University of Edinburg
 Inducted as Sub Judge and served for 20 Years
 Died on 27 Mar 1898.
He wrote the following books:

 The Causes of Indian Revolt

(Asbaab e Baghaawat e Hind)
 Essays on the Life of Muhammad (SAWS)
 Commentary on the Holy Qur’an
 Ahkaam e Ta’aam e Ahl e Kitaab
 Aasaar us Sanaadeed
 Indian Musalmaans
 Loyal Muhammadans of India
 Tahzeeb ul Akhlaaq (Magazine)
Established Educational Institutions:
 School at Muradabad in 1858
 School at Ghazipur in1863
 Aligarh School in 1875
 Aligarh College in 1877
(Later on Aligarh University in 1920)
 Organized All India Muhammdan Educational Conference in
 Established Scientific Society
 Laid Foundations of Two Nation Theory.
Meaning of Word `IDEOLOGY`

Science of Ideas.

The study of the origin.

Evolution and nature of idea.

(Antoine Destul De Tracy)
A French Philosopher
Definitions of Ideology

An ideology is a form of social or political

philosophy in which practical elements are as
prominent as theoretical ones; it is a system of
ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to
change it.
Ideology is a different form of comprehensive moral
beliefs about man, society and the universe. It is
understood as a way of thinking about the cultural
and social programme of a political movement
launched to emancipate suppressed group from the
exploitation of more dominate social class
“Ideology is a system of beliefs that explain and
justifies a preferred political orders, either existing
or proposed and offers a strategy (institutions,
processes, programme) for its attainment”
“An ideology offers an interpretation of the past, and
an explanation of the present and a vision of future.”
“An ideology emerges when people feel strongly
that they are being mistreated under an existing
order, when their status is threatened by
fundamental changes occurring in the society,
and when the prevailing ideology no longer
satisfies them”
Ideology Of Pakistan
Ideology of Pakistan based on the Two Nation
Theory which up holds that Hindus and
Muslims are two separate and distinct nations
having their own culture, civilization, literature,
religion, and way of life, Muslims cannot be
merged with any other nation because their
philosophy of life is based upon the principles
of Islam.
Factors which Led to the
Ideology of Pakistan

 Forces of Islam.
 Socio-Cultural Differences.
 Treatment of Hindus.
 Attitude of British.
 Two Nations Theory.
Views of Allama Iqbal on the
Ideology of Pakistan

“I am fully convinced that the Muslims

of India will ultimately have to establish
a separate homeland as they cannot live
with Hindus in the United India”.
“India is a continent of human beings
belonging to different languages and
professing different religions. To base a
constitution on the conception of homogenous
India is to prepare her for civil war. I, therefore,
demand the formation of a consolidated
Muslim state in the best interest of Muslims of
India and Islam”.
The Allahabad Address of
Allama Iqbal
 I have been a staunch advocate of
putting an end to religious prejudices
and distinctions from the country. But
now I believe that the protection of
separate nation is in the best interest of
both Hindus and Muslims”.
 He further said, “I would like to see the
Muslim majority areas i.e. Punjab,
NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan
amalgamated in the single state, a self-
government within the British Empire, or
without the British Empire.
Presidential Address - March 1940

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said:

“We wish our people to develop to the
fullest, our spiritual, cultural, economic,
social and political life, in a way, that we
think best and in consonance with our own
ideals and according to the genius of our

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