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Human Resource Planning

Definition HRP is defined as the process by which management determines how an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. Geisler Human Resource Planning is the process including forecasting, developing and controlling- by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right places at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful Human Resource Planning Assessment of Human Resource requirements and time and stages of requirement. Right person ---At Right place ---At Right time. HRP is also called manpower planning , personnel planning or employment planning.

Characteristics of HRP 1. 2. 3. 4. HR must be incorporated keeping organizational goals in view. Subsystem of the total organizational planning Must have well defined objectives Should ensure right number of people, right kind of people at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful 5. Should take into account periodical developments and extension plans of the

6. 7. Flexibility must be maintained Include the inventory of present manpower, supply and demand of the

manpower and the possibilities of using the man power to its full capacity
8. 9. Determination of human resource both in quantitative an qualitative terms Important assets of an organization

Objectives of HRP To ensure optimum use of existing HR. To forecast future requirement for HR. To provide control measures to ensure that necessary HR are available as and when required. To asses the surplus and shortage of HR. (Downsizing). To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and HR. To determine the level of Recruitment and Training.

To estimate the cost of HR and Housing needs of employees.

To meet the needs of expansion and diversification programmes.

Forecast future personnel needs: To avoid the situations of surplus or deficiency of manpower in future, Cope with change:

HRP enables an enterprise to cope with changes in competitive forces, markets,

technology, products and government regulations. Creating highly talented personnel: Protection of weaker sections : International strategies: Foundation of personnel functions: HRP provides essential information for designing and implementing personnel functions. Increasing investments in HR: Another importance is the investment that an organization makes in human capital. Resistance to change & move:

Importance of HRP Future Personnel needs exa-excess staff, VRS Creating highly talented personnel upgrade Foundation of personnel function recruitment, selection, promotions Resistance to change and move anywhere, anytime

Increasing investment in human resources Foreign Assignments

Benefits of Human Resource Planning 1. 2. 3. It checks the corporate plan of the organization It offsets uncertainly and change It provides scope for advancement and development of employees through training, development etc. 4. It helps to anticipate the cost of salary , benefits and all the cost of

human resources facilitating the formulation of budgets in an

organization. 5. To foresee the need for redundancy and plan to check it or to provide alternative employment in consultation with trade unions, other organizations and government through remodeling organizational, industrial and economic plans.


To foresee the changes in values, aptitude and attitude of human resources and to change the techniques of interpersonal ,management etc.


To plan for physical facilities, working conditions and the volume of fringe benefits like canteen, schools, hospitals, conveyance, child care centres.

quarters, company stores etc.

8. It gives an idea of type of tests to be used and interview techniques in selection based on the level of skills ,qualifications, intelligence, values etc., of future human resources. 9. It causes the development of various sources of human resources to meet the organizational needs. 10. It helps to take steps to improve human resource contributions in the form of increased productivity ,sales turnover etc. 11. It facilities the control of all the functions, operations, contribution and cost of human resources.

Factors affecting HRP

Organizational growth cycle Type and strategy of organization Environmental uncertainties

Time horizons

Factors affecting HRP


Type and quality of forecasting information

Nature of job being filled

The type of organization determines the production process, type of staff, (supervisor and manager). And the strategy plan of the organization defines its HR needs.

Organizational growth cycle and planning start up, growth, maturity, decline. Environmental uncertainty political, social and economical change affect all organizations.

Time horizons long term plans and short term plans, the greater the uncertainty the shorter the plan.

Type and quality of forecasting information - organizational structure, budgets, production.

Nature of job job vacancies, promotions and expansion strategies.

Outsourcing the process by which employees transfer routine or peripheral work to the another organizations.

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