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Maria Immaculata Ratna Andyka 410810020



It is unknown who first made wine. From Mesopotamia Happen by accident. From Middle East Tale about a princess and his discoveries about wine.



Wine is an alcoholic beverage, which produced from alcoholic fermentation of grapes An alcoholic drink made from the juice of grape that has been left to ferment or an alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes Generally, reaction process :

- C6H12O6 + yeast 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP


The Variety Kind of Wine


Natural Still Wine or Tabel Wine - White wine - Red wine - Rose wine Containing less than 15% alcohol, processed naturally and by eliminating carbon dioxide


Sparkling Wine - Is a natural still wine, but with the carbon dioxide content. Containing 14% alcohol or less than 14%.


Fortified Wine - Natural Still Wine is a taste that fortified by adding brandy or fruit liquor, so the alcohol content of 1621%.


Aromatized Wine - Natural Still wine is fortified with added fruit taste liquor and aromatized with a variety of flavors (aromatized with flavourings usually with herbs and spices)


Mikroorganisme yang berperan

Saccharomyces sp.


Types of products produced by microorganisms

for making beverages




for making wine from grapes (wine yeast) for making wine from water nira or tuac (nira yeast)


The Main Source of Product

The main source of the products of grapes, but come from several different types of wine
Late Harvest Botrytis Cinerea / Noble Rot Ice Wine


Wine for healthy

The content of antioxidants in red wine such as flavonoids, polyphenols, phenols, and others are being considered as potential agents that inhibit, even fighting health problems ranging from stress to cancer. But generally drank red wine for health is a preventive way, that is just not for the prevention and treatment. That is, if you are currently healthy and fit, it never hurts to allocate funds each month to buy a few 4/22/12 bottles of wine

Fermentation Process

Some organisms such as Saccharomyces able to live, either in the environmental conditions of sufficient oxygen and less oxygen. Such organisms are called facultative aerobes. In case of enough oxygen, Saccharomyces will conduct regular respiration. However, if the circumstances lack of oxygen, Saccharomyces will do the fermenting Yeast can be poisoned himself if the concentration of ethanol reached 13% 4/22/12 (This explains the maximum levels of

The Production Process of Products


Damage Factors Affecting Wine

pH Sugar content Alcohol concentration The concentration of compound growth factor Tannin concentration SO2 concentration Temperature 4/22/12

The Resulting Product




Many countries producing wine, such as Chilli, South Africa, Italy, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, and many more, but only three of the largest wine-producing countries. Australia produces 500 million liters per year and ranked the fourth largest wine exporter in the world. Italy is also famous for its wine. Every year italian produce 8 billion bottles per year. The most popular wine from France. Besides being familiar with the tradition of wine making France the longest, French wine 4/22/12 has a good image.


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