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Design of RCC Structures

B S 8 11 0
Part A: Introduction
Part B: Materials
Part C: Loads
Eng. Sunil Jayawardena
BSc Eng.(Hons), PGDip (CPM).
Part A-Introduction
Nature of Design
• If not designed
 Unsafe
Design Considerations

Structural Considerations Cost Considerations System Considerations

• Strength-will not collapse • Acceptable initial and • Aesthetic
• Serviceability-no excessive maintenance cost • Service requirements
deformations • Minimizing adverse impact
• Durability-no quick on the environment
Design Method
1. Choice of structural form: creativity and variety;
2. Evaluation of loads-
3. Idealization of structures-mathematical idealization
4. Analysis of structure- effects of loads on elements;
5. Checking safety.
Safety Factors
Traditionally applied to either to the stress or to the load.
Working stress method
For example for axially loaded member check; Elastic range

Load Factor method: load shall be multiplied by a safety factor and resulted stress kept
below the failing or ultimate stress of material.

Safety Factors
Current approach is partial Safety factors, where both the load and stress are factored;

• Greater accuracy as safety factor can be varied depending on material.

• Greater accuracy as partial safety factor can be varied according to load combination and
nature of design state.
Limit State design
• “ The purpose of design is achievement of acceptable probability that the structure
being designed will not become unfit for the use for which it is required-i.e. that it
will not reach a limit state”.
 Ultimate limit State- design against collapse.
Serviceability limit state- design to avoid excessive deflection, excessive cracking
In addition durability and fire resistance should also be considered.
Most critical limit state shall be considered for design and other limit state shall also
Ordinary design-ULS
Prestressed & Water Retaining structures-SLS
Part B-Material

Main Materials Main Properties ε

Concrete Stress & Strain

Steel Relationship

Characteristic Strength (fk)
Strength value below which not more than 5% of total results fall
fk = Ẍ-1.64σ
Design Strength
Design strength =
Ɣm accounts for
 Difference between laboratory & site conditions
 Local weaknesses of structural member
 Inaccuracies in assessment of resistance
 Importance of limit state being considered
 Strength (fcu) of Concrete = Numerical value of 28 days characteristic cube strength in N/mm2 or Mpa.
Steel strength is its yield or proof stress (fy)
mild steel fy = 250 N/mm2
Yield steel fy = 450 N/mm2
Values of ɣm
• Reinforcements = 1.15
• Concrete in flexure or axial load = 1.5
• Concrete in shear = 1.25
• Bond strength = 1.40
• SLS concrete = 1.00
• SLS cracking (concrete in flexure) = 1.30
Stress–Strain Relationship
Stress-strain curve for concrete Stress-strain curve for steel
Stress (N/mm2)
Stress (N/mm2)
High strength 800

Medium strength

Low strength 400

strain strain
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.12 0.20
• Initial part of the curve is genuinely linear elastic
• Linear for about 50% of maximum stress • Change from elastic to plastic is gradual for high yield
• Maximum stress occurs at a strain 0.002 steel and abrupt for mild steel
• Cracking & diintrigation occurs at around a strain 0.0035 • Very large plastic strain capacity
Stress–Strain Relationship
Stress–Strain Relationship
Part C: Loads
Material properties and Loads are the two significant entities in structural
Loads –actions on the structure
Characteristic load (wk):-that value of load which has an accepted probability (5%)
of its not being exceeded during the life of the structure.
Statistical data is scarce for loads and characteristics loads are obtained from
various codes.
• BS 6399:part 1-1984 –Dead and imposed loads
• CP 3: Chapter 5: part II:1972-Wind loads
• CP 2004-Earth loads
Dead loads: weight of the structure itself and any permanent fixtures, partitions,
finishes, superstructure and so on.
Imposed loads: Any external loads imposed upon the structure during serving its
normal purpose such as weight of stored materials, furniture and movable equipment,
vehicles, snow, wind and people.
The design load is obtained by multiplying the characteristic load by the partial safety
factor for loads (ɣf).
ɣf is accounts for;
 Possible increase in loads
 Inaccurate assessment of load effect
 Unforeseen stress redistribution
 Variations in dimension accuracy
 Importance of limit states
 Value of ɣf will also depend upon the combination of loading, and on whether a load is
adverse or beneficial. (Table 1.1-BS 8110: part I).

 ɣf is increasing with greater load uncertainty and decrease when loads acts simultaneously
or are beneficial.
 In SLS designs for all loads partial safety factors are generally taken as 1.0.
The End

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