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The brain is an organ that is made up of a
large mass of nerve tissue protected within
the skull. It plays a role in just about every
major body system. Some of its main
functions include processing sensory
information, regulating blood pressure and
breathing and releasing hormones.
The brain is an organ that is made up of a
large mass of nerve tissue protected within
the skull. It plays a role in just about every
major body system. Some of its main
functions include processing sensory
information, regulating blood pressure and
breathing and releasing hormones.
The brain can be divided
into the Cerebrum,
Cerebellum and
What is the Whole Brain Theory?​
In 1861, conducting a study and tests on a patient with language problems, Paul Broca theorized that some language
functions reside on the left hemisphere of the brain. Dr. Roger Sperry, who was awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine, explained that the brain has two hemispheres that work differently from each other.
According to him, the left brain hemisphere performs tasks that involve analytical thinking, critical thinking, and
logical reasoning. Dr. Sperry explained this in his Split-Brain Theory. Another neuroscientist, Dr. Paul MacLean,
identified three distinct parts of the brain namely: neocortex, limbic system, and reptilian complex. The neocortex or
rational brain is responsible for language, planning, abstraction, and perception. The limbic system or intermediate
brain is responsible for motivation and emotion in feeding, reproductive behavior, and parental behavior. The
reptilian complex or primitive brain controls self-preservation and survival instincts. Dr. MacLean referred to his
theory as the Triune Brain Theory. After drawing from the studies of Dr. Sperry, Ned Herrmann, an engineer at
General Electric, came up with Brain Dominance Theory. Herrmann explained that although the human body is
symmetrical and paired in almost all aspects, we normally have a more dominant part of our bodies. It could be a
stronger right arm and a weaker left arm for a right-handed person or a stronger left arm and a weaker right arm for a
left-handed person. However, the weaker parts support the stronger parts. He further concluded that the brain not only
has two parts but four namely: left cerebral hemisphere, left limbic system, right limbic system, and right cerebral
hemisphere. Hermann is known as the Father of Brain Dominance Technology.​
Whole Brain Theory in Learning
How does the whole brain theory affect learning? Brain dominance leads to preferences
in thinking styles. This impacts what a person pays attention to and how he learns best.
Each quadrant has preferred learning and thinking activities as shown in Table 1.
Herrmann’s Four Dominant Quadrants​
Ned Herrmann labeled the four quadrants of the brain as:​
1. Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode Key Word: ANALYTICAL ​
2. Lower Left (B) Limbic Mode Key Word: ORGANIZED ​
3. Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode Key Word:
4. Upper Right (D) Cerebral Mode Key Word:

The whole brain model emphasizes the fact that there really
are four quadrants of the brain where dominance exists. The
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) was based on
this model. The HBDI is a 120-question survey instrument that
measures the preference strengths in each quadrant. ​

Dominant Traits in Each Quadrant
A person has varying degrees of
dominance in these quadrants. He is
typically more dominant in one of the four
areas. But based on research, an
individual often uses at least two of the
quadrants. Thus, Herrmann advocated for
whole brain thinking or using the four
thinking styles. This means enhancing the
weaker styles through regular practice
and usage while using the stronger styles.
An individual has both primary and
secondary preferences for quadrants.
These preferences are the ones he is
comfortable with and accesses when
necessary. There are also preferences that
he has difficulty accessing or avoids
using. Here is a simple test to find out the
quadrant a person’s dominant traits are
found. ​
It is amazing how the human brain develops and changes
throughout one's life. From infancy to childhood, there are
remarkable changes in the brain that influence the development
of an individual. The brain of an adolescent is different from
that of an adult, for during adolescence, the brain undergoes
major transitions as it is a "work in progress." Compared to
adult's brain, that of an adolescent does not grow much in size
but it continues to become more complex until the late
adolescence. It is going through changes that have significant
effects on the person's learning and behavior.
According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each
side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally,
people are said to prefer one type of thinking to the other. For
example, a "left- brained" person is often said to be more logical,
analytical, and objective, while a "right-brained" person is said to be
more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
Are you left or right brain handed?

RIGHT BRAIN DOMINANCE Left brain dominance

People with right brain dominance are said to be more
emotional, swayed by feelings, and seem to view things and
events through feelings. They look at visual references as a
whole and then go through details. They are intuitive,
believers of imaginations and fantasies, risk-takers, creative
and unpredictable. They tend to be disorganized, unable to
make clear their priorities, and lack time management.
People with left brain dominance are very organized,
logical, and detail-oriented. They process ideas in a
methodical step-by-step manner and this enables them
to commit less mistakes. They favor rigid schedules
and deadlines. They are more auditory learners and
are better at using words to remember things rather
than visual aids.
Other personality traits...
There is nothing good or bad about
either preference. Both orientations
can be equally successful in
accomplishing a single task; however,
one may be more appropriate over the
other depending on the situation.
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