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Finite Element Analysis

Introduction to Finite Element
(Week 1)

PowerPoint® Slides
By Ir. Dr. Patrick Teo
Compulsory page

Learning Objectives

1. Describe why the use of graphics is an effective means

of communicating when analyzing.
2. Recognize the interactive steps associated with the
static structural analysis process.
3. Understand the process involved in improving a product
design specification from a market brief.
4. Identify different types of computer application in the
static structural analysis process and its importance in
industry now.

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Compulsory page

Learning Outcomes

1. Students are required to understand the definition of

finite element analysis.
2. To gain good understanding of static structural analysis
3. Students are able to recognize different type of
computer application in industry now.
4. Students will understand the importance of learning
CAE system to improve their product design.

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Compulsory page


Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computer based

geometric and numeric technique for:
1. calculating the strength and the behavior of any
engineered structure.
2. improving the design, justifying its cost, and increasing
the rating of structures that over designed a short in
3. reducing the weight of a design and much tighter
precision in calculating the amount of material needed.

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Description Guideline
Finite element analysis (FEA)
takes the complex geometry of a
continuous elastic structure
(geometric continuum) under
loading and breaks it into small
(but finite) polygon shaped and
well-defined substructures, called

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Description Guideline
And the elements connected
together at the nodes (every
node has degrees of freedom):
i. This process is called meshing. The
higher the quality of meshes (in other-
words, the more that there are), the better
the mathematical representation is of the
physical model.
ii. By looking at each individual mesh and
combining them in a system of
simultaneous equations, one can predict
the behavior of the shapes.
iii. However, this could involve hundreds of
variable and hundreds of equations
requiring matrix algebra to find solutions.

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Discretization Process

Description Guideline
Discretizartion process is a
process to divide a body into an
equivalent system of smaller
bodies or unites (finite elements)
interconnected at points common
to two or more elements (two or
more (nodal points or nodes) and
or boundary lines and or surfaces.

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Importance of Meshing Process

1000 data points =

1000 x 1000

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Relevance of Mesh

Description Guideline
To control how fine a mesh to
divide the part:
i.The finer the mesh, the more
accurate the estimated stresses
and safety factors.
ii. This is particularly important for
oddly shaped parts. For simple
shapes, such as the rectangular
shape you see here, a finer mesh
is not needed.

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Relevance of Mesh

Description Guideline
iii. Zero is considered the typical
mesh for most shapes.
iv. If a finer mesh was used it
would produce values which were
closer to the actual values, but
not exact.

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Relevance of Mesh

Description Guideline
iii. Zero is considered the typical
mesh for most shapes.
iv. If a finer mesh was used it
would produce values which were
closer to the actual values, but
not exact.

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• Linear System Solution Algorithms

I. Gaussian Elimination
II. Fast Fourier Transform
III. Relaxation Techniques

• Error Estimation and Convergence Analysis

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Post-Processing Result

Description Guideline
Notice the red section where the
part has an indication of stress:
i. You can redesign or add
additional material to reduce the
stress level.
ii. You can also redesign the part
using a material with stronger
strength, especially if the shape
and size of the object were

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Post-Processing Result

Description Guideline
i. A factor of safety: Ratio of maximum
allowable stress at failure to the
equivalent stress at different locations
in the part.
ii. In order to be considered safe,
factor of safety must be greater than
one. Anything below one means that
there will be permanent deformation.
iii. Any areas in red indicate places of
potential yield. The beam shown has
a minimum factor of safety of 0.502.
The stress is almost twice the
maximum allowed. This part will fail in
those red areas.

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Mechanical Approach

Description Guideline
• Simple mechanical problem.
• Introduction of basic mechanical

• Introduction of governing

• Mechanical concepts used in

mathematical derivation.

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Strain Energy

Description Guideline
• Hooke’s Law:

 ( x)  E ( x)
 ( x) 
• Strain Energy Density:
   ( x) ( x)

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Mechanical Solution
Physical Problem

Question regarding the problem large are the deformations? much is the heat transfer?

Mathematical model Assumptions regarding

Governed by differential Kinematics
equations Material law
Boundary conditions

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Mechanical Solution: Bracket Analysis

1. What is the bending moment at section AA?
2. What is the deflection at the pin?

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Mechanical Solution: Plane Stress
Description Guideline

Difficult to solve by hand!

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Mechanical Solution: Cantilever Beam
Description Guideline

Moment at section AA
M  WL
 27,500 N cm
Deflection at load
How reliable is this model? 1 W ( L  r ) 3
 at load W  N

3 EI
How effective is this model?
W ( L  rN )
 0.053 cm
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1) Daryl Logan, A First Course in the Finite Element

Method, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning
13thEdition,Prentice Hall, 2011
2) K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, 1st Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2007

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