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Nama: Ilham Zulkarnain

Kelas: X IPA A
Isac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton, Born January 4, 1643,Lincolnshire, England was an
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, naturalist, alchemist, and
theologian. He was a follower of the heliocentric school and a scientist
who was very influential throughout history, even being said to be the
father of classical physics.His work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia
Mathematica published in 1687 is considered the most influential book
in the history of science. This book lays the foundations of classical
mechanics. Most historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed
calculus separately. Both also use different mathematical notation.
According to Newton's close friends, Newton had completed his work
many years before Leibniz, but did not publish it until 1693. He did not
fully explain it until 1704, when in 1684, Leibniz had already begun to
publish a full explanation of his work. Leibniz's notation and "differential
method" were universally adopted in Mainland Europe, while the British
Empire only adopted them after 1820.
 In this work, Newton outlined the laws of gravitation and the
three laws of motion that dominated scientific views of the
universe for three centuries.
 Newton succeeded in showing that the motion of objects on
Earth and other objects in outer space are governed by the
same set of natural laws. He proved this by demonstrating
the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion
and his theory of gravity.
 he succeeded in building the first reflecting telescope[7] and
developed a color theory based on the observation that a
glass prism will divide white light into other colors. He also
formulated the law of cooling and studied the speed of

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