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Presented by – Lakshya Dhingra
2nd Year MBBS
• The Nose is basically used for respiration and for the sense of smell.
• The Smell receptors are placed in the upper 1/3rd of the Nasal Cavity.
• The Nose also acts as an air conditioner where the inspired air is
warmed and moistened.
• For anatomical study, the Nose is divided into External Nose and Nasal
• It consists of the Root, Dorsum, Tip, Anterior Nares(Nostrils) and the
• It is partly bony and partly cartilaginous.
• The bony part is formed by:
i) Nasal Bones
ii) Frontal Processes of the Maxillae
• The Cartilaginous part is formed by:
i) Superior Nasal Cartilages
ii) Inferior Nasal Cartilages
iii) Septal Cartilage
iv) Small Alar Cartilages
• It extends from the External Nares to the Posterior Nasal Apertures.
• Divided into left and right halves by the Nasal Septum.
• Each half has a roof, floor, medial wall and lateral wall.
Roof of Nasal Cavity
• About 7cm long and 2mm wide.
• Sloped downwards both in front and behind.
• Anterior slope - Nasal Part of Frontal bone, Nasal Bone and cartilages.
• Posterior slope - Body of the Sphenoid bone.
• Middle Horizontal part – Cribriform plate of Ethmoid Bone
Floor of Nasal Cavity
• About 5cm long and 1.5cm wide.
• Formed by Palatine process of Maxilla and Horizontal Plate of the
Palatine Bone
• It is Concave from side to side and slightly higher Anteriorly.
Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity – Nasal Septum
• Medial osseocartilaginous partition between the two halves of nasal
• Bony Part is Formed mainly by:
i) Vomer
ii) Perpendicular plate of Ethmoid
• It also receives contributions from Frontal, Sphenoid, Nasal, Palatine
and Maxillary Bones.
Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity – Nasal Septum
• Cartilaginous Part is Formed mainly by:
i) Septal Cartilage
ii) Septal Processes of Inferior Nasal Cartilages
• The cuticular part of the Nasal Septum is formed by fibrofatty tissue
and is called the Columella.
Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity
• It can be divided into
i) The anterior part or the Vestibule
ii) The Middle part or the Atrium
iii) The posterior part which contains the Conchae
• It is partly bony, partly cartilaginous and partly made of soft tissues.
Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity
• The Bony part is formed by:
i) Nasal Bone
ii) Frontal Process of Maxilla
iii) Lacrimal Bone
iv) Ethmoid Bone
v) Inferior Nasal Concha
vi) Palatine Bone
Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity
• The Cartilaginous part is formed by:
i) Superior Nasal Cartilage
ii) Inferior Nasal Cartilage
iii) 3-4 small cartilages of the Ala
Nasal Conchae

• The Nasal Conchae are curved bony projections directed downwards

and medially.
• The Conchae present are:
i) Inferior Concha – is an Independent Bone
ii) Middle Concha – Projection from medial surface of Ethmoidal Labyrinth
iii) Superior Concha - Projection from medial surface of Ethmoidal Labyrinth
Nasal Meatuses

• These are the passages beneath the Overhanging Conchae.

• Each meatus communicates with the Nasal Cavity Proper.
• The Meatuses pesent are:
i) Inferior Meatus
ii) Middle Meatus
iii) Superior Meatus
iv) Spheno-ethmoidal Recess
Inferior Meatus

• Lies underneath the inferior concha

• Largest of the 3 meatuses
• The nasolacrimal duct opens here
• The opening is guarded by Hasner’s Valve
Middle Meatus

• Lies underneath the middle concha

• It presents the following features:
i) Bulla Ethmoidalis – Rounded elevation produced by ethmoidal sinuses.
ii) Hiatus Semilunaris – Deep semicircular sulcus below the bulla.
iii) Infundibulum – Short passage at the anterior end of the Hiatus.
iv) Opening of Frontal Air Sinus
v) Opening of Anterior Ethmoidal Air Sinus
vi) Opening of Maxillary Air Sinus
Superior Meatus

• Lies underneath the Superior concha.

• It is the shortest and shallowest of the three meatuses.
• It receives the openings of posterior ethmoidal air sinuses.
Spheno-Ethmoidal Recess

• Triangular Fossa above the Superior Concha.

• Receives the opening of Sphenoidal Air Sinus.
Arteries of the Nose (Septum Turned
Nerves of the Nose (Septum Turned Upwards)
• BD Chaurasia’s Textbook of Human Anatomy (9th Edition)
• Gray’s Anatomy for Students (South Asia Edition)
• Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy (8th Edition)

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