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1- Clark/ Fujimoto


1- Clark/ Fujimoto


Concern about security Lack of time Unsure of the advantages and relevance Not necessary for their business Unsure of how to use Not comfortable with the idea- Dont trust digital social media sites
4/22/12 1- Clark/ Fujimoto


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Current Scenario Slide 4

Can something be done to improve this!!! The good word is not spread amongst other customers The customer complaints are often not dealt with properly by the SPOC CRM activities are very cumbersome No supplier interaction amongst each other

No sharing of knowledge

Difficulty in finding a new supplier 4/22/12 1- Clark/ Fujimoto

F ac Prospecti e ve Supplier b o o WHAT IT IS? A social network k platform for a promoting better interaction between n all suppliers, customers and d employees. T It provides features for better interactions wi , knowledge sharing and better tt networking. The platform will be er different for suppliers In as well as customers. The network will be te divided company wise and 4/22/12 in that rf

Supplie r1 Supplie r2 Supplie r3 Compa ny

Custom er 1 Custom er 2 Custom er 3

HOW TO JOIN? INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS All the customers Social Need of and suppliers will be staying connected to given username and people even at work. password for logins Better sharing of Once logged in the knowledge for work platform, they can improvement create their profile, Fast complain add their profile to addressable appropriate mechanism department of their Improvement in company. quality of work as any Add friends to their decrease in quality profile and build a might get reported on network. social network They can add friends Easy recognition of from other suppliers good work as even as well as friends from this would be shared 1- Clark/ Fujimoto their company and on network.

F ac Prospecti e ve Custome b rs o o ROLE OF MODERATOR The moderator will k control the a unnecessary negative comments about the n company so that such comments doesnt d appear in search T engines. positive wiPost about the comments company on facebook tt and twitter so that prospective clients er searching about the In company are directed to te company page on this sites and can learn more by reading rf

Model - Features

Share your photos Create user profile Social Network Plaform Facebook interface

Comment 4/22/12 Share your Videos 1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Twitter interface


Identification of key processes Rationale for these processes How does social media help Impact of these ideas


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Industry explanation -1


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Key Processes - slide

Identification of new customers Interface for new customers to interact Customer relationship management Customer Servicing Supplier relationship building Sharing Best practices amongst suppliers
4/22/12 1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Value Chain - 3 learn Employees can

Here eitherthe bestjust use this slide Learning from we practices followed by where we write the slide 7 ka points the suppliers on this. Or we reatin slide Customer Relationship 7 and still management as just show slide8 which could serve and The Logistics division Customer servicing can interact amongst a rationale. themselves to discuss
issues Identification of prospective customers. Interface for new customers to interact 1- Clark/ Fujimoto

from each other and Best Practices from employees of other companies

Can find more prospective suppliers


Rationale 3 slide

Studies have looked into various nonfinancial aspects of the buyersupplier relationship Shifting product development responsibilities from producer to supplier Exchanging marketing and production personnel

Recreating and extending links with 1-4/22/12 Clark/ Fujimoto 1991, NishiguchiFujimoto2- Banerji/ Sambharya 1996, 1- Clark/ 1994 || the producer in international

How will people join to be done

The other platform will be for customers The platform will be platform for interaction between all customers and the company The customers can create their profile


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Benefits Slide 8, Supplier and customers


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Supplier Blog

Total Value-Chain Improvement The Supplier Cost Reduction Effort, or SCORE program, would foster supplier trust and motivate suppliers to communicate and actively participate in reducing system-wide costs.The SCORE program requires suppliers to suggest ideas for valuechain improvement

Enhanced Communication and 1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Customer Blog


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Overall Benefits at large slide 9

A shortened product development cycle Reduced overall costs of the product Reduced procurement costs Increased market share and Increased profitability.


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

Financials 10 slide


1- Clark/ Fujimoto

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