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How to write a case study

What is a case study ?

• A case study helps students learn by immersing them in a real-world business
scenario where they can act as problem-solvers and decision-makers.
• The case presents facts about a particular organization.
• Students are asked to analyze the case by focusing on the most important
facts and using this information to determine the opportunities and problems
facing that organization.
• Students are then asked to identify alternative courses of action to deal with
the problems they identify.
What is a business case
• A business case imitates or simulates a real situation
• The subject of cases varies enormously from a single individual or
organization to an entire nation
• Common purpose is to represent reality ,to convey a situation with all its
crosscurrents and rough edges
Case must have
• A significant business issue or issues
• Sufficient information on which to base conclusions about the issue
Common Case Elements

• Most “full-blown” cases have these common elements:

• A decision-maker who is grappling with some question or problem that
needs to be solved.
• A description of the problem’s context (a law, an industry, a family).
• Supporting data, which can range from data tables to links to URLs,
quoted statements or testimony, supporting documents, images, video, or
Advantages to the use of case studies in class

• Students are actively engaged in figuring out the principles by abstracting

from the examples.
• This develops their skills in:
-Problem solving
-Analytical tools, quantitative and/or qualitative, depending on the case
-Decision making in complex situations
-Coping with ambiguities
Issues/questions to be addressed through the
• What is the issue?
• What is the goal of the analysis?
• What is the context of the problem?
• What key facts should be considered?
• What alternatives are available to the decision-maker?
• What would you recommend — and why?
Types of cases
• Decision scenario cases
• Problem/success factor diagnosis scenario cases
• Evaluation scenario case
Format of case study
• Title
• Introduction
• Snapshot of Industry/company/Subject
• Objectives
• Discussion on evaluation /Decision/problem success factor diagnosis
• Challenges
• Road Ahead
• Appendix : Supporting tables/figures/videos
Points to be strictly avoided in case
• Copy and paste
• Sources of tables/Figures not mentioned
• No acknowledgement of experts
Examples of areas for case study writing:
Decision scenario cases
• Lowering business costs
• Becoming profitable
• Generating more leads
• Closing on more customers
• Generating more revenue
• Expanding into a new market
• Becoming more sustainable or energy-efficient
Examples of areas for case study
writing:Evaluation scenario
• Complying with government regulation/PEST
• 4P’s
• Product life cycle
Examples of areas for case study
writing:Problem/success factor diagnosis scenario
• Identify pain points of industry/company e.g. electric vehicles
• Identify success factors of the company e.g. Success of Paper boat. Boat

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