1B Sem8 S4 Ingl Ses1 Seal

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Grado: 4th SECONDARY

Semana N° 8
Tema: 8

8th week
Docente: Semana N° 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY Tema: 8

• Present Progressive for future

• Sequency adverbs.

• Countable and uncountable nouns ( Some and Any)
• Can , Could for request.
• Object Pronouns.
• Prepositions od DIRECTION.
• Verbs * Direct and Indirect Objhect

Students wll be able

to use all the
structures that they
have been learning in
this bimester.
Docente: • Semana N° 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY • Tema: 8
Docente: • Semana N° 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY • Tema: 8

9:30 - 10:00 See my bank manager
10:30 – 12:15 Take the group to the cathedral
12:30 – 2:00 Have lunch with some travel agent
2:30 - 4:30 Watch a rehearsal at the theater FINALLY, He is giving a interview
FIRST, He is seeing the bank 4:45 – 5:00 Give an interview at Talk Radio
manager. at Talk Radio.

2 4

NEXT, He is having lunch AFTER THAT, He is watching a

THEN, He is taking the with some travel aqgent. rehearsaL at the theater.
group to the catedral.
Docente: • Semana N° 8
8. My mum has ________ magnets.
Grado: 4th SECONDARY • Tema: 8
a) any b) some
Choose the correct option :
9. Does Scott have _________ peanuts?
1. They have ______ string.
a) any b) some
a) any b) some
10. Does she have ______ paint brushes?
2. I have _________ glue.
a) some b) any
a) some b) any
11. Andy doesn't have ______ paint.
3. Does the teacher have _________ chalk?
a) some b) any
a) some b) any
12. He has ______ push pins.
4. Scott has _________ candy.
a) any b. some
a) any b) some
13. You have _________ staplers.
5. Anna has ______ paper.
a) some b. any
a) some b) any
14. Does she have ______ cake?
6. Do we have ______ ribbon?
a) any b) some
a) any b) some
15. We don't have _________ milk.
7. a) any b) some
• Semana N° 8
• Tema: 8
Choose the correct option that complete the idea of the sentence.
How much __________ do you need?
a) onions b) mushroom c) sugar
How many __________do you have?
a) meat b) pens c) candy
How much ________ is left?
a) broccoli b) grapes c) time
How much ___________is there in the bottle?
a) water b) apples c) marker
How many _________ do they have for breakfast?
a) cow b) apples c) milk
How many cups of __________do your parents drink per day?
a) letters b) coffee c) fish
How much ____________ have we got?
a) lemon b) lemonade c) cookies
• Semana N° 8
Complete the sentences according to te first one. • Tema: 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY
1. “ Carl: Is he marrying Leila?"
John: "Yes, he is in love with _______.

2. Robert: "Your son is making a lot of noise!"

him to be quiet."
Jeanne: "I'll ask ________

3. Charlie: "Please will you ask Robert to come in."

him ."
Tomas: "Sorry, I don't know _________

4. Dad: "Where are my glasses?"

them !"
Son: "You are wearing _________

5. Marisol : "Do you like apples?"

them !"
Sophie: "I love _________

6. Richard: "Why is he always talking about Liza?"

her !"
Edward: "He obviously likes _________

7. Sammy: "Where is my book?

Mum: Oh, dear! I've lost ____________!"
• Semana N° 8
Docente: • Tema: 8
Read the sentence and choose the best answer that complete it.
Grado: 4th SECONDARY
1. He goes ____ disco techs every night.
a) to b) across c) down d) towards

2. You must walk ____ the bridge.

a) into b) across c) down d) along

3. Walk ____ the street and turn left.

a) around b) onto c) down d) across

4. That woman going ____ the supermarket is my mother.

a) into b) onto c) across d) off

5. Sally is talking ____ Michael.

a) to b) off c) through d) up

6. I sit __ Sarah at school.

a) on b) next to c) between d) into

7. Our teacher stands __ the class.

a) under b) above c) in front of d) onto
Docente: Choose the correct alternative. • Semana N° 8
Grado: 4TH secondary • Tema: 8
1. I am buying a gift for _______.
a) his b) our c) they d) her
2. Hurry up! Your friends are waiting for _______.
a) you b) your c) they d) we
3. Please listen to ___________ carefully. I am talking about an important topic.
a) I b) me c) they d) we
4. Your son is climbing the tree in the garden. Look at ________.
a) his b) her c) him d) us
5. If you don't want to watch TV please turn _______off.
a) you b) it c) its d) your
6. I want to help _______ but you refuse.
a) your b) their c) you d) we
7. They asked ______ to come but we didn't accept.
a) me b) us c) them d) we
• Semana N° 8
Docente: Choose the correct answer that complete the idea of the sentence. • Tema: 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY
1. Prepositions of movement are usually used with verbs of motion. Which is a verb of motion?
a) to be b) to go c) to do
2. The Earth goes _______ the sun once a year.
a) across b) past c) around
3. My dog was lying on the sofa, so I yelled, "Get ______ !"
a) out of b) from c) off
4. Which is NOT correct? "The bridge went ______ the river."
a) on b) over c) across
5. Which is correct? "How far is it _______ the station from here?"
a) from b) to c) away from
6. They drove _______ the French border.
a) in b) towards c) into
7. To score in soccer, you must get the ball _______ the goalkeeper and into the net.
a) through b) across c) past
8. We usually feel the most exhausted after running _______ a steep hill.
a) up b) down c) around
9. Which are the correct prepositions? Donald fell _______ the boat and _______ the water.
a) down, in b) off, into c) out of, onto
10. The prisoners escaped _______ a tunnel they'd dug _______ the prison wall.
a) under, through b) out of, over c) through, under
• Semana N° 8
• Tema: 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY Choose the correct answer that fix the question given.
1. My parents sent a package to me for Christmas.
[What is the DIRECT object?]
a) a package b) me c) Christmas d) doesn’t have

2. Annie's boyfriend wrote her a song for her birthday.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) birthday b) song c) her [after "wrote"] d) doesn’t have

3. Santa Claus gave a present to me.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) Santa Claus b) a present c) me d) doesn’t have

4. Greg passed his sister the gravy at dinner last night.

[What is the DIRECT object?]
a) his sister b) the gravy c) dinner d) last night

5. The teacher lent us dictionaries.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) the teacher b) us c) dictionaries d) doesn’t have
• Semana N° 8
• Tema: 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY
6. Mr. and Mrs. Williams left us their furniture when they moved to Chicago.
[What is the DIRECT object?]
a) us b) their furniture c) they d) Chicago

7. My mother is going to buy me a new coat at the mall tonight.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) me b) a new coat c) the mall d) doesn’t have

8. Little Billy handed Karen a love note in class yesterday.

[What is the DIRECT object?]
a) Karen b) a love note c) class d) doesn’t have

9. Our bank sends an email to us every month.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) our bank b) an email c) us d) month

10. I paid the bill for our meal at the restaurant last night.
[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) the bill b) our meal c) the restaurant d) doesn’t have
Semana N° 8
Tema: 8
Grado: 4th SECONDARY

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