Reading Presentation 3.1

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Part I Business&Money 48-49

Answer :
1. - People are selling produce in a
market in Ecuador
- The product categories can
be food crops, vegetables, fruit,
meat and fish..ect
- People in the market is extremely
busy and crowed thereby creating
the bustle and characteristics of trading
in the market.

Part I Business&Money 48 - 49
Answer :
2. – The women are weaving in
the Philippines
-Weaving in the philippines is a
culture perpetuated
- It is considered an artistic expression
of beliefs
- It is not only sold for money but also
become a symbol of women in

Part I Business&Money 48 - 49
Answer :
3. -Two men are talking to each other
at a bank in the United Arab Emirates.
- Maybe they are talking about loans,
buy shares, or capital contribution.
- And the man in white shirt is in
Need of a bank loan to start a business.

Part I Business&Money 48 - 49
Answer :
4. – Yes it is possible for people to move up in their economic
- They can :
 Fight against hunger and ignorance instead of foreign
invaders like wartime.
- Yes there is more possibility of this in some countries than
in others.

Part I Business&Money 48-49

- Poor health  Provide free medical care

- Lack of education  Provide free education

- Being unemployed  Give them job

- No accommodation  Provide shelters

Part I Business&Money 49
3.Previewing vocabulary.
Nouns Verbs Expressions
• Capacity: the total amount that can be • Lift: to move something from a lower to • Social ill:
contained or produced. a higher position. a condition that
• Collateral: valuable property owned by • Plow: to force your way, or to advance isn’t to the
someone who wants to borrow money, that slowly although it is difficult. liking of some
they agree will become the property of the members of a
• Took (take) the initiative: to be the
company or person who lends the money if first one to do something, esp. to solve a community.
the debt is not paid back. problem. • Peer
• Eradication: the process of getting rid of Adjectives pressure:
something completely or of destroying the strong
• Anonymous: made or done by someone influence of a
something bad. whose name is not known or not made
• Microlending: the process of connecting public.
especially of
a borrower and a lender for a non- • Subsidiary: used to refer to something
children, on
traditional, smaller loan. less important than something else with
which it is connected (a subsidiary members of that
• Poverty: the condition of being extremely role/factor). group to behave
poor. as everyone
• Worthless: having no value in money.
else does.
Part I Business&Money 49
4. Getting meaning from context
Questions : Answer :
1. What are entrepreneurs ?  People who own and run their own
small businesses
2. What happens when there is  Group numbers make sure that
peer pressure ? each person pay back his or her loan
3.What are examples of social ills  Lack of health care ; Lack of
? education ; Domestic violence

Part I Business&Money 50
5. Recognizing Synonyms
Highlight the words below that mean the same or almost the same as the underlined words.
Then write your answers to the questions that follow.

If the woman wants to borrow money, she must show that she (1) is honest ( has character), (2)
is able to run her business (has capacity), and (3) owns a house or land or something valuable.

1. What part of speech is character?

 noun
2. What does character mean? (Write the noun form.)
 is honest
3. What part of speech is capacity?
 noun
4. What does capacity mean? (Write the noun form.).
 is able to run her business

Part I Business&Money 51
Part I Business&Money 51
6. Using Parts of Speech to Understand
1. A poor woman has an idea to lift her and her family out of poverty.
Part of speech: verb
Possible meanings: bring, carry
2. The primary goal of Grameen Bank and other, similar programs is the
eradication of poverty.
Part of speech: noun
Possible meanings: elimination, removal
3. As poverty has decreased, there have been some surprising secondary effects of
microlending programs. Perhaps the main subsidiary effect has been a change in
the social status of women.
Part of speech: adj
Possible meanings: side, minor
Part I Business&Money 51-52
6. Using Parts of Speech to Understand
4. She began the Global Fund for Women. This fund has given $37 million to over 2,500
women's groups. It gives grants, not loans. The money is given, not lent.
Part of speech: noun
Possible meanings: account, group, money
Part of speech: noun
Possible meanings: not loans, money given
5. With careful planning and cooperation, most people use the money well and then plow both
money and knowledge back into their communities.
Part of speech: verb
Possible meanings: put, return
Part I Business&Money 52
Banking on Poor Women

Part I Business&Money 52-53

Part I Business&Money 53
Part I Business&Money 54
Part I Business&Money 54
Part I Business&Money 54
8. Organizing Ideas Using a Venn Diagram
Grameen Common Global Fund
Bank Goals for Women

- Lends money - Gives grants

- Borrowing groups - Solutions to social
- 533 million - Character ills
- 3,7 million - Capacity - 537 million
borrowers - Helps women - 2500 women’s
- 94% women group
- 98% repayment - 100% women
rate - No repayment

Part I Business&Money 55
9. Checking Comprehension
1. What is necessary in order to borrow from Grameen Bank? What isn’t
To borrow money from Grameen Bank women must have character and capacity
and join a borrowing group. It isn’t necessary to have collateral.
2. Why does Grameen bank lend mostly to women? Why does it not lend to
people in urban areas?
The bank lends to women because men usually spend money on themselves, but
women spend money on the business. It doesn't lend to people in urban areas
because borrowers in cities do not always repay-the loans. Because of peer
pressure, microlending is more effective in small villages, where everyone knows
everyone else.

Part I Business&Money 55
9. Checking Comprehension
3. What is a subsidiary effect of microlending programs?
While the primary effect is the eradication of poverty, the subsidiary effect
is the change in the social status of women. They receive more respect
because they have more money and more capacity for business.
4. What are some social ills that are often of microlending programs?
Some of the social ills associated with poverty are violence against women,
lack of health care, and lack of education.

Part I Business&Money 55
10. Critical Thinking: Making Inferences
Read the excerpt below from Paragraph E. Answer this question: What
might be some specific ways in which a woman with her own business
"receives more respect"? In other words, make inferences about how this
changes her life.

Traditionally, in some societies, people thought of women as worthless. But

when a woman has access to money and is able to demonstrate her capacity
for business, she often receives more respect than before from the male
members of her family and from the entire village.

Part I Business&Money 56
When women know how to be economically independent, know how to
do business to make money, they will upgrade their value and be
respected more. Specifically: - Not being dependent on the husband.
- Children have better learning conditions.
- Eliminate the old thinking "respect men and despise women".
- Confidence is evident....ect.

Part I Business&Money 56
11. Discussing the Reading
1. In a country that you know well, what kind of collateral do banks
require before they loan money to someone?

2. Do people sometimes join a cooperative group to borrow money in

that. country? If so, what are these groups called? How do they work?

3. What are some social problems in that country? What are people
doing to solve them?

Part I Business&Money 56
12. Talk It Over: Understanding Irony

Part I Business&Money 56

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