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Introduction to India’s

National Security

Source: Indian Maritime Doctrine

Definitions of Basic Concepts
What is Doctrine?
• The word ‘doctrine’ has originated from the Latin word ‘doctrina’, which implies
“a code of beliefs” or “a body of teachings”. It is also referred to as “a belief or a
system of beliefs accepted as authoritative by a group or school”. It thus provides
a framework of beliefs and teachings that guide a group in its actions.
National Values, Aims, Interests and Security Objectives
• National values evolve from a nation’s culture and history. The National Aim is
derived from the Constitution of India and amplified through political directions.
The mix of national values and national aim gives shape to National Interests
which, in turn, determine the National Security Objectives.

Source: Indian Maritime Doctrine

Definitions (contd.)
National Security Policy
• National Security Policy is formulated by viewing the national security objectives
and the components of national power in the domestic and global environment,
both prevailing and predicted. It provides the policy guideline for development of
strategies in the exercise of national power.
National Strategy
• National Strategy is the plan for employment of various tools of national power in
accordance with the national security policy, to achieve the national security
objectives in support of national interests. At times, a formal articulation of
national strategy/policy, or even national security objectives and interests is not
available in the public domain. This however does not necessarily imply that these
do not exist or are not sufficiently understood. Indeed, such articulation by many
nations is itself a relatively recent phenomenon. The national strategy provides the
basis for further development of the Military Strategy, with its constituent Joint,
Land, Maritime and Air Strategies.

Source: Indian Maritime Doctrine

National Aim
• The national aim(s) provides the basis for defining national interests. India’s
national aim, as derived from the Constitution, is the unhindered economic
progress and socio-political development of the nation and its citizens.
National Interests
India’s national interests are expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution, and are
centred on the preservation of the nation’s core values from external aggression and
internal subversion. These are summarised as follows: -
• Sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of India.
• Democratic, secular and federal character of the Indian Republic.
• Secure and stable internal and external environment that is conducive to safety,
security and development of the nation and its citizens.
• Socio-cultural and economic well being of the nation and its citizens.
• Strengthen cooperation and friendship with other countries to promote regional and
global stability.
• Maintain a strong and credible defence
Source: Indian posture, and capability to safeguard the
Maritime Doctrine
national aim and interests.
Basic Concepts (Contd.)
National Security Objectives
These flow from the national interests, and may be summarised as
• Ensure security of national territory, territorial space, citizens,
resources and maritime trade routes.
• Maintain a secure internal environment to guard against threats to
national unity, core values and development.

Source: Indian Maritime Doctrine

Basic Concepts (Contd.)

National Security Policy
The National Security Policy is formulated by the Cabinet Committee on
Security (CCS), with inputs from the National Security Council (NSC) and
other agencies. It is framed in line with the national security objectives, the
imperatives of prevailing and predicted domestic, regional and global security
environment, various factors that impinge on the same, and the constituents of
own national power. It provides the policy guidelines for framing strategies
for supporting national interests and achieving national security objectives.
The military component of the National Security Policy is issued by the
Raksha Mantri (RM) to the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC), in an Op
Source: Indian Maritime Doctrine

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