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Lecture-discussion is perhaps the most widely
used instructional strategy across all grade levels
and subjects areas. Also called teacher-led
discussion or classroom discussion, it is a strategy
under the direct instruction model which promotes
interaction between teacher and students through
explicit instruction combined with different levels
of questioning.
This strategy is preferred by many teachers to veer away from the
negative connotations of a lecture and recitation

The lecture-discussion strategy is founded on the cognitive theory

of education which believes that students internally organize and
process the information they receive, thus making them active
participants in the learning process. Under this strategy, students
explore ideas and concepts, develop lower order and higher order
thinking skills, engage in problem-solving and group decision-
making, and develop informed opinions based on evidence (Wilen,
2004; Engles and Ochoa, as cited in Larson, 2000).
1. Introduction 2. Presentation of the lesson
The teacher begins the The teacher proceeds to
lesson by providing a the unfolding of the topic
motivation activity, through the use of
presenting the objectives, question-and-answer
and giving an overview of The lecture- techniques and visual
the topic. organizers.
discussion strategy
is done by
following these
four basic steps:
3. Comprehension monitoring 4. Integration and closure
The teacher checks Students summarize the lesson by
students' understanding highlighting the important points,
through different synthesizing old and new
strategies of formative information, and/or sharing
assessment. evidence-based conclusions.
Advantages of Lecture discussion
Lecture-discussion is beneficial if used in moderation.

First, it is easy to implement and can be applied in almost all content areas
in social studies. Its greatest strength lies in its efficiency in imparting
information since teachers transfer the same amount of knowledge to all
students in the classroom within a short period of time.

Also, the structured content and the allotted time for comprehension
monitoring aids in mastery of learning which can, in turn, improve student

Lastly, by utilizing a wide range of questioning, the teacher engages

students in different ways of thinking-from concrete to abstract, from
convergent to divergent, and from lower order to critical and creative
thinking skills.
Tips in Lecture discussion as Instructional
● Plan the lesson in detail and practice your presentation
● Be brief in the presentation of the lesson. Elementary students have short attention spans. If possible,
insert activities that will capture their attention from time to time.
● Use a questioning script to develop your questions.
● To increase the effectiveness of delivery, use numerous concrete examples, media, and graphic/visual
● Pause occasionally after giving questions
● 6.Lecture-discussion works best if used in moderation and if integrated with other strategies.

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