Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
6.1 Reflection
6.2 Refraction
Medium Speed of light in km/s
Air 300 000
Water 225 000
Glass 200 000
6.2 Refraction
• Light passing from air into water or glass
-The light slows down
-The light bent towards the normal
-The angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence
• Light passing from water or glass into air
-The light speeds up
-The light bent away from the normal
-The angle of refraction is bigger then the angle of incidence.
• Refraction in everyday life, The phone has a lens to refract light for a
photograph. The spectacles that we are wearing everyday also refract
light in different ways to help people see more clearly.
6.3 Rainbow
• Rainbow is also another phenomenon created by refraction.

• In year 1666, Newton shown that the white light can be split into
different colours. The range of the colours that can be seen in a white
light is called a spectrum.
• The colours are
6.3 making rainbow.
• The process of splitting the colours from white light is called
dispersion. Dispersion happens because the light is refracted. Each of
the different colours of light that make up the white light is refracted
through a slightly different angle.
• When a ray is refracted. Violet light is refracted through the largest
angle and the red light is refracted through the smallest angle.
6.3 Making rainbow
• A rainbow is formed when drops of water in the air cause dispersion
of light. The light is also reflected from the inside the drops of water. ]
• Therefore, to see a rainbow,
-The sun must be shining, to provide bright light.
-There must be rain or small drops of water in the air, to cause
dispersion of light.
-The sun must be behind you, because the water drops reflect the light
inside them.
6.4 Colours of light.
• The primary colours


Adding colours of lights

6.4 Colours of light
• Subtracting colours of light
• Coloured filter can be used to remove colours from light.

• For example the traffic light.

• They used GREEN , YELLOW and RED coloured filter in order for the
traffic light to only allow specific colour to pass through.
• The red coloured filter will only allow red light to be transmitted while
absorbing all the other colours in the light.
• What will happen if we put a green coloured filter in front of the red
coloured filter?
6.5 Galaxies
• The milky way, is a spiral galaxy where we are currently living in.
• There are different shapes of galaxies, The galaxies are classified
according to their shapes. For milky way, it is spiral. There are also
elliptical galaxies or irregular galaxies where they don’t have a specific
• The galaxies are made up of Stellar dust, gas, stars and solar system.
Stellar dust is the dust found in space. The earth is travelling through
a cloud of stellar dust that is estimated to contain one dust particle
every one million m3 of space.
• There are around 100 000 000 000 galaxies out there.
6.6 Rock in space
• Asteroids
-Made up from rock that orbit the sun.
-Most of them are located at the asteroid belt which is between the Mars
and Jupiter.
-Thee largest asteroid found is called ceres which is discovered in 1801.
• Asteroids and Earth
• There are two reason why asteroids impact with Earth.
-The earth exerts a strong forces of gravity on passing objects such as
-Many asteroids have orbits that pass relatively close to Earth.

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