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Chapter 8

Chemical reactions
8.1 Exothermic reactions
• Burning
-Burning is a chemical reaction in which a substance(fuel) combines
with oxygen.
-All fuels have a store of chemical energy.
-When fuels burns, the chemical energy is changed to thermal, light
and also sound energy and they will dissipate into the surroundings.
-Combustion is another term for burning.
- A chemical reaction in which thermal energy is given out is called an
exothermic reaction!
8.1 Exothermic reactions
• Example of exothermic reactions
- Respiration, when carbohydrates breaks down to form glucose. The
glucose(fuels) will combine with oxygen and provides energy. Therefore,
respiration is an exothermic reaction.
- With water, When the water is react with potassium, the bonds between
hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms broke and formed a new bond
potassium hydroxide that will released thermal energy to the
environment. Therefore, it is also a exothermic reactions.
- With acid, When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, magnesium
chloride and hydrogen gas form. During this reactions the test tube will
get hot. Therefore, the reaction is exothermic.
8.2Endothermic reactions
• In contrast with exothermic reactions, endothermic reaction absorb thermal
energy from surrounding and change it to chemical energy and stored in the
chemical bonds.

• Take a look at endothermic reactions.

Sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) + citric acid-> sodium citrate+water + carbon


During this reaction the thermal energy is absorbed from the surrounding and
stored in the form of chemical bonds.
8.2Endothermic reactions
• Daily life example of endothermic processes
-Ice melting, the heat were absorbed from the surroundings, the
energy allows the particles in the ice to vibrate more, and as time goes
on the bonds between ice particles broke and the ice started to melt.

The differences between exothermic and endothermic reaction.

-During Exothermic reaction and processes, thermal energy given out.
-During Endothermic reaction and processes, thermal energy taken in
8.3 Reactions of metals with oxygen
• The general word equation for the reaction is

Metal + oxygen= Metal Oxide

Some metals are more reactive, For example , magnesium is more reactive
than iron because magnesium reacts more quickly than iron.

The reaction between metals and oxygen is an oxidation reaction.

8.3 Reactions of metals with oxygen
• When Iron reacts with oxygen, it formed an orange-brown solid called iron oxide( which
is also known as RUST).

• However, for this reaction to occur, oxygen and water is essential. This reaction is very
slow, so it will takes a long time to happen, this is because Iron is not very reactive with

• Through experiment, we can conclude that the iron placed in a test tube with water and
air rust fastest, and iron left in dry air do not rust at all.

• Therefore, as long as we can prevent the contact of water and oxygen with water, we
can prevent rusting to happen. For example, we can paint the Iron and also galvanising
the iron, which means covering the iron with a layer of zinc that prevent the oxygen
from reaching the iron.
8.4 Reaction of metals with water
• Sodium and Potassium reacts vigorously with water, however
potassium has the highest reactivity among all the metals.
• The word equation for that reaction is

Metal + water = metal hydroxide + hydrogen

• Some metals do not react with water may react with steam, for
example, magnesium react with steam faster than water.
• In this reaction the soaked cotton wool is
heated, after some times, steam will be
produced. In this reaction, the magnesium is
reacting with water, but it is in a form of gas.
Magesium oxide and hydrogen are formed. And
then the hydrogen gas that is given off in this
reaction are burnt.

• The word equation for this reaction is,

Magnesium +water(g)= magnesium oxide

The (g) in the equation indicates that the water is

in the form of gas.
8.5 Reactions of metals with dilute acids
• When magnesium react with dilute hydrochloric acid. The word
equation for the reaction is :

Magnesium+ hydrochloric acid= magnesium chloride+ hydrogen

Magnesium chloride is an example of salt. When a metal reacts with an

acid, The products are a salt and hydrogen.
Metal+ acid = salt + hydrogen
8.6 Reactivity of metals

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