Energy Notes

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What is Energy?

That which helps in doing work is Energy

Types of energy
There are two main types of
Potential energy Kinetic energy
Potential energy
• The stored up energy which has the
potential to do work is called potential
Potential Energy

• Energy due to position or stored energy.

Measure by:
PE= (weight) (gravity) (Heght)

Potential energy is calculated

The object's weight, multiplied by the
gravitational pull (9.8 m/sec sq), multiplied by
the distance the object can fall.
E x a m p l e s of P ot e n t i a l Ener gy

Stretching a rubber band..

-Stores energy

_ Water at the top of a waterfall..

-- -Stores energy

Yo-Yo in held in your hand..

-Stores energy because of position

Drawing a Bow...
-Stores energy because of positio n
Potential Energy

• When the position of an object is altered it,

creates Potential Energy.
• A yo-yo on the table, doesn't have energy, but when
picked up, it alters its position and now it has the ability
(or potential) to do work
• A bow doesn't have the capacity to do work, unless
it's held at an elevated position.
Kinetic Energy
• Every moving object has energy. The
energy that a body gets because of
its motion is called kinetic energy.
Definition of Kinetic Energy

The energy of
Measured by: 2
KE= ½ (Mass) (Velocity)

Kinetic energy is calculated by one half of the

object's mass, multiplied by the object's
speed­ squared.
Examples of Kinetic Energy

• Shooting a rubber
• Water falling over the
• A Yo-Yo in motion.
• Releasing the arrow
from the bow.
Conversion of Energy

Potential Energy gets converted to Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy Converted
to Kinetic Energy

When stored energy begins to move, the object now

transfers from potential energy into kinetic energy.

Standing still Running

Common E x a m p l e s
Forms of energy

Heat Light Sound

Magnetic Electricity Chemical

Transformation of energy
• Energy can neither be created or
• It can be converted from one form into
- Kinetic energy is converted into heat
- Potential energy is converted to kinetic
- Chemical energy to Heat energy
• It can be stored
Sources of energy

• Biggest source of energy is our

• Some other sources are
- Coal
- Wood
} Primary Sources of Energy
- Water
- Food
- ElectriGity } Secondary Sources of
Sources of energy
Convetnional Non- conventional sources
- - Solar
Coal - Wind
- OU - A9riculluralwaste
- Gas - Forestry waste
These sourcesorenergyarebeing usedas
fuel for very long lime - Biofuel

They areknown asconventional sources These sources have not been

of energy traditionally used as Energy source
However, these sources will always
be available in nature and are
Hence it is best to use non­
conventional sources
Example Hydro-electric power project
localed at Koyna dam in
U s e s of Energy Sources
Sun G

/ Electricity


Water Tomspo'1atioo


The solar cell
• A solar cell is made using thin disc made of pure
• Solar energy is converted into electric y in the solar cell

What Are Solar Cells?

• Thin wafer.. of silicon
- Similar lO computer chips
- much bigg1.•r
- much c h c a r!
• Silicon i:-. abundan1 ( and)
- Non-toxic. safe
• Light cnnit.-s energy into cell
• Cells conven sunlight energy into electric
they do not store em.-.rgy
• Sunligh1iscbe"foci"
G r e e n energy
• Biagas
- Cow dung , plant refuse etc. are used as
energy sources in gobar (dung) gas or bio
gas plants
Where does energy go?
• Every energy is used, it is
time or changed

• Some might be useful, some

might be wasted.
Where does energy go?
• For example, a motorcycle engine
uses the chemical energy stored in
• This chemical energy is changed into
useful kinetic energy to move the
• But the chemical energy also
changed into thermal energy and
sound energy.
• Only about ¼ of the chemical energy
in the fuel is used for movement
• The other ¾ of the energy is wasted
energy. It is dissipated and cannot be
reversed, it spreads out where there
is no use for it.
Where does energy go?
• Even when you want to produce
thermal energy, some of it is wasted
• Look a the water being heated in this
• Chemical energy from the wood is
being changed to thermal energy by
the process of burning.
• Thermal energy is being used to heat
the water
• Thermal energy is also being used to
heat the rocks, the metal container and
the air around it .
• Some of the thermal energy escapes
into steam
• The fire also changes energy into light
• All these represents wasted energy that
is dissipated and cannot be reversed.

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