Kristen Cookies Company

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Kristen Cookies Company

• Erni Nur'Ainy (29123236)

• Lucy Kartikasari (29123254)
• Bagus Budianto (29123165)
• Syafiq Ziyad (29123205)
• Najib Arangi P (29123186)
• Gito Wijaya (29123245)
• Berlyan Besoni (29123233)
No. Stages Duration (minutes) Information
A Order Taking 0
B Washing equipment, adding ingredients, mixing 6 Up to 3 dozen of cookie, by us
C Cookie Spooning 2 For every dozen of cookie, by us
D Put the cake in and set the oven 1 For every dozen of cookie, by roommate
E Baking 9 For every dozen of cookie, can be left
F Cooling 5 For every dozen of cookie, can be left
G Packaging 2 For every dozen of cookie, by roommate
H Payment 1 For every orders, by roommate
C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1
2 1 9 5 2 1

A B C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2
0 6 2 1 9 5 2 1

C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3
2 1 9 5 2 1
1. How long will it take you to fill a rush order?
Time needed to fulfill a rush order (CPM)
= 26 minutes
2. How many orders can you fill in a night, assuming
you are open four hours each night?
• cookie mixtures that can be finished in 4 hours
= 240 / (B+3C)
= 240 / (6+3(2))
= 20 mixtures or 60 dozens
• cookies that finish baking in 4 hours
In the first 8 minutes, we have to wait 6 minutes to wash the equipment and mix the first portion of cookie dough
for 2 minutes before we can bake the cookie. After mixing is complete, put the cookie mixture in the oven for 1
minute and bake for 9 minutes. After the process of baking the cookies for the first portion, the mixture for the
second portion is put into the oven parallel to the cookie cooling process for 5 minutes. After the cooling process,
packaging and payment are received for 2 minutes and 1 minute respectively. thus, the first portion of cookies will
be completed within 26 minutes, and the second portion of cookies and so on can be completed in 10 minute
intervals each.
Based on the data above, 22 portions of cookies can be completed in 4 hours.
3. How much of your own and your roommate’s valuable time will it take to fill each order?
• the time it takes me to fulfill each order is 8 minutes for the first portion
and an additional 2 minutes each for the second and third portions.
• the time required for roommates to fulfill each order is 18 minutes for
the first portion and 10 minutes each for subsequent portions
4. Because your baking trays can hold exactly one dozen cookies, you will produce and sell
cookies by the dozen. Should you give any discount for people who order two dozen cookies,
three dozen cookies, or more? If so, how much? Will it take you any longer to fill a two-dozen
cookie order than a one-dozen cookie order?
Discounts can be given to customers who buy 2 dozen cookies, and bigger discounts to customers who buy 3 dozen
cookies, because each batch made takes the same time to make 1 dozen and 3 dozen (6 minutes). the time required
to complete 1 dozen cookies is 26 minutes, 2 dozen cookies is 36 minutes, and the time to complete 3 dozen cookies
is 46 minutes. Assuming we take a profit of $0.3 dollars for the first dozen cookies, for the second and third servings
we can make a profit of $0.3 for every 10 minutes. Taking into account material costs of $0.6 per dozen and
packaging costs of $0.1 per dozen, the maximum discount that can be given is 8.33% for the purchase of two dozen
cookies and 13.04% for the purchase of 3 dozen cookies to make sure our valuable time to not smaller than an
order of 1 dozen cookies.
5. How many electric mixers and baking trays will you need?
Electric mixers we need for now are 1 unit, and the baking trays
I need are 2 units, 1 unit each for baking and cooling cookies
6. Are there any changes you can make in your production plans that will allow you to make
better cookies or more cookies in less time or at lower cost? For example, is there a bottleneck
operation in your production process that you can expand cheaply? What is the effect of adding
another oven? How much would you be willing to pay to rent an addition
Assuming the baking is done by the roommate, additional ovens and trays are needed to increase the number of cookie
production if there is an increase in orders. The impact of increasing the number of ovens is that the valuable time we provide
would generate more profits than the initial conditions.

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