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A Multidisciplinary Approach
• Constructivism is basically a theory – based on observation and scientific
study- about how people learn. It says that people construct their own
understanding and the knowledge of the world, through experiencing things
and reflecting on those experiences.
• When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our
previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe
discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active
creator of our own knowledge. To do this we must ask questions, explore
and assess what we know.

Two branches of Constructivism

Cognitive Constructivism Social Constructivism

• Emphasizes is placed on the • Emphasizes the importance of
importance of learners social interaction and cooperative
constructing their own learning in constructing both
representation of reality. cognitive and emotional imgae s
• Early educational philosophies did not place much value on what would
become a constructivist ideas; children’s play and exploration was seen as
aimless and of little importance.
• Jean Piaget did not agree with these traditional views, however. He saw
play as an important and necessary part of the student’s cognitive
development and provided scientific evidence for this views.
• Today, constructivist theories are influential throughout the formal and
informal learning sectors.
Influential Constructivist
• John Dewey (1859-1952)
• Maria Montessori (1870-1952)
• Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
• Lev Vygotsky (1936-1934)
• Heinz von Foerster (1911-2002)
• George Kelly (1905-1967)
• Jerome Bruner (1915-)
Theory of Constructivism

Formalization of the theory of constructivism is

generally attributed to Jean Piaget, who articulated
mechanisms by which knowledge is internalized
by learners. He suggested that through process of
accommodation and assimilation individuals
construct new knowledge from their experiences.
Assimilation and Accommodation

• Occurs when a learner adds new • Occurs when a learner must
information, basically layering it change previously learn
on top of the old. information before placement of
new information is possible.
Constructivism is a learning theory
• Learning is an active process.
• Knowledge is constructed from (and shaped by) experience.
• Learning is a personal interpretation of the world.
• Emphasizes problem solving and understanding.
• Uses authentic tasks, experiences, settings, assessments.
• Content presented holistically- not separate smaller parts.
Constructivism is a process- the
• Adapt curriculum to address students’ suppositions
• Help negotiate goals and objectives with the learners
• Pose problems of emerging relevance to students
• Emphasize hands-on, real-world experiences.
• Seek and value students’ point of view
• Social context of content
Constructivism is a process- the
• Provide multiple modes of representations/perspective on content.
• Create new understandings via coaching, moderating, and suggesting.
• Testing should be integrated with the task and not a separate activity.
• Use errors to inform students of progress to understanding and changing
in ideas.
Constructivism is a process- the student
• Help develop own goals and assessments
• Create new understandings (via coaching , moderating, suggesting)
• Control learning (reflecting)
• Member of community of learners
• Collaborate among fellow students
• Learn in a social experience-appreciate different perspective
• Take ownership and voice in learning process.
Constructivism is an instructional
• Constructivism can help students
-Pursue personal interests and purposes
-Use and develop his or her abilities
-Build on his or her prior knowledge and experiences
-Develop life-long learning
• Constructivism encourages instructors to provide for each student’s
-Preferred learning style
-Rate of learning
-Personal interactions with other learners source.
Applying constructivism in the classroom
• Pose problems that are or will be relevant to students
• Structure learning around essential concepts
• Be aware that students’ points of view are windows into their reasoning
• Adapt teaching to address students’ suppositions and development
• Assess student learning in context of teaching.
Various approaches in pedagogy derive from constructivist
theory. They usually suggest that learning is accomplished best
using a hands-on approach.

Learners learn by experimentation, and not by being told what

will happen, and are left to make their own inferences,
discoveries and conclusions.
• Traditional classroom • Constructivist classroom
Begins with parts of the whole-emphasizes basic skills. Begins with the whole- expanding to parts.
Strict adherence to fixed curriculum. Pursuit student question/interests.
Textbooks and workbook. Primary sources/manipulative materials
Instructor gives/students receive. Learning is an interaction-building on what students already
Instructor interacts/ negotiates with students.
Instructor assume directive, authoritative role
Assessment via student works, observations, point of view, tests.
Assessment via testing/ correct answers
Process is as important as product.

Knowledge is dynamic/changes with experiences.

Knowledge is inert
Students work in groups
Students works individually
Strengths of Constructivism
• Children learn more, and enjoy learning more when they are actively
involved, rather than passive listener.
• Education works best when it concentrates on thinking and understanding,
rather than on rote memorization. Constructivism concentrates on learning
how to think and understand.
• Constructivist learning is transferable. In constructivist classrooms,
students create a organizing principles that they can take with them to
other learning settings.
• Constructivism gives students ownership of what they learn, since
learning is based on students’ questions and explorations, and often the
students have a hand in designing the assessments as well.
• Students in constructivist classrooms learn to question things and apply
their natural curiosity to the world.
• Constructivism promotes social and communication skills by creating a
classroom environment that emphasizes collaboration and exchange of
• Constructivist assessment engages the students’ initiatives and personal
investment in their journals, research reports, physical models, and artistic
Weakness of Constructivism
• The biggest disadvantage is its lack of structure. Some students require highly structured
environments in order to be able to excel.
• Constructivism calls for the teacher to discard standardized curriculum in favor or a more
personalized course of study based on what the students already knows. This could lead
some students to fall behind others.
• It also removes grading in traditional way and instead places more value on students
evaluating their own progress, which may lead to students failing behind but without
standardized grading and evaluations teacher may not know that the student is struggling.
Since there is no evaluation in the traditional sense, the student may not be creating
knowledge as the theory asserts, but just be copying what other students are doing.
• Another disadvantage is that it can actually lead the students to be
confused and frustrated because they may not have the ability to form
relationships and abstracts between the knowledge they already have and
the knowledge they are learning for themselves.
• Constructivism can have its place in the learning system, but as an
absolute learning system it has some flaws. Students may benefit with
some constructivism principles integrated into the classroom setting,
however, most students need more structure and evaluation to succeed.
• Shift emphasizes from teaching to learning
• Individualizes and contextualizes students’ learning experiences.
• Helps students develop processes, skills and attitudes.
• Consider students’ learning styles
• Focuses on knowledge construction, not reproduction
• Uses authentic tasks to engage learners
• Provides for meaningful, problem-based thinking
• Require negotiation of meaning
• Requires reflection of prior and new knowledge
• Extends students beyond content presented to them.
“ What we see changes what we know.
What we know changes what we see.
-Jean Piaget- ”
Thank you for
Lineses, Mizzy Pauline R.
Mura, Lykka A.

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