Q1W9D4 English Thursday

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Write T for theme, C for Character and S for Setting.

______1. The Big Bad Wolf
______2. one rainy afternoon in a small village
______3. It’s better to give than to receive.
______4. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
______5. in my grandfather’s house in December
What can you say
about these pictures?
The girl is sweeping the
The volcano is erupting.
The ant fell into the water.
The wolf is blowing the house
made of sticks.
In what element of the story do these pictures
Let us talk about another element of a
story, which is the events. Events tell
what is happening in a story. Every
story has a beginning, middle part,
and ending. Let’s read the story.
What event in the story can be found at the
What events can be found in the middle?
What event can be found at the end?
What do you call this element of the story that tells
what happens or happened?
Where can the events of the story be found?
Activity 2
Let us identify if the following is an event in a story. Once again,
do the thumbs up if you think it is an event. Do the thumbs down
if not.

1.Ana and her family

2.The family went on a picnic.
3.They put the empty cans in a trash bag.
An event is one of the elements of a
story. It tells what happens in a story, or
the important happenings found at the
beginning, in the middle, and at the end
of every story.
Tell if the sentence or phrase is an event in a story. On the
space before the picture, write A if it is an event, and B if
Directions: Identify if the sentence or group of words gives an event in a story.
Put a checkmark (✓) in the box if it does, and cross mark (X) if not.

______1. The family went on a picnic.

______2. At the seashore
______3. Last Saturday morning
______4. Father and I rode on a boat.
______5. We made a sandcastle.

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