Steps in Programme Development

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Mr. Soumen Saha Master School of Management

INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Let us start with a simple problem: To find the Addition of two number The steps are Read the two numbers Add these two numbers, producing the sum Print out the sum

Since the computer cannot understand instructions in the English language some special languages must be used for writing the instructions. These special languages are called Programming Languages. Instructions written in a programming language constitute what is known as a program. The person who writes the program


Problem identification. Division of the problem into smaller part known as tasks and the analysis of these tasks. Analysis of the data and validation of the data that will be used in the problem Input/output specifications. Design of the algorithm for the solution of the problem. Coding of the algorithm in a language understood by a computer. Implementation of the program, including testing and debugging. Documentation of the program. Use of the program and possible modifications.

Need to be absolutely clear about what the problem really is. Have to identify and define unambiguous terms in the problem. Identify the root of the problem not the symptom. The problem has to be viewed in its entirety and not in fragments.

A programming problem (tasks) can almost be broken into a number of sub-problems (sub tasks). It is because Sub-task is always smaller than the original task and hence easier to manage and solve. (the principle of divide and conquer) The sub-tasks can be solved in parallel, perhaps by assigning different sub-tasks to different


A program transforms input data into output data. Data analysis starts with reviewing the collected data. Finding meaning in the data is very important. Before settling down to write the code, we must take a critical look at each and every piece of data and the metadata. GIGO (garbage-in equals garbageout) is the fact. We get meaningful results from the machine if and only if the input to the machine is meaningful, and a wrong (incorrect) data input produces



Before coding the programmer must be supplied with detailed inputoutput specifications of the program. There should be a precise and unambiguous description of What constitute the input data. Format of the data Physical medium of input Format of the output. Physical medium of output

It is a set of instruction which, when followed in a predetermined sequence, leads to the solution of a given problem in a finite number of steps. An algorithm should following criteria:



There should be input (s). There should be at least one output. Each instruction should be unambiguous. There should not be any uncertainty about which instruction is to be executed next. Algorithm should be terminate after a finite number of steps.

Some of the tools of algorithm are


it refers to writing statements

according to the algorithm following the syntax of the programming language at hand. Of course the right choice of the language for the coding is an important issue.


It is but natural to make mistakes in programming. Before running the program it is good practice to sit down with a pencil and paper and trace the execution of the program with some sample data. By a careful study of the programs the syntax errors or/and semantic (logical) errors can be detected. Syntax errors are pointed out by the computer and are thus easy to rectify. But we cannot expect the computer to catch semantic errors in our programs.

TESTING & DEBUGING When the program has a logical error, we say that it has a bug. The rectification activity of bug is known as debug. Testing and debugging are not same. Testing tells us the existence of error(s) and debugging is the process of removing the error(s).

Two types of approaches are applied to test a program Black box testing: also known as functional testing, is a testing technique where the tester never examine the project code and does not need further knowledge of the program other than its specifications. The tester should only know about the inputs and the expected outcomes. White box testing: also known as glass box, structural, clear box and open box testing. Here explicit knowledge of the internal workings of

Documentation is an integral part of the program development process. It refers to all written material that helps to explain the use and maintenance of a system or program. Proper documentation enables the user to understand the program and acts as a reference tool for programmers. In case modifications are required, it is easier to understand the logic of a program from documented records rather than the code. Documents for the users are system manuals, user manuals, online help etc Documents for developers are comments in the program, visual appearance of code, various reports, programming tools like


Programs, once developed, remain in use for a period of time. And in future modification of the program may required due to Change in external factors of requirement of the program. May have some bug in the program found later while using it. To improve the program.

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