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Safety Etiquette and

Community Resources
in Case of Emergency
Categories of Injury and their Causes

There is a wide range of sports

injury categories, but for this module,
they will be categorized as thus;
Moreover, the causes of injuries
may be classified as either of the
•Internally causes – inside the body
•Externally causes – outside the
Internally Caused Injuries

These injuries are caused by

the person himself or herself
or by his/her opponent.
Internally caused injuries
can be categorized into the
Overuse injuries – these
injuries are caused by
intense training or
performing too much. The
pressures on performers are
so immense that there is a
temptation to do far too
Sudden injuries – these
injuries are caused instantly
by actions such as
overstretching or twisting or
turning. They may be caused
by tiredness or fatigue, any
of these types of injuries
happen quite during a game
or match.
Externally Caused Injuries

These injuries are caused by

factors outside an
individual’s control such as
the equipment, playing
conditions, or opponents.
Impact Injuries – these injuries
are caused by impact from a
sudden application of force
from an opponent, if any, or
from an occurrence such as
getting hit by faulty equipment
or slipping on a slippery floor.
Cuts, bruises, and fractures are
examples of impact injuries.
Foul play injuries – these are
injuries caused by another
player. A broken nose
suffered due to an
intentional elbow impact
from an opponent is an
example of a foul play injury.
Accidents – these are injuries
caused by accidents. Falling of
bike or getting out of balance
while running are examples of
accidents. In some cases, the
activity itself is dangerous, as in
mountain climbing, which one is
all the vulnerable to accidents. In
such cases, one should be aware
of the accompanying risks of
engaging in such danger-filled
Equipment/Apparel –
sometimes, the equipment
that one uses in an activity or
sport can also cause of
injuries. For instance,
wearing tight-fitting shoes
can cause blisters.

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