2023w All Chapters Solid Mechanics v11

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Solid Mechanics I : Ch.

Solid Mechanics II : Ch. 5,7,11,12,13,14

2023 년도
Hanyang Structures and Composites Lab (HSCL)
Slide 1
Slide 2
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 1: Analysis Flow


Overall analysis flow for solid mechanics

Forces, Materials and Deformations

Slide 3
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 4
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics
Bar Shaft Beam

Equilibrium Con-
𝑑𝑃=−𝑞𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑇=−𝑞𝑑𝑧 𝑑𝑉=−𝑞𝑑𝑥
Stress< Strengths Stress< Strengths 𝜎 𝑥 = 𝐸 𝜀𝑥 𝜏=𝐺 𝛾 𝜎 𝑥 = 𝐸 𝜀𝑥

Stiffness Stiffness 𝐸 𝐺 𝐸

𝜕 𝑢𝑥 𝜕𝑢 𝜃 𝜕𝜃
Strain 𝜀𝑥= =𝐶 𝛾𝑧 𝜃= 𝜀
=𝐶𝑟 𝑥 =− 𝑦
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧 𝜕 𝑥

Deformation 𝑑𝜃
Deformation Condition Condition 𝑢 𝑥 =𝐶𝑥 𝑢 𝜃=𝐶𝑟𝑧 𝑢 𝑥 =−

Slide 5
Slide 6
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 2: Force Equilibrium


Introduction to force and moment

Relationship between force and moment
Calculation of external force
Calculation of internal force

Slide 10
Forces and moments in Three dimension

Forces in solid mechanics usually include both forces and moments.

A moment is defined as a cross product of a direction vector and a force.
In general, force vectors are associated with translational motion, while
moment vectors with rotational motion.

𝚳= 𝐫 × 𝐅=(M 𝑥 ,M 𝑦 ,M 𝑧 )
𝐅 =(F 𝑥 ,F 𝑦 ,F 𝑧 )
𝐅 =(F 𝑥 ,F 𝑦 ,F 𝑧 )

𝐫 =(r 𝑥 ,r 𝑦 ,r 𝑧 )

[Force vector] [Moment vector]

Slide 11
Force Equilibrium condition

When several forces are applying as shown above in 3-

dimensional spaces , Equilibrium Condition:

∑ 𝐹 𝑖 =𝐹 1 +𝐹 1 +⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 𝐹 𝑛=0

∑ 𝑀𝑜𝑖 =¿𝑟 1 × 𝐹 1+𝑟 2 × 𝐹 2 +⋅⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅𝑟 𝑛 × 𝐹 𝑛=∑ 𝑟 𝑖 × 𝐹 𝑖=0 ¿


c.f., the moment at point O’


∑ 𝑀𝑜′𝑖=¿(𝑟 0+𝑟1)×𝐹1+(𝑟0+𝑟 2)×𝐹 2+⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅(𝑟0+𝑟𝑛)×𝐹 𝑛 ¿

Notice that if both force and moment equilibrium conditions are satisfied at an arbitrary point,
the moment and force equilibrium conditions are satisfied for all points. Therefore, the
reference moment point O can be arbitrarily selected.

Slide 12
Concentrated moment

When the two forces with same magnitude and opposite

direction are
 applied to an object as in the above figure, the
moment ( M 0 ) generated from a point o is,

𝑀 𝑜=𝑟 1 × 𝐹 1 +𝑟 2 × 𝐹 2=𝑟 1 × 𝐹 1 − 𝑟 2 × 𝐹 1 =(𝑟 1 −𝑟 2)× 𝐹 1=𝑑× 𝐹 1

A Moment ( M 0 ) generated from an arbitrary point
o' is,

𝑀 𝑜′ =( 𝑟 0 +𝑟 1 ) × 𝐹 1 +( 𝑟 0 +𝑟 2 ) ×𝐹 2❑=(𝑟 1 −𝑟 2 )× 𝐹 1 =𝑑× 𝐹 1 =𝑀 𝑜

Therefore, the moment wrt O is the same as the moment wrt O’: a concentrated moment is
independent of the location of O.
When a concentrated moment is applied to an object, every point belonging to the object
experiences the same amount of moment.

Slide 13
The definition of a concentrated moment (couple)

Two concentrated forces with opposite directions and the same magnitudes acting on an
object generate a concentrated moment, which is often called a couple.

Slide 14
Force Equilibrium condition

In general, force and moment equilibrium conditions are as follows

∑ 𝐹 𝑖 =0

𝑛 𝑛

∑ 𝑀𝑖 =∑ (𝑟 𝑖 × 𝐹 𝑖 ¿ + 𝑀𝑖 )=0 ¿
𝑖=1 𝑖=1

Slide 15
Calculation of external force

Slide 16
Reaction forces & Equilibrium condition

When external forces and moments are applied

to a body, reaction forces and moments are
caused at the constraint boundary conditions
(e.g., fixing conditions) for the object to be
equilibrium conditions.
The Boundary Conditions

By using the force equilibrium condition, we can

calculate the unknown reactions.
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛

∑ 𝐹 𝑖 =0 ∑ 𝑀𝑖 =∑ (𝑟 𝑖 × 𝐹 𝑖 ¿ + 𝑀𝑖 )=0 ¿
𝑖=1 𝑖=1 𝑖=1

❑ ❑
∑❑ (𝐹 𝑒𝑥𝑡 + 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ¿)=0¿ ∑❑ (𝑀 𝑒𝑥𝑡 +𝑀 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛¿)=0¿
Unknown Reactions

Slide 17
Calculation of reaction forces using equilibrium condition

Number of equations of equilibrium is six in three dimensional space

∑ 𝐹 𝑖𝑥=0 
 M ix  0
𝑖  i Since the number of equations of equilibrium
∑ 𝐹𝑖 =0 ∑ 𝐹 𝑖𝑦 =0  M i  0 i M iy  0

is six in the three dimensional spaces,
  M iz  0 up to six independent unknown reactions can
∑ 𝐹 𝑖𝑧=0  i
be calculated.

Number of equations of equilibrium is three in two dimensional space

∑ 𝐹 𝑖𝑥 =0 In two dimensional problems in which all
∑ 𝐹 𝑖 =0 𝑖
∑ 𝑀𝑖=0 , ∑ 𝑀 𝑖𝑧=0 forces are on the plane (co-plane),
∑ 𝐹 𝑖𝑦 =0 𝑖 the generated moment is perpendicular to the

Slide 18
Statically indeterminate & Statically determinate

Statically determinate
When the number of unknown reactions is the same as the number of equilibrium equations.

The number of unknown reactions = The numberof equilibrium equations

Statically indeterminate
When the number of unknown reactions is more than the number of equilibrium equations, we
cannot calculate the reactions by using only equilibrium conditions.

The number of unknown reactions > The numberof equilibrium equations

In statically determinate problems, up to three unknowns in the two dimensional space and up
to six in the three dimensional space are determined from the equilibrium equations.

Slide 19
Calculation of internal force

Slide 20
Free body diagram & Divide the body

Let’s consider a body subjected to external forces

and moments and try to calculate distribution of
internal forces on an arbitrary section using force
and moment equilibrium conditions.

Let’s fictitiously divide the body into two objects A

and B along the section where internal forces are
acting. The internal forces are acting on the body A
are opposite to those on the body B (action and

Slide 21
Equilibrium conditions of Part A &Part B

The object A loaded by its external forces and internal forces

should be in equilibrium:
∑❑ 𝐹 𝐴 =¿ 𝐹 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝐴 + 𝐹∫𝐴¿¿ ¿
FAint and FA are the external and internal forces applied to the
object A, respectively. The internal forces existing inside body are
acting on the cutting plane as distributed forces.

Similarly, the other object B also has the same internal forces with
opposite direction, and it should be in equilibrium.

∑ 𝐵 𝐵 𝐵¿

𝐹 =¿ 𝐹 +𝐹
𝑒𝑥𝑡 ¿¿

Slide 22
Equilibrium conditions of summation force

FAext  FAint  FBext  FBint  0


Since the summation of the external forces are zero, we can easily
conclude that the summation of the internal forces are acting
should be zero as well, as called action-reaction.

∑ 𝐹=𝐹 𝑒𝑥𝑡
𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡
+𝐹 =0
𝐹 𝐴 =− 𝐹 𝐵

Slide 23
Slide 24
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 3: Analysis of Deformation


 Statically determinate problems

 Statically indeterminate problems

Slide 25
Flow Analysis of Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 26
Free body diagram and unknown reactions

In this lecture, we will review an analysis procedure of deformable body

subjected to external forces.

<Given>loads & deformation <Free Body Diagram>

conditions, material properties

As a first step, draw a Free Body Diagram and indicate unknown reactions according to
the boundary conditions.

Slide 27
Formulation of three concepts of solid mechanics

Formulate the problems according to the three important concepts.

1. Study of forces and equilibrium requirements.

2 Application of force-deformation relations (material


3. Study of deformation and conditions of geometric fit.

Make sure the number of unknowns are equal to the number of known equations.
Number of unknowns = Number of equations

Slide 28
Statically determinate problems(1)

Definition of statically determinate

When the number of force equilibrium equations is equal to the number of unknowns, this
system is called “Statically Determinate”, where the unknown reaction caused by external
forces can be solved using only force equilibrium conditions.

Force equilibrium : 𝐹 1+ 𝐹 2 =𝑊
Moment equilibrium : 𝐹 1 ⋅𝑎= 𝐹 2 ⋅𝑏
2 unknown parameters = 2 equations

Slide 29
Calculation of statically determinate problems (2)

Calculate the internal force of a pressure vessel.

Radius : r; Thickness : t
Pressure : P (Force / Area)

The force component of y-axis=P*P*(r*dΘ)*1*sinθ

𝐹 𝑦=∫ 𝑑 𝐹 𝑦=∫ 𝑝𝑟 sin 𝜃 𝑑 𝜃=𝑝𝑟 ⋅2

dFy The force component of x-axis P*(r*dΘ)*1*cosθ)

; The forces of x-axis are eliminated because it’s
dFx symmetric
dΘ 𝜋
𝐹 𝑥=∫ 𝑑 𝐹 𝑥 =∫ 𝑝𝑟 cos 𝜃 𝑑 𝜃=0

Slide 30
Calculation of statically indeterminate problems (1)



Calculate the deformation of the Springs

<Solution> 4 unknown parameters = 4 equations

(1) Force equilibrium : 𝐹 1+ 𝐹 2 =𝑊

(2) Deformation condition : 𝑥 =𝑥

(3) Material Properties:

1 2

𝐹 1=𝑘1 𝑥 1 , 𝐹 2=𝑘2 𝑥 2
¿ } 𝑘1 𝑥1+𝑘2 𝑥2=𝑥1(𝑘1+𝑘2)=𝑊
𝑥1 =𝑥2 =
𝑘1 +𝑘2

Slide 31
Calculation of statically indeterminate problems (2)

The rigid body will contact with ground
if W moves certain distance “b”.

Calculate the distance “b”.

<Solution> 5 unknown parameters = 5 equations

(1) Force and moment equilibrium : −2𝑎 𝐹 −(𝑏−𝑎)𝑊 =0

−𝑊 +𝐹 1 +𝐹 2=0 1

(2) Deformation condition : h − 𝑥2 h − 𝑥1

(3) Material Properties:
−𝑎 +𝑎
2 2
𝐹 1=𝑘 𝑥 1 𝐹 2 =𝑘 𝑥 2

Slide 32
Calculation of statically indeterminate problems (3)

ka , kb , kc ,a,b
Before the load P is applied,
the bar is horizontal distance
from the center to P :
Calculate deformation caused by the external load P

<Solution> 6 unknown parameters = 6 equations

(1) Force and moment equilibrium :

𝐹 𝐴 +𝐹 B + 𝐹 𝐶 − 𝑃=0 − 𝐹 𝑎 𝑎+𝐹 𝑐 𝑏− 𝜆 𝑃=0
(2) Deformation condition :
𝑥 𝐵− 𝑥𝐴 𝑥𝐶 − 𝑥 𝐴
𝑎 𝑏+𝑎
(3) Material Properties:

𝐹 𝐴=𝑘 𝐴 𝑥 𝐴 𝐹 𝐵 =𝑘 𝐵 𝑥 𝐵 𝐹 𝐶 =𝑘𝐶 𝑥 𝐶

Slide 33
Slide 34
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 4: Uniaxial loading and



Introduction to uniaxial loading and deformation

Definition of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio

Slide 35
Uniaxial loading

The uniaxial loading and deformation is related to the length (ℓ), are(A) and material
properties in a bar problem.


P P Force

In the random section in the bar subjected to the external force (P) subjected to
same amount of internal force.

Slide 36
Uniaxial deformation

Assume a bar, when its length is ℓ and are is A,

A P loaded by external force (P).
Its deformation (δ) is linear as shown as below.
ℓ δ

A 2P
The deformation is proportionate to
the amount of load.
ℓ 2δ

A P P The deformation is proportionate

to the length.
2ℓ 2δ

2A P The deformation is proportionate to the area

ℓ δ/2

Thus, it can be summarized as, 𝑃𝑙 , P = material property

Slide 37
The definition of Young’s Modulus

Definition of the Young’s Modulus

We defined the relation between area, length and deformation.

P = material property  𝐴 𝛿

In this equation, the material property is defined as Young’s Modulus ( E ) and can
be expressed by,

𝛿 similarity 𝐹 =𝑘𝑥

Slide 38
The relationship of force and bar in the bar


Thus, the force which is subject to the unit area is stress (σ) and the deformation for the unit
length is strain (ε).The ratio between stress and strain can be defined as E.

. Young's modulus is the ratio of stress, which has units of pressure, to strain, which is
dimensionless and therefore itself has units of pressure

The SI unit of modulus of elasticity (E, or less commonly Y) is the Pascal ;the practical units
are MPa or GPa or kN/mm²).

Slide 39
The experimental method to measure the Young’s modulus

P 

Strain L

 

9 2
𝐸(𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙)=200×10 𝑁/𝑚 =200𝐺𝑃𝑎
Slide 40
Poisson’s ratio

We show in figure a y-direction

contraction away from the bar.

𝜀𝑥 =
The x-direction strain can be defined as 𝑙𝑥

The y-direction strain also can be defined as 𝜀𝑦 =

The ratio between  y and  x is so called “Poisson’s Ratio” (ν)

𝜀𝑦 =−𝜐 ⋅ 𝜀𝑥
The minus sign is inserted before the ratio of strains so that the constant
ν will be positive; the strain in the y-direction (  y) is negative
𝜈 ( steel )= 0.28
because of the contraction.

Slide 41
Shear Modulus of Elasticity, G

The shear modulus is similar to the modulus of elasticity . However it is applied to shear stress-

𝜏=𝐺 𝛾


Slide 42
Slide 43
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 5: Stress and Strain


Introduction to stress
Mohr’s circle-Symmetry of stress tensor
The observation of Mohr’s circle
Introduction to strain

Slide 44
Mohr’s circle-Symmetry of stress tensor

Slide 45
Symmetry of the stress

Consider point o included a small rectangle:

If we observe the external force of the
rectangle is as follows

𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑥𝑦
𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜎 𝑥𝑥
𝜎 𝑥𝑥
𝜎 𝑦𝑥

𝜎 𝑥𝑦
𝜎 𝑦𝑦

Slide 46
Symmetry of the shear stress

𝜎 𝑥𝑦
𝑑𝑦 =
𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜎 𝑥𝑦

∑ 𝑀𝑜 =(𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝑑𝑦)𝑑𝑥−(𝜎𝑥𝑦 𝑑𝑥)𝑑𝑦=0⇒ ∴ 𝜎 𝑦𝑥=𝜎 𝑥𝑦

In three dimensional body,

[ ] From moment equilibrium,

𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝜎 𝑥𝑧
𝜎 = 𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑧
𝜎 𝑧𝑥 𝜎 𝑧𝑦 𝜎 𝑧𝑧

Slide 47
The normal and shear stress in the inclined section
A stress is present at a point o.
A normal and shear stress on a cross-section passing through the point will depend on
the cross-sectional direction. In other words, its components change with the axis.

[ 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝜎 𝑥𝑦
𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 ]

[ 𝜎𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ 𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′
𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑥′ 𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑦 ′ ]
How can we derive stress components at an inclined section from the
stresses at other section ?

Slide 48
Stress components in the x-plane
Component x of Force
 y'x' Inclined plane 𝜎 𝑥′𝑥′𝑙

𝜎 𝑥𝑥  Vertical plane −𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝑙 𝑦 cos 𝜃 and−𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝑙 𝑦 sin 𝜃

𝜎 𝑥′𝑥′
Horizontal plane −𝜎
𝑥𝑦 𝑥𝑙 cos 𝜃 and−𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝑙 𝑥 sin 𝜃
𝜎 𝑦𝑥
∑ 𝐹 𝑥′=𝜎 𝑥′ 𝑥′ 𝑙−𝜎 xx 𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃−𝜎 yx 𝑙𝑦 sin𝜃−𝜎 xy 𝑙x cos 𝜃−𝜎yy 𝑙𝑥 sin 𝜃=0
2 2
𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ =𝜎 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 sin 𝜃+2 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑦

Component y of Force Inclined plane 𝜎 𝑦′𝑥′𝑙

𝜃 𝑙 Vertical plane 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝑙 𝑦 sin 𝜃 and −𝜎 𝑦𝑥 𝑙 𝑦 cos 𝜃
𝑙𝑦 Horizontal plane 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝑙 𝑥 sin 𝜃 and− 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝑙 𝑥 cos 𝜃
∑ 𝐹 𝑦 ′=𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ 𝑙+𝜎 xx 𝑙𝑦 sin 𝜃 −𝜎 yx 𝑙𝑦 cos 𝜃 − 𝜎 xy 𝑙𝑥 sin 𝜃 − 𝜎 yy 𝑙𝑥 cos 𝜃=0
2 2
𝑙 𝑥 =𝑙 ⋅ sin 𝜃 𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ =− 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑥𝑦 (cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃)

Slide 49
Stress components in the y-plane

𝜎 𝑦′𝑥′
𝜎 𝑦′𝑦′  𝑙 
𝜎 𝑥𝑥
𝜎 𝑦𝑥

𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝑙 𝑥 =𝑙 ⋅ sin 𝜃
𝜎 𝑦𝑦

𝜎 𝑦′𝑥′=−𝜎𝑥𝑥 cos𝜃sin𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 cos𝜃sin𝜃+𝜎𝑥𝑦 (cos 𝜃−sin 𝜃 )

2 2

Slide 50
Summary: Stress Transformation

2 2
𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ =𝜎 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 sin 𝜃+2 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
2 2
𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ =− 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑥𝑦 (cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃)
2 2
𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑦 ′ =𝜎 𝑥𝑥 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 cos 𝜃− 2 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑥 ′ =− 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑦𝑦 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃+𝜎 𝑥𝑦 ( cos 𝜃 −sin 𝜃 )
2 2

Slide 51
The definition of Mohr’s circle

Mohr's circle, named after Christian Otto Mohr, is a two-dimensional graphical representation
of the state of stress at a point.

𝜎 𝑦′𝑥′
1+cos2𝜃 1−cos2𝜃
𝜎𝑥′𝑥′=𝜎𝑥𝑥 +𝜎𝑦𝑦 +𝜎𝑥𝑦sin 2𝜃
𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝜃 𝜎 𝑥′𝑥′
𝜎 𝑦𝑥

𝜎 𝑥𝑦
2 2

Slide 52
Drawing Procedure for Mohr’s Circle
 xy
Drawing Procedure
Y 𝑋′
(𝜎 𝑦𝑦 ,𝜎 𝑥𝑦 ) (𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ , 𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ )
1. Choose a set of x-y coordinate axes.
2. Identify the stresses𝜎 𝑥𝑥 ,𝜎 𝑦𝑦and 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 =𝜎 𝑦𝑥
list them with proper sign.
2𝜃 3. draw a set of coordinate axes with
and positive to the right and
2𝜃 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 ,𝜎 𝑦𝑦 upward ,respectively.
4. Plot the point and label it
point X (vertical plane).
(𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑦 ′ ,𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ ) 5. Plot the point and label it
Y' X (𝜎 𝑥𝑥 ,𝜎 𝑥𝑦 ) point Y (horizontal plane).
C 6. Draw a line between X and Y. This
establishes the center and the radius
Radius: r R of Mohr’s circle.
The center of circle : (C,0) 7. Draw the circle.
Given coordinate two point 8. An extension of the radius between C
(𝜎 𝑥𝑥 ,𝜎 𝑥𝑦 ) (𝜎 𝑦𝑦 ,𝜎 𝑥𝑦 ) and X can be identified as the x=axis
Coordinate two point after rotating or reference line for the angle
(𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ , 𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ ) (𝜎 𝑦 ′ 𝑦 ′ ,𝜎 𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ )

Slide 53
Drawing procedure of Mohr’s circle
𝜎0 𝜎0
y y
𝜎0 𝜎0
𝜎0 x

y x y x

Slide 54
The observation of Mohr’s circle

Slide 55
The situation of Max/min normal and shear stress

Minimum normal stress 𝜎 2 Maximum normal stress 𝜎1

𝜎2 2 𝜃1 𝜎1
𝜏 max

Maximum shear stress 𝜏 max

Slide 56
Maximum shear loading by normal stress

If the normal stress is stronger and the shear force is

weaker ,when material is broken.
how mush is so?

𝜏 max Shear force seems not existing. But it’s there on x
2 𝜃=9 0 axis in inclined place by using Mohr’s Circle

Y X = (𝜎 0 ,0)
There largest shear force is on the radius of Mohr’s
 max  2  900   450

Material is failure

Slide 57
Normal stress and shear stress
Maximum normal stress𝜎 1and Minimum normal stress 𝜎 2

(√ )
Y 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 +𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 −𝜎 𝑦𝑦 2
𝜎 1=𝐶+𝑟= + +𝜎 𝑥𝑦
𝜎 𝑥− 𝜎 𝑦

2 𝜃1
 xy
2 2
The Angle 𝜎 𝑥𝑦 1 𝜎 𝑥𝑦
tan 2 𝜃1 = 𝜃1= 𝑎𝑟 tan
( ) ( )
of is 𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑦 2 𝜎 𝑥− 𝜎 𝑦
1 2 2

Maximum shear stress 𝜏 max

2 𝜃 1=9 0
√( 𝜎 𝑥𝑥 − 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 2
2 )
+𝜎 𝑥𝑦


𝜎1− 𝜎2 Difference in angler between𝜏 max

𝜏 1 0 0
2 max 2 𝜃 1=9 0 ⇒ 𝜃1=4 5
and is

Slide 58
Principal stresses

The principal stresses are the maximum normal stress 𝜎 maxand minimum normal stress 𝜎 min
Principal stresses 𝜎 min and 𝜎 max can be computed from

𝜎 𝑝1 , 𝑝2=
𝜎 𝑥 +𝜎 𝑦
√( 2 )
𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎 𝑦 2
+𝜎 𝑥𝑦 2

Where subscript p refers to the planes of maximum and minimum values of  n

𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑥𝑦
Location of the Plane of Principal Stresses
𝑦 𝑛 𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝑡
𝜃 𝜎 𝑥𝑥
1 −1 2𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜃𝑝 = tan (¿ )¿ 𝑥
2 𝜎 𝑥 −𝜎 𝑦

𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑦

Slide 59
Maximum shear stress

Maximum in-plane shearing stress can be computed from

𝜏 𝑃=±
√( 2 )
𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑦 2
+𝜎 𝑥𝑦2

Where subscript p refers to the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress 𝜏 𝑃

𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑥𝑦
Location of the Plane of maximum shearing stress
𝑦 𝑛 𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜎 𝑥𝑥 𝑡 𝜃 𝜎 𝑥𝑥
1 −1 𝜎 𝑥− 𝜎 𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑥
𝜃𝜏 = tan (¿ )¿ 𝑥
2 2𝜎 𝑥𝑦

𝜎 𝑥𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑦

Slide 60
Mohr’s circle of strain

𝜀𝑥𝑥+𝜀𝑦𝑦 𝜀𝑥𝑥 −𝜀𝑦𝑦

𝜀𝑥′𝑥′= + cos2𝜃+𝜀𝑥𝑦 sin 2𝜃
𝜀𝑥𝑦 (𝜀 𝑦𝑦 ,𝜀 𝑥𝑦 )
(𝜀𝑥𝑥 ,𝜀 𝑥′ 𝑦 ′ ) 2 2
Strain Mohr’s circle is the same as
Stress Mohr’s circle
𝜀𝑥𝑥 ,𝜀 𝑦𝑦

( )
𝜀𝑥𝑥 +𝜀 𝑦𝑦 2
( )
𝜀 − 𝜀
𝜀𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ − +𝜀 𝑥′ 𝑦 ′ 2= 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 ++𝜀𝑥𝑦 2
(𝜀 𝑦𝑦 ,𝜀 𝑥′ 𝑦 ′ ) 2 2
(𝜀𝑥𝑥 ,𝜀 𝑥𝑦 )

2017-04-5 Slide 61
Slide 62
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 6: Stresses, Strains and

Material Properties


Elastic stress-strain relations

Thermal strains

Slide 63
Introduction to stress

Slide 64
Definition of stress

• When an object is subjected to external loads,

there are also loads induced inside the object. The
directions and magnitudes of such internal loads
are dependent on equilibrium conditions, material
properties and deformation compatibility

• To express internal loads at an arbitrary point inside

an object, we first need to determine the normal
direction of a plane passing through the point, and
then determine the directions and magnitudes of  Ft n   tn
loads distributed on that plane. Such distributed
internal loads at a point are called stresses

• The stresses at an arbitrary point is expressed by the  Fn t   nn

normal direction of a plane passing through it and
the distributed loads on that plane.

Slide 65
Stress : two dimensional case

• Description:
An arbitrary plane passes through point O. Find the internal loads at point O in a two-
dimensional space.

𝐹 𝑛= ¿

𝑛=(𝑛𝑥 ,𝑛𝑦 ) → a unit vector normal to the plane

 Ft n   tn

 Fn t   nn
𝐹𝑛→the distributed load vector on the plane
Slide 66
Stress : two dimensional case

• Description:
Observing the distributed loads in the plane defined by the normal unit vector t.

𝐹 𝑡 =¿

𝑡=(𝑡 𝑥 ,𝑡 𝑦 ) → a unit vector normal to the plane

𝐹𝑡→the ditributed load vector on the plane

 Ft t   tt  Fn t   nn

Slide 67
Stress : two dimensional case
• Summary

i.e. the stress components in the plane with normal unit vector n are σnn and σtn, while the
components in the plane with normal unit vector t are σnt σtt, as shown below

[ 𝜎 𝑛𝑛 𝜎 𝑡𝑛
𝜎 𝑛𝑡 𝜎 𝑡𝑡 ]
In summary, the stresses in two mutually perpendicular planes passing through an arbitrary
point O can be expressed by normal and shear components in each plane

Slide 68
Stress : Three dimensional case

• Description:
3 mutually perpendicular planes pass through an arbitrary point O

The distributed loads on each one of those three

mutually perpendicular planes have three

The stres sta e at point in 3−dimensional space

Slide 69
Introduction to strain

Slide 70
Deformation of a rectangular (dx, dy)

( 𝑢𝑥 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑥
𝑑𝑦 , 𝑢 𝑦 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑦
𝑑𝑦 ) 𝑑′
𝑒′ Before deformation : ocde
𝑒 After deformation : o’c’d’e’

𝜃1 c' ( 𝑢𝑥 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑥
𝑑𝑥, 𝑢 𝑦 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑦
𝑑𝑥 )
ou' , u 
x y

o 𝑑𝑥 𝑐
( 𝑥, 𝑦 )

Slide 71
The definition of strain

( 𝑢𝑥 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑥
𝑑𝑦 , 𝑢 𝑦 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑦
𝑑𝑦 ) x−dir elongated length
𝑒′ 𝑑′ 𝜀xx=
𝑒 x−dir length
𝜃2 𝜕𝑢𝑦
𝑑𝑦 𝑐′ 𝑑𝑦
y−dir elongated length 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑢𝑦
o( 𝑢' 𝑥 ,𝑢𝑦 ) ( 𝑢𝑥 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑥
𝑑𝑥, 𝑢 𝑦 +
𝜕𝑢 𝑦
𝑑𝑥 )
𝜀yy= = =
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥

( 𝑥, 𝑦 )
𝑑𝑥 𝑐
y−dir length 𝑑𝑦 𝜕𝑦
𝜀 𝑥𝑥
𝜀 𝑦𝑥 [ 𝜀 𝑥𝑦
𝜀 𝑦𝑦 ] Index Notation
1 𝜕𝑢𝑖 𝜕𝑢 𝑗
𝜀𝑖𝑗 = ( +
2 𝜕𝑥 𝑗 𝜕 𝑥𝑖

Slide 73
Transformation of strain: in 2D

What is the transformation of strain?

𝑦 𝑦′
𝑥 𝑥′

𝑦 ′𝜃 𝑦 𝑥 ′

( )[
cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑥
𝑦 ′ −sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 𝑦 ]( ) ( ) [
𝑥 cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃 𝑥 ′
⇒ =
𝑦 sin 𝜃 cos𝜃 𝑦 ′ ]( )

Slide 75
Transformation of strain: in 2D

𝜕𝑢𝑥′ 𝜕𝑢𝑥′ 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑢𝑥′ 𝜕 𝑦

𝜀𝑥′ 𝑥′= = +
𝜕𝑥′ 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥′ 𝜕 (𝑦 ) 𝜕𝑥′
𝜀𝑥 ′ 𝑥 ′ =𝜀 𝑥𝑥 cos 𝜃+𝜀𝑦𝑦 sin 𝜃 +𝜀 𝑥𝑦 2 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 ]( ) ( ) [ ]( )
𝑥 ′ = cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑥 ⇒ 𝑥 = cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃 𝑥 ′
𝑦 ′ −sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 𝑦 𝑦 sin 𝜃 cos𝜃 𝑦 ′

1 𝜕 𝑢𝑥 ′ 𝜕 𝑢 𝑦 ′
𝜀𝑥 ′ 𝑦 ′ = ( + )
2 𝜕𝑦′ 𝜕 𝑥′
Slide 76
The transformation of strain: in two dimensional case
The meaning of strain transformation:
Observe the same strain fields using two different coordinates.

Before deformation After deformation

y y
x x

same strain field strain transformation

The same strain fields have different strain components in different coordinates.

2017-04-5 Slide 77
Elastic stress-strain relations

Slide 78
The stress and strain : three dimensional case

Stress-strain relations
The stress and strains in a three dimensional object related to the physical
properties of materials.

Slide 79
The strains caused by normal stress σxx

First observation of the strains which caused by tensile stress σxx.

causes not only the x-directional strain

, but also the y-directional strain 𝜎 𝑥𝑥
and z- directional strain .The ratio of 𝜀 𝑥𝑥 =
to is defined as Poisson's Ratio.
Slide 80
The strains caused by normal stress σyy & σzz

First observation of the strains which caused by tensile stress σyy & σzz.

Similarly, 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 𝜎 𝑦𝑦
The strain which caused by
tensile stress σyy and σzz are. 𝜎 𝑦𝑦 :𝜀 𝑦𝑦 = ,𝜀𝑥𝑥 =𝜀𝑧𝑧=−𝑣𝜀 𝑦𝑦 =−𝑣
Slide 81
The strains caused by shear stress σxy

First observation of the strains which caused by tensile stress σxy.

 xy

Only shear strain caused by  xy E

the shear stress  xy  G:shear modulus G
2(1  v)

Slide 82
The strains caused by shear stress σzx & σyz

Second observation of the strains which caused by tensile stress σzx & σyz.

Only shear strain caused by  yz  zx E

the shear stress
 yz   zx  G:shear modulus G  2(1  v)
2G 2G

Slide 83
Stress-Strain relationship

 xx  [ xx  v( yy   zz )]
 yy  [ yy  v( zz   xx )]
 zz  [ zz  v( xx   yy )]
 xy
 xy 
2G   xx   E1 v v
0 0 0    xx 
 yz      
 yz    yy   E
E 0 0 0    yy 
  zz   E  1
0 0 0    zz 
 zx  
 
 zx 
  yz   0 0 0 0 0    yz 
2G 2G
  zx   0 0 0 0 1
0    zx 
   2G
  
   0 
0 0 0 0    xy 
2G 
 xy  

Slide 84
Thermal Strains

Slide 85
Three dimensional case of thermal strain

Definition of Thermal strain

-Most materials when unstrained expand when heated and

Contract when cooled.
 xx  T
-thermal strain due to one degree( 1 )change in temperature  yy  T
is given by  is known is the coefficient of thermal expansion.
 zz  T
-the thermal strain due a temperature change of degrees is  xy  0
given by
 yz  0
 T =T  zx  0

Slide 86

Total strain
- The sum of the normal strain caused by the loads and the thermal strain is called the total
strain, and it is given by

 total      T    T

  xx   E1 
E 0 0 0    xx    
         
 yy   E
1 
0 0 0  yy  
E E   
  zz   E  1
0 0 0    zz    
         T

  yz   0 0 0 0 0   yz   0 
  zx   0 0 0 0 1
2G 0    zx   0 
   
1  
  
  xy   0 0 0 0 0 2 G   xy  0

Slide 87
Material properties

Slide 88
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 89
Slide 90
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 7: Failure Criterion , stress

concentration , fatigue and creep

Introduction to failure criterion

Introduction to von Mises yield criterion
Introduction Tresca yield criterion

Slide 91
Introduction to failure criterion

Slide 92
Uni-axial stress condition

The maximum allowable stresses which materials can sustain without failure are limited by
the material strength.

Stresses < Strength

 xx   Y
 xx A
P  Y : yield strength
Y (experimentally measured)

Designer choose the cross-section of the area

or limit the externally applied stress such that
the stress should be less than the strength.
Yield strength = E * Yield strain.

Slide 93
Multi-axial stresses condition

There are two failure criteria which have been widely used for predicting material failure.

(1) von-Mises yield criterion

(= Maximum distortion energy criterion; Octahedral shear stress criterion)

(2) Tresca yield criterion

(= Maximum shear stress criterion)

Slide 94
Introduction to von Mises Yield criterion

Slide 95
Von Mises yield criterion : in three dimensional case

Von Mises Yield Criterion

 yy It is experimentally observed that a function in terms of
 xy principal stresses f reaches a constant value when failure occurs

f ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 )  const.;  1 ,  2 ,  3 are principal stresses.

 xx
In three dimensional stress state,

f ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 )  ( 1   2 ) 2  ( 2   3 ) 2  ( 3   1 ) 2  const.
2 1

f ( Y , 0, 0)  ( Y  0) 2  (0  0) 2  (0   Y )2  2 Y2

 eq 

( 1   2 ) 2  ( 2   3 ) 2  ( 3   1 )2   Y 

Slide 96
Von Mises Yield Criterion : in two dimensional case

Von Mises Yield Criterion

f ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 )  ( 1   2 ) 2  ( 2   3 ) 2  ( 3   1 ) 2  2 Y 2

In two dimensional stress state, 3  0

f ( 1 ,  2 , 0)  ( 1   2 ) 2  ( 2  0) 2  (0   1 ) 2  2 Y2

[Graph of Von Mises theory]  12   1  2   22   Y2

Slide 97
Introduction Tresca yield criterion

Slide 98
Tresca yield criterion : in three dimensional state

Tresca yield criterion

It is experimentally observed that maximum shear stress reaches a constant value

when failure occurs.

  1   2  2   3  3  1 
 max  max  , , 
 2 2 2 

The maximum shear strength can be determined using the uni-axial failure:

 Y 
 max  max  
 2 

Slide 99
Tresca yield criterion : in three dimensional state

Tresca yield criterion

In two dimensional stress state, 3  0

 1   2  2 1 
 max  max  , ,   Y  max   1   2 ,  2 ,  1 
 2 2 2 

[ Graph of Tresca theory ] [ Comparison Von-Mises and Tresca ]

Slide 100
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 8: Shaft and Torsion


Torsion theory
Deformation of a shaft with a circular cross-section
Relation between shear stress and torque

Slide 101
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 102
Torsion theory

Slide 103
In this chapter we study the stress and strain of a shaft resulted from a torque
applied in the axial direction of the shaft.

Concept of the shaft

A one-dimensional object which transmits torque is called a shaft.

Slide 104
Different types of shafts

By observing the following cross-sections, we can differentiate different types of shafts.

Solid circular Hollow circular Non-circular Thin-walled Thin-walled

Shaft Shaft Shaft Closed section opened section
shaft shaft
Different types of shafts

Depending on different cross-sections, the application of torsion theory will differ

accordingly. The basic cross-section is circular (could be solid or hollow).

Slide 105
Deformation of a shaft with a circular

Slide 106
Before deformation & After deformation



u  crZ
Before deformation After deformation

Slide 107
Displacement filed in a shaft

The bottom surface is fixed while the top surface is
rotating. Point A moves to A’, the twist angle of the top
surface being φ, the arc length that point E travels being u θ
u  r  (1)
E 

A φ is positively proportional to the coordinate of Z

  cZ  (2)

Eq. (1) indicates the motion of line segment AD to AD’, and Eq. (2)
indicates the motion of line segment AB to AB’. Combining two
equations, we have
u  crZ  (3)

The axial displacement uz and radial displacement ur are zero in this case

u z  ur  0  (4)

Slide 109
Strain-displacement relationship

u  r  (1) u  crZ  (3) u z  ur  0  (4)

From the strain-displacement relationship, only non-zero strain is

u u z
 Z  2 Z    C r  (5)
z r 

All other strains are zero.

Eq. (1) indicates the motion of line segment AD to AD

’, and Eq. (2) indicates the motion of line segment AB
to AB’.

Slide 110
Non-zero shear strain


A G’
A G rz

B F B’ F’

After deformation, the original rectangle ABFG becomes the parallelepiped A’B’G’G’, and the
corresponding engineering shear strain γzθ is as shown in the figure above
AA '   z  dz  rd  (6)   z  r  (7)

From Eq. (6) and Eq. (7), it can be concluded that the ratio between dφ to dz is constant
 d 
  const 
 dz 
Shear stress and Torque

Slide 113
Relation between shear stress and Torque

T   rdA  T    G  Gr
 Gr dA  T

r  d 2

dz   r dA  I
G r dA  T  2
P (Polar moment of Inertia)
d T 
   0
dz GI P l

is the twist angle of the top surface

z Tl
 ( z )  0  0 
l GI P

Calculation of shear stress

T Tr
  Gr 

Slide 114
Comparison between bars and shafts

Bar Shaft
Load P T
Cross-section A IP

Deformation 
Related material
property E G

P Tr
 xx  
A Ip

Slide 116
Shafts (Bar) in Parallel or Series Connection

Slide 117
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 118
Problems in Torsion Theory

Slide 119
Problems in Torsion Theory
3. Consider the stepped shaft shown in figure rigidly attached to a wall at E,
And determine the angle-of-twist of the end A when the two torques at B
And at D are applied. Assume the shear modulus G to be 80 GPa, a typical
Value for steels.
cross section TB = 150 Nm TD = 1000 Nm

50mm A B C D E
25mm C-E
250mm 200mm 300mm 500mm

Slide 120
Problems in Torsion Theory

Slide 121
Final Exam in 2017 1st semester

Exam oat 7:00 pm on June 21. 70mins.

Main subjects: Torsion, bending and failure criterion…

Closed Book..

No calculator is needed…

There will 5 to 6 problems.

Slide 122
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 9: Thin-walled shaft

 Introduction to torsion of hollow , thin-walled shaft
Application of torsion theory

Slide 123
Introduction to torsion of hollow , thin-
walled shaft

Slide 124
The Concepts of Torsion of hollow , thin-walled shaft

n  normal direction
s  hoop direction
z  axial direction
s  thickness in s direction

Comparing with the dimension of the entire cross-section

the variation of thickness is neglible.
Such a structure is called a shaft
with a hollow, thin-walled, closed cross-section.

• a shaft with a hollow, thin-walled, closed


Slide 125
Shear flow

As shown in the figure on the left, let’s take a look at a

portion of the thin wall with a length of ΔZ.

The shear stress τzs at the top surface and thickness t

vary along the hoop direction s.

Here the shear flowqis defined as follows

t t
q    sz dn    zs dn   zst
 
2 2

i.e. the shear flow q is the product

of the averaged shear stress and the thickness of the wall.

Slide 126
Shear flow

Applying the equilibrium equation in Z-direction

q A  Z  qB  Z  0
 q A  qB

As implied by the equation above, the shear flow does

NOT change along s-direction

q ( s )  const

Slide 127
Derivation of shear flow and torque

To find out the resulted shear flow at one cross-section due to an

applied torque T
First we can write the expression for a small portion of torque ΔT
produced by the shear flow at a small portion of the cross-section ΔS

T  qSh

 S  h
2 is the expression for the area of the shaded triangle in
the left figure.
The total torque can be then expressed as
T=  T   qhS q  hS
=  2qA
where A represents the area of the entire cross-section.

Slide 128
Torque and shear flow

Therefore, the unknown shear flow q is


q   z  t

q T
 z  
t 2 At

In the equation above the shear stress

 at the thin wall is a given value.

Slide 129
Angle of twist

The angle of twist can be calculated using the shear stress-strain relationship.

q  Gt 1  2 
dus du z
1  2 
 dz ds
q dus du z
P x
 Gt  dz
dS  dS   ds dS
z q dS d
q  =  P dS (u z  u z )
Gt dz
d d
dz 
2 = PdS  2 A
1 du z
d q ds
dz 2 A  Gt
 
dus ds

Slide 130
Relation between circular shaft and thin-walled shaft(closed)

Circular shaft Thin-walled shaft (closed)

stress Tr
  
 
τ J 
 dA
r 2 Circular 2 At
A  r02
Thin J  2r03t 
 
  
 2r02 t
2r02 t

d  d T d T ds
 2 A 
 ,   2
dz Gt
dz l dz GJ
d d T T 2 r0

Thin  4 2
r04 Gt
dz dz G 2 r03t

2 r03Gt
Application of torsion theory

Slide 132
Solving problems involving constraint of deformation consistency

The following circular shaft with solid cross-section has two fixed ends.
Find the deformation and shear stresses when a torque T is applied to a position shown
below (the radius of the cross-section is r)

A part of T is applied to the left half of the shaft,

while the remaining T is taken care of by the right

TA  TB =T (Equilibrium condition)

Slide 133
Solving problems involving constraint of deformation consistency

TA  TB =T (Equilibrium condition)

According to the loading condition, the twist angle φA

and φB can be calculated as shown below
A = , B =

φA and φB should be the same (constraint of deformation consistency)

 A  B

Therefore 1 1 T l l
  GI P (  )  T    ( AB )
l A lB GI P l A  lB

Torques applied to each half of the shaft are

lB lA
TA  T ( ) TB  T ( )
l A  lB l A  lB

Slide 134
Solving problems involving constraint of deformation consistency

The maximum shear stress in the left half of the shaft is

TA T  l 
A  r0   B  r0
IP I P  l A  lB 

The maximum shear stress in the right half of the shaft is

T T  l 
 B  B r0   A  r0
IP I P  l A  lB 

The polar moment of inertia is

IP  r0 4

Slide 135
Calculation of shear stress in thin-walled shafts

r0  ri  t
t t0
ro is given .Find the shear stress

Shear flow q=T/2A 
2 At

Pay attention that A is the area of the entire cross-section

A   r0 2   ri 2 (t ri , r0  r0  ri )
r0 =(ri  t ) 2  ri 2 (1  ) 2  ri 2

Slide 136
Slide 137
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 10: Beam Theory I

Stress distribution over a beam section

Slide 138
Stress distribution over a beam section

Slide 139

A beam is defined as a member whose length is
relatively large in comparison with its thickness and
depth , and which is loaded with transverse loads that
produce significant bending effects as oppose to
twisting or axial effect
Simply supported beam

- The most common type of structural member is a

- In actual structures beams can be found in an infinite
variety of
• Sizes
• Shapes
• Orientation
Cantilever beam

Slide 140
Beam Deformation: Observation of Deformation

Shear Force

Top surface (- compression)

𝜀 𝑥𝑥
Bottom surface ( + tension )

-The cross-section plane remains plane after bending

-Shear deformation is negligible
-The cross-section remains planar and vertical to longitudinal axis unchanged

Slide 141
Calculation of strain



A’ B’

 AB  R  y  d  Rd
AB   y
x       y

AB Rd R

Moreover, for the neutral axis

1 d
Rd  dx    
R dx Transverse strains
d  y   z   x   y
  x   y   y dx

Slide 142
Stress-strain relation in a beam

y z  0

 xx  E xx
Ey d (b, h l   y , z  x   yy   zz =0)
 xx    y E
R dx

Slide 143
Bending moment equilibrium in a section

y Y  xx

 xx A
x Z y

Neutral x  x

M     xx y dA    E xx y dA  E y
A A dx
d d 1
 E  y2 d A (  ,  y 2 d A  I zz )
Steel dx dx R
d d M
Al  E I zz  
dx dx EI ZZ

Slide 144
Normal stress and Bending moment

Slide 145
Bending stresses due to bending moment

1 d M
Curvature: k    b
R dx EI zz Y  xx
Stress-strain :  xx  E  xx  xx A
y d
Deformation condition:  xx     yk   y Z y
R dx
d M
Bending stress :  xx  E  xx   Ey   Ey  x
dx EI zz
 xx   y
I zz

Similarly  r

Slide 146
Determination of neutral axis (y = 0)

At the cross-section, the net axial force should vanish.

y E
Fx    x dA    E dA    y dA  0; M
 y dA  0 surface

 y dA  yc A  0;  yc  0

The neutral axis is passing through the centroid. Note that no
bending stress along the neutral axis.

Slide 147
Stresses due to bending

Comparison between beam, bar, and shaft

One dimensional mem-

Bar Shaft Beam Column
Fx > 0 Shear compression
Force X Fy (Fz) Fx < 0
or Fx < 0
Twisting Mo- Bending Mo-
Moment X ment Mx ment Mz (My)

Cross-sectional proper- bh3

I P   r dA I zz   y dA
2 2
A   dA I
ties 12
Stress Fx 
r x 
M bucking
 xx  Ip IZ
 Tr My
Strain   x  bucking
l GI p EI z
Fx  l Tl Ml
Deformation    bucking
A E GI p EI z

Material property E G E buckling

Slide 148
Analysis Flow for Solid Mechanics

Force Equilibrium Conditions

Stress< Strengths Strengths

Materials Stiffness


Deformation Deformation Condition

Slide 149
Beam Cross section

Slide 150
Beams in Series or Parallel Connection

Slide 151
Slide 152
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 11: BEAM theory II:

Deflection due to bending

 Deflection due to bending
 Moment-curvature relationship
 Force Equilibrium
 Governing Differential Equations for Beams
 Boundary condition
 Beam problems

Slide 153
Deflection due to bending

Slide 154
Deflections due to bending

When loads (distributed forces, concentrated forces, concentrated moments) are applied to a
beam, how will the beam deform accordingly?

q( x)


1) Cross-section and material properties of a Beam→ Young's Modulus → EI

Given 2) External loads: as a function of x
3) Boundary conditions at both ends

To 1) Vertical Deflections v(x) (y-directional deflection as a function of x)

2) Bending Moment M(x) → calculation of bending  xx
Find 3) Shear Force V(x) → calculation of shear stress 

Slide 155
Statically indeterminate problem in bending

M  PL M ( x)  Px  Pl  P ( x  l )
x V ( x)  P
It can be calculated by equilibrium
2 unknows  2 equations
V P l  the structure is statically determinate

It can not be calculated by equilibrium
equation only
3 unknows  2 equations
 the structure is statically indeterminate
R1 R2

V ( x), M ( x)  one extra equation

To solve Statically indeterminate
v( x) : The deflection curve is required

Slide 156
Moment-curvature relationship

Slide 157
Moment curvature relationship

M  EI  k 1
1 d
k 
v( x) R dx
 dv
tan  
Small Deformation  tan   
 Criterion for small deformation :
d d 2 v
k  2
dx dx 2
Therefore, small deformation
Rd  dx
d 2v
M ( x)  EI 2 3 
Slide 158
Force Equilibrium for beams

Slide 159
Force and moment equilibrium equation

In most cases, a beam is loaded by the vertical forces and z-directional moments.
Up to two unknowns can be obtained using Equilibrium equations: Statically determinate.

F y 0 M z 0
Therefore, there are supposed to be two unknowns for a statically determinate problem.


The unknown reaction forces/moments can be calculated using two equilibrium equations

Slide 160
Calculation of reaction forces:Using equilibrium equations
If an object is in the state of equilibrium, any part of the object must be also in the state of
equilibrium. There must exist internal forces/moments to maintain equilibrium.

P A concentrated force P is applied to the free end of

the cantilever beam with a length L, then there will be a

L reaction force (V) and a reaction moment (M) at the

fixed end.

P Equilibrium equation F y V  P  0
M x
M 0
z  P  l  M  0

Therefore V P
M  Pl

Slide 161
Calculation of internal forces
let’s take a look at the reactions at the position x=L/2 P

l l P
V l

M M0 M0
V V0 V0

F y  V  V0  0 Fy  V0  P  0
l l
M z  M  V0  M 0  0 M z  M 0  P 
V0  V   P V0   P
Pl Pl
M0   M0  
2 2
On the left side of x=L/2 must exist reaction force and reaction moment as shown in the
left figure, to prevent the beam section on the right side from vertical movement and
rotation. Similarly, there are also unknown reaction force and reaction moment in the right
beam section(x=L/2)

Slide 162
Internal forces

In summary, there exist external and internal forces/moments of the same magnitude.

P l P l
Pl P  P
2 2

According to the law of action-reaction, the reaction forces and reaction moments
on the left side of x=L/2 must have different signs but the same magnitude as their
respective counterparts on the right side of x=L/2.

Slide 163
Governing Differential Equations for

Slide 164
Free body diagram of beam segment

q( x)
As shown in the figure, when distributed load
q(x) is applied to the beam, let’s derive the
equation relating shear force (V) and bending
moment (M) at an arbitrary cross-section
x dx

Considering the beam segment with a small length

q( x) dx, the internal force and moment acting on x are
M ( x)
M ( x)  dM V(x) and M(x), respectively.

After the a length increment dx, the shear force and

V ( x) V ( x)  dV bending moment become V(x)+dV and M(x)+dM,
dx respectively.
Equilibrium differential equation of beam
q( x)
q( x)
M ( x) M ( x)  dM

x dx V ( x) V ( x)  dV

 Fy  q( x)  dx  V ( x)  dV   V ( x)  0 
 q( x)

dx dM
 z
M   M  x   q  x   dx   V ( x )  dV  dx  M  x   dM  0   V  x 
2 dx

The equation above is called

equilibrium differential equation of beam
d 2M
 2  q x
Cancelling V(x) in two expressions, we have dx
Beam deformation: Observation of deformation

Pure Bending

[equilibrium equations]

Equilibrium in the rotational Equilibrium in the perpendicular

direction of the beam direction of the beam
𝑑𝑀 𝑑𝑉
+𝑉 =0 +𝑞=0
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥

Slide 167
Governing equation
Equilibrium equation
dM ( x) dV ( x)
q  V ( x)  0,  q( x)  0
dx dx

M ( x) M ( x)  dM
d 2 M (x)
V ( x)  q  x
V ( x)  dV dx 2

Moment-Curvature relation
d 2v
M ( x)  EI 2

d 4v
EI 4  q  x 

Slide 168
4th order Differential Equation

Slide 169
Simply Supported
Clamped Case
Cantilever Case
Boundary Conditions

Slide 173
Boundary conditions

Boundary condition in order differential equation

v Deflection at the boundaries

v   (angle of rotation) 
d 2v
v  curvature (moment) M ( x)  EI 2
v  shear force d 3v
V ( x)   EI 3

Slide 174
Boundary condition for beams
Types of supports
As usual, the first step in the beam analysis is to draw a free body diagram. Unknown
reactions are generated according to each type of boundary condition.

1.Simply supported



Slide 175
Unknows & BCs for different supports

Two types of motion (vertical displacement & rotational angle) occur at each boundary.

Vertical Rotational

Displacements Force Angle Moment

Simply supported 0 Unknown Unknown 0

Clamped 0 Unknown 0 Unknown

Sliding Unknown 0 Unknown Unknown

Free Unknown 0 Unknown 0

The above table shows that there must one zero value in either the vertical or rotational direction In
order to maintain zero displacement in the vertical direction, there must be a reaction force applied
in the vertical direction. Similarly, in order to keep zero rotation, there must be a reaction moment.
On the other hand, if the vertical reaction force and/or the reaction moment are/is zero, there must
exist nonzero vertical displacement and/or rotational angle.

Slide 176
Boundary condition

v Deflection at the boundaries or

Kinematic B.C and
v   (angle of rotation)
v  curvature (moment)
Force B.C
v  shear force

4) concentrated force and

1) Clamped 2) Simply Supported 3) Free B.C.

V  P0  v '''  
v 0 v 0 M  0  v ''  0 EI
V  0  v '''  0 M0
v  0 M  0  v ''  0 M  M 0  v '' 

Slide 177
Ex. Calculation of Beam deflection

Governing equation
(1) EIv ''''  q( x)
(2)q( x)  q0 integral Eq. (1)
Elv ''''  q0
(3)  Boundary Condition Elv '''  q0 x  C1
at x=0 v=0 v'=0 x2
Elv ''   q0  C1 x  C2
x 3 C1 2
Elv '  q0  x  C2 x  C3
6 2
at x=L v=0 v''=0
x 4 C1 3 C2 2
Elv  q0  x  x  C3 x  C4
24 6 2

Slide 178
Solving related problems

at x=0 v=0 C4  0
Elv  0  0  0  0  C4  0

at x=0 v'=0
C3  0
Elv '  0  0  0  C3  0

 Elv ''''   q0
at x=L v''=0 5
Elv '''  q0 x  q0 L
q0 L2 8
Elv ''    C1 L  C2  0 x2 5 1
2 5 Elv ''  q0  q0 Lx  q0 L2
C1  q0 L
8 2 8 8
at x=L v=0 1 x3 5 1
C2   q0 L2 Elv '  q0  q0 Lx 2  q0 L2 x
q0 L4 C1 3 C2 2 8 6 16 8
Elv ''    L  L 0
24 6 2 x4 5 3 1 2
Elv  q0  x  x
24 48 16

Slide 179
Singularity function

Slide 180
Prismatic bar

EIv'''' = q(x) : Governing Equation

q(x) 0<x<l

Four Boundary Conditions

Governing Equation
Depending on different types of
loading, how can we express the
distributed load?

Slide 181
Types of loads applied to a beam
Types of loads
Various loads can be a superposition of three basic loads.
Solutions due to multiple loads can be obtained by superposition of each load

Distributed load (N/m)

Concentrated load (N)



Concentrated moment (N*m)


Slide 182
Singularity function

x q0
q ( x)  q0  x  a  0
x q0
q( x)   x  a 1
a l0

q ( x)  P  x  a  1
x M0
q ( x)  M 0  x  a  2

Slide 183
Singularity function

q( x)   x  a  n

( x  a )n xa
0 xa
 x  a n 
0 xa
 xa

x  x  a  n 1
  x  a  dx  n  1

 n0
n 1
 x  a  n dx   x  a 

Slide 184
The ways of calculating the shear force and bending moment

There are two ways of calculating the shear force and bending moment inside a beam under
lateral loading:

1.Free body diagram 2.Equilibrium differential equation

Slide 185
Free Body diagram of supported beam

As shown in the figure, using both free body diagram and equilibrium differential equation to
find the distribution of shear force and bending moment for the simply supported beam
subjected to a concentrated force

l P l
2 2

First, we can draw the free body

diagram for the entire beam

R1 R2

Slide 186
Calculation of V(x) and M(x) using free body diagram

From From  Fy  0, M z  0,
Reactions can be readily obtained. R 1  R 2 
R1 R2 2

V(x) at an arbitrary cross-section(x<L/2) is shown in the figure

. x Ap p lying F y
 0,  M z  0

 F =R +V(x)=0
y 1
R1 V ( x) M ( x)  M =xV(x)+M(x)=0
∴M(x)= x
Calculation of V(x) and M(x) using free body diagram

R1 R2 R1 V ( x) M ( x)

V(x) at an arbitrary cross-section(x>L/2) is shown in the figure

2 Ap p lying  F =0, M =0
y z

 Fy = 2
- P+V(x) V ( x) 
V ( x) M ( x)
l P
x  Mz =- P+xV(x)+M(x)=0 M ( x)  ( l  x )
P 2 2
R1 

Slide 188
Shear force diagram and bending moment diagram

V ( x) x
V ( x)  
l 2
(x )
P 2 P
 M ( x)  x
2 2
pl P
4 V ( x) 
M ( x) l 2
( x )
2 P
M ( x)  ( l  x )

Slide 189
Calculation of V(x) using singularity function

Expressing the concentrated force P applied at x=a/2 using singularity function

l P l
2 2
q  x   P x 
dV l
 q  x   P x 
dx 2

 B.C Integrating
at x=0 M=0 0
V  P x  C1

at x=L , M=0

Slide 190
Calculation of M(x) using singularity function

l P l Bending moment
2 2 dM l
 V  x    P x   C1
dx 2
M  x   P x   C1 x  C2
 B.C integral constant C2 M(0)=0, M(l)=0
at x=0 M=0 l
M 0    P 0   0  C2  0
 C2  0
M (l )   P l   C1l  0
at x=L , M=0
 C1  
l P
 M  x   P x   x
2 2

Slide 191
Calculation of V(x) and M(x) using singularity function

Applying the definition of singularity function

l P  P2 x<
V  x  =P x-  =  3P 2
2 2 2 x

l P  - P2 x x<
M  x  =-P x-  x=  3 P Pl 2
2 2   2 x 2 x

Slide 192
Special Beam problems

Slide 193
Beam problems (1)
1) For v1
Governing Eqn: EIv''''=q 1 (x)
l 1
q1 ( x )   P  x  
Boundary Condition
At x=0 V=-F=-Elv'''
M=0  v''=0
L 3L At x=1 v1  -Elv'''
L b4 4
2) For v 2
P Governing Eqn: EIv''''=q 2 (x)
v1 q 2 (x)=0
x Boundary Condition :
At x=0 v 2 =0
F v 2 ' =0
At x=1 V=-F=-Elv''
M=0  v1''=0
3)constrains : v1 (0)  v2 ( L)

Slide 194
Beam problems (2)

a b
Governing equation EIv''''=q(x)
M 1
x Distributed loads as a function of q(x)=-P<x-a>

Two conditions at x=0 and two conditions at x=L

Ra Rb

Consider reaction and deflection boundary conditions

Elv ''''   P  x  a  1
Boundary conditions
Elv '''   P  x  a  0 C1  V ( x )
at x=0 at x=L Elv ''   P  x  a 1 C1 x  C2  M ( x )
v=0 v=0 P C
Elv '    x  a  2  1 x 2  C2 x  C3
2 2
M=0 → v''=0 v'=0 P C C
Elv    x  a 3  1 x 3  2 x 2  C3 x  C4
6 6 2

Slide 195
Beam Problems (3)

2) Assuming the supporting force F(t)
applied to the central part of the beam is
known, substituting V=0, then find F

a P

1) Find the loads apply to each individual

section of the beam
P c

Characteristic equation

v1  0 v2  0
v1  0
v1 ''  0
v2  0 v2 '  0 q ( x)   P  x  a  1  F  x  c  1
v1 ''  v2 ''
v1 '  v2 '

Slide 196
Beam Problems (4)

Slide 197
Beam Problems

Slide 198
Beam Problems
Beam Problems

Slide 200
Beam Problems
Beam Problems

Slide 202
Beam Problems
Beam Problems

Slide 204
Beam Problems
Beam Problems

Slide 206
Beam Problems
Beam Problems

Slide 208
Slide 209
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 12: Issues in Beams

 Singularity Function
 2nd Order moment of inertia
 Shear stresses in symmetric elastic beams
 Bending of beam with unsymmetrical cross-section
 Shear center

Slide 210
2nd order moment of inertia

Slide 211
Definition of 2nd order moment of inertia

I zz
Z The following are the mathematical
equations to calculate the moment of

I zz   y 2 dA
z I yy I yy   z 2 dA
I yz   yz dA

Slide 212
Parallel axis theorem

When moments of inertia about datum axes (y, z) I YY, IZZ, IYZ are known, calculate moments of
inertia about moving axes (y, z)

I ZZ =  Y 2 dA
Z Y = y + yd
z h
I ZZ =  (y + yd ) dA
yd A y
Y =  y 2 dA + 2y d  y dA + y d 2  dA I zz 
bh3 h 2 2
( ) b
A A 12 2
Z = I zz + 2 y d  y dA + y d 2 A
if z - aixies passies the centroid  y dA=0

I ZZ = I zz + y d 2 A
I YY = I yy + z d 2 A
I YZ = I yz + y d z d A

Slide 213
Coordinate transformation (1)

Given: Izz, Iyy, Iyz to the datum axis (y,z)

To calculate: IZZ, IYY, IYZ to the rotational axis (Y,Z)

I zz =  y 2 dA
z A

=cos 2θ  Y 2 dA+sin 2θ  Z 2dA-2cosθsinθ  YZdA

Z 2 2
=cos θI ZZ +sin θI YY -2cosθsinθI YZ

y Y
I yy =  z 2 dA   (Y sin   Z cos  ) 2 dA

=sin 2θ  Y 2 dA+cos 2θ  Z2dA+2cosθsinθ  YZdA

z A A A

=sin 2θI zz +cos 2θI YY +2cosθsinθI YZ


I yz =  yzdA  =  (Y cos   Z sin  )(Y sin   Z cos  )dA


y  Y cos   Z sin  =cosθsinθ  Y 2dA-cosθsinθ  Z2dA+(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)  YZdA


z  Y sin   Z cos  =cosθsinθ(I ZZ -I YY )+(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)IYZ

I yy =  z 2dA

=sin 2θ  Y 2 dA+cos 2θ  ZSlide

2 214
dA+2cosθsinθ  YZdA
Coordinate transformation (2)

z I YY =cos 2θI yy +sin 2θI zz -2cosθsinθI YZ

Z I ZZ =sin 2θI yy +cos 2θI zz +2cosθsinθI YZ

y Y I YZ =cosθsinθI yy -cosθsinθI zz +(cos 2θ-sin 2θ)I yz

y I yy +I zz I yy -I zz
I YY = + cos2θ-I yzsin2θ
2 2
I yy +I zz I yy -I zz
I ZZ = - cos2θ+I yzsin2θ
2 2
I yy -I zz
I YZ = sin2θ+I yz cos2θ

Slide 215
Mohr’s Circle for moment of inertia

Based on coordinate transformation, the calculation

of 2nd order moment of inertia of a beam cross-
section can be visualized as the Mohr’s circle
shown on the left

Slide 216
Shear stresses in symmetric
elastic beams

Slide 217
Calculation of shear stress

Mx M x  M
When shear force V exists at the cross-
section, find the resulted shear stress

M ( M  dM )
 x ( x)   y  x ( x  x)   y
I I If the shear force V is nonzero, the
 xy y  xy bending moment will increase with x,
V  0

Slide 218
Calculation of shear stress

x x
x dA 
x  x  dx
 x dA

Starting from the top surface to an arbitrary cutting

plane normal to y-direction
x Fyx

F   x x x
 x dA  Fyx  
x  x  dx
 x dA  0
( M  M )
 x ( x  x  dx )  y
 x( x x)   y
Fyx  b  dx  xy where  xy is the shear stress on y position

Slide 219
Diagram of shear stress
sin ce M  Vdx, b  b  xy    ydA
A I Top
Q ydA
VQ y1
defining  A
ydA  Q   xy 
I zz b
If we take a look at the whole beam section
Sum of shear stress=V

Slide 220
Shear stress in a Beam with rectangular Cross-Section

If a shear force V is applied to a rectangular cross-


 xy 
I ZZ b
b  h2 2
Q   ydA  b  ydy  b  2
ydy    y1 
A1 y y1 2 4 
V  h2 2 h h
 xy    y1  -  y1 
2 I zz  4  2 2

i.e. the shear stress distribution in a rectangular cross-section follows a parabolic pattern: the
maximum occurs at the neutral axis (y 1 = 0) while the values at the top and bottom surfaces are zero

Vh 2 3V h
 xy   (@y1 =0)  xy =0 (@y1 =  )
8 I ZZ 2bh 2

Slide 221
Shear stress in a beam with rectangular Cross-Section


dM dV
V  0 q 0
dx dx
M M PL h 6 PL
x    y  3   2
I bh 2 bh
  1.5
-PL bh
6 PL
V x bh 2 L
 
 1.5 P h

Slide 222
Bending of beam with unsymmetrical

Slide 223
Comparison between symmetric and unsymmetrical cross-sections

If a shear force V is applied to a rectangular cross-


z Mb
Mb Mb If the cross-section is symmetric, the
x neutral surface is parallel to the
neutral surface bending moment;

(a) Bent cross section of symmetric beam

Mb y Mb z Mb
Otherwise if the cross-section is
x unsymmetrical, the neutral surface is not
neutral surface parallel to the bending moment
(b) Bent cross section of unsymmetrical beam

Slide 224
Bending of Beam with unsymmetrical Cross-Section

general method of calculation of in unsymmetrical beam

m y ① Calculate

② Find the principle axis q and

z calculate

n ③ Decompose into M z'

④    M z' y  M y z
Iz'z' I y'y'

Slide 225
Beam theory for unsymmetrical cross-section
m y

If xn plane is the neutral surface, xm plane

becomes the plane of curvature and the x
curvature is
d 1
k  n
ds 

Coordinate transformation
m=ycos +zsin
n =-ysin  z cos  (1
d 1
x   m m
ds 
 x  E x   m

Fx    x dA  
 A
mdA  0

Slide 226
Beam theory for unsymmetrical cross-section
m y

The neutral surface should pass thru the centroid axis

M y    x zdA  
A  A
mzdA  

I yz cos   I yy sin   x

M z     x ydA  
 cos   I yz sin   n
mydA  I
A A  xz

From 5  and  6 
E I yz M y  I yy M z E  I zz M y  I yy M z
cos   sin  
 I yy I zz  I yz2  I yy I zz  I yz2
From 1 and  2 
x   y cos   z sin  

Substituting 7  into above eqn
M y   yI yz  zI zz   M z   yI yy  zI yz 
x  0
I yy I zz  I yz2

Slide 227
Beam theory for unsymmetrical cross-section

The plane of curvature can be obtained from the condition of  x  0

 y  I yz M y  I yy M z   z  I zz M y  I yz M z   0

 If yz axes are the principal axes of inertia (), and the applies bending moment is parallel to or
principal axis of inertia (eg., only or ),then the neutral surface becomes parallel to the bending
moment vector (eg., or)

 If we set the yz axes coincided with the principal axes of inertia , will become zero and Eqn (8)
will be simplified as

Myz Mz y
x  
I yy I zz

 Here My and Mz then can be obtained easily from decomposition of the applied bending

Slide 228
Shear Center

Slide 229
Review curvature

z Vz
y uz
Mz Vy
x My ky uy

 1  d
 0 0  T  GJ
 k x   GJ M 
Mx  GJk x
   1  x 
 ky    0 EI zz
0 My 
kx 
 kz   M  GJ
   1  
 0 0  kx 
EI yy  EI

Slide 230
Introduction to shear center


Shear center

z x

V y1 Vy 2
 ux     Fx 
    
 uy   X   Vy 
 uz     Vz 
   
 kx   X X Mx 
k   My 
 y    
k  X
 z  Mz 

Slide 231
Introduction to shear center

x   y

M b  dM b
x   y

Only happened in the Thin-walled Structure

Shear flow happened ( According  F=0

to )

Slide 232
Shear Center in Thin-Walled Beams Lab

• Shear flow is developed in beams with thin-walled cross sections

– shear flow (qsx): shear force per unit length along cross section
• qsx=τsx t
• behaves much like a “flow,” especially at junctions in cross section
– shear flow acts along tangent (s) direction on cross section
• there is a normal component, τnx, but it is very small
• e.g., because it must be zero at ±t/2
– shear force: qsxds (acting in s direction)
• Shear flow arises from presence of shear loads, Vy or Vz
– needed to counter unbalanced bending stresses, σx
– to determine, must analyze equilibrium in axial (x) direction
• Shear center:
– resultant of shear flow on section must equal Vy and Vz
– moment due to qsx must be equal to moment due to Vy and Vz
– shear center: point about which moment due to shear flow is zero
– not applying transverse loads through shear center will cause a
twisting of the beam about the x axis
Beam Cross Section

Centroidal Axes:
Area Moments(of Inertia):
0   zdA I yy  z
A I zz  y
0   ydA

I yz   yzdA

Slide 234
Bending of Beam with Unsymmetrical Cross Section

( yI yy  zI yz ) M z  ( yI yz  zI zz ) M y
x  
I zz I yy  I yz

Symmetric cross section,Mz=0:

yM z
x  
I zz

Slide 235
Shear stresses and Shear Flow

Axial force equilibrium for element:

0  Fx  
A1( x  dx )
 x dA   qsx dx 

A1( x )
 x dA
Shear Flow
Result for qsx:

Vy   Vz  
qsx   I yy  ydA  I yz  zdA    I zz  zdA  I yz  ydA 
I yy I zz  I yz
  I yy I zz  I yz
 
 A1 A1   A1 A1 
Shear Center
Examples of Shear Centers

Angle Section:
Section Symmetric about y axis:
Shear center must lie at
Shear center must lie on y axis
vertex of legs (regardless of
(similar argument for z axis symmetry)
orientation of section)
Shear Center Must Lie Outside C

Sum moments from qst about A:

=force in each flange x h/2

Must equal moment from Vy about A:

=Vy x e
Definition of shear center

Unsymmetrical section x   y

M b  dM b
Cause shear flow x   y

Shear Center:
the point through vertical forces do
Produce Twisting moment not cause any twisting curvature.

Scetion is distorted

Slide 241
Equilibrium of forces in shear center

When a shear force Vy is applied to a general cross-section,

the shear flow is

Shear flow Notes reference

qxs  qsx  ( I yy  ydA I yz  zdA)
I zz I yy  I yz 2
A1 A1

Here the shear flow qxs has y-component and z-component,

the sum of y-components over the entire cross-section being
Vy, while the sum of z-components being zero

Slide 242
Equilibrium of forces in shear center

In Shear Center

Torsion produced by External force ( V ) = Torsion produced by External force internal

force ( q )

exVy   r q (Vy )dA

eyVz   r q (VZ )dA

Slide 243
Equilibrium of forces in shear center

Vz T  VZ gey   r   z dA  0

ey 
 r  z dA
( z :shear stress due to Vz)
( e y , ez ) Vy Similarly ,
ez 
 r  y dA
( y :shear stress due to Vy)
0 y
Slide 245
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 13: Buckling

Introduction to Stability of Equilibrium - Buckling

Slide 246
Introduction to Stability of Equilibrium - Buckling
Introduction to Stability of Equilibrium -

Slide 248
Basic Concepts of Stability

1. Basic concepts of stability


Even if a small perturbation is If a force is applied to object B,

applied to object A, it will easily it shows the trend of returning to
deviate from its original position. its original position.

The state similar to object A is called The state similar to object B is called
unstable stable

Slide 249
The Definition of the Buckling

The Definition of the Buckling

Generally, when an object is in an unstable state, if external loads are applied,
the deformation will not follow the intended direction; instead, drastic
deformation will occur in other directions.

 Buckling results from internal compressive stress

Slide 250
Definition of Critical Load (Pcr)

2.Critical Load ( Pcr ) Definition of Pcr (critical load):

During the gradual increase of compressive
P load, the value of the compressive load at
P x   Y the instant when lateral deformation occurs
PY PY  A   Y Por  Por (l , EI )


Slide 251
Derivation of Pcr
Governing Equation : dM  Vdx  Pdv  0
F y 0
 q( x)  0  (1)
M  dM
q M  Elv '' (2)
dM dv
M  0 V=-
V  dV dM dv
V V=- P  (1),(2)
P dx dx

M dv dv  Buckling condition
Elv'''' +Pv'' =q(x)
Solution = homogeneous sol. + particular sol.
homogenous sol.
q( x)  P 
v''+   v=0
 EI 
V M  dM
v h =C1 sin x  C 2 cos x
particular sol.
V  dV v p =C3  C4 x
F  0
y dV  q( x) dx  0
Q v( x)  v h  v p
M  0 V  dx  M  0
P P 2
 C1 sin x  C2 cos x  C3  C4 x

Slide 252
Derivation of Pcr

Boundary Condition
 (1) C 2  C3  0
(2) C1  C4  0
(3) -C1 sin l  C2 cos l 0
(1)v  0 P 32 P P 32 P
(4) -C1 ( ) cos l  C2 ( ) sin l 0
(2)v '  0
xL substitute  for
(3)M  0  EIv ''  0  0 1 1 0  C1  0 
(4)V  -M '- Pv '   0 0 1  C2  0 
   
 - EIv '''- Pv '  0   2 sin  l   2 cos  l 0 0  C3  0 
 2    
  cos  l  2 sin  l 0 0  C4  0 

 C1 =0 C 2 =0 C3 =0 C 4 =0

Slide 253
Derivation of Pcr

C  0 : trivial solution
Det A =0 : It's not trivial solution and P can be calculated  Pcr

det A  cos l 0
P 2n  1 2n  1
 l  ( =m)
EI 2 2n
when m=1
2 
p cr  m
4 l2  2 EI
 Pcr 
4 l2

Slide 254
Design Considering Buckling

4.Considering the buckling of the design

 2 EI When L is so small, the critical
Pcr  buckling load Pcr becomes very large.
4 l2 Failure will occur before buckling

P Materiel
A Y  C
safety l2

l* l
Slide 255
Solid Mechanics

Chapter 14: Energy Methods

 Definition of Strain Energy
 Strain Energy for uniaxial, torsion and bending loads

Slide 256
Strain Energy

Slide 257
Strain energy of springs

 Strain energy (U): The energy stored in an object due to deformation caused by
external loading


1 2 1 P2
U  kx  Px 
2 2 2k

General form
U     ( x x   y y   z z   xy xy   yz yz   xz xz )dV

Slide 258
Strain energy of bars

P P x  x 

1 P2 1 P2 1 P 2l 1 Pl
U     ( 2 )dV  2
Al   P
2 EA 2 EA 2 EA 2 EA
= P
U Pl
 

Therefore, the displacement at any point along the bar can be obtained by taking the
partial derivative of the strain energy with respect to the axial load.

Slide 259
Strain energy of shafts

Tr Tr
 z   z 
1 T 2r 2 1 T2 1 T 2l
U     ( 2 )dV  2 
l r dA 

2 GI P 2 GI P 2 GI P
= T
U Tl
 

Slide 260
Strain energy of beams

Mb Mb
Mb σx Mb y
σx = y εx = =

1 M b2 y2 1 M b2 1 M 2
b l
U   ( 2
)dAdx  2 
l y dA 

2 EI 2 EI 2 EI
= M b
U M bl
 
M b EI

Slide 261
Slide 262

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