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How to make TVC that sells?

People who register change in brand preference after watching a TVC buy a product 3 times than who dont. Recall of Commercials No correlation between recall and purchasing.

Commercials with above average ability to change brand preference Humor

Slice of life Testimonials Demonstrations Problem Solutions Talking Heads Characters Reason why News Emotions

Commercials with below average ability to change brand preference

Testimonials by celebrities Cartoons Musical Vignettes

Sixteen Tips

Brand identification
People remember the commercial but forget product Two ways to register brand name Use the name within first ten seconds. Play games with the names. Spell it.



Show the package Food in motion

4. Close-ups 5. Open with fire 6. When you have nothing to say, sing it. 7. Sound effects 8. Voice-over-on-camera? 9. Supers 10. Avoid visual banality 11. Change of scenes 12. Mnemonics 13. Show the product in use

14. Everything is possible on TV 15. Miscomprehension 16. The Great Scandal

Radio-The Cinderella medium

Four factors for efficacy of radio commercials

Identify your brand early in the commercial. Identify it often. Promise the listener a benefit early in the commercial. Repeat it often.

Surprise them, arouse their curiosity,wake them up


Corporate Advertising-a profitable investment. Makes good impression on investment community.

Du Pont ran corporate advertising for 47 years

Considered as unnecessary investment. Most corp. ads are distinguished by self serving and flatulent pomposity. Punchlines appear at bottom. Ads confined to magazines and newspapers. Alphabet soup-Dont change companys name to initials.

Can advertising influence legislations?

Corp. advertising to influence public opinion on issues like energy and nationalization. Businessmen portrayed as foolish, greedy & criminal. Senior executives are unaware of activities in liberal community. E.g.-Weyerhaeuser used TVC for demonstrating responsibility towards nature.

IBMS involvement in peoples daily lives

Advertising with a purpose to influence public opinion is more likely to be successful if it follows these principles.
If the issue is complicated, and it almost always is, simplify it as much reasonably as you can. Present your case in terms of the readers self interest. Disarm with candor Give both the sides of the issue.

Know who your target is?


How to advertise foreign travel

Man behind Come to Britain, Come to U.S etc. Drew lot of political flak for Come to Britan project. People want to see only the places they want to visit.

Americans considered Britain as a historical nation. Europeans wanted to see Grand Canyon, Cowboys etc.

Advertising should be designed to plant a long term image in peoples mind but also can be used ad hoc to solve temporary problems.

Important factor in success of tourism advertising

the subjects one chooses to illustrate. Choose things that are unique to the country. In case of less known country, give people a lot of information.

Tourism advertising works well in magazine but it works better in T.V. Charms work well in advertising. Use local language in ads.

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