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Aneesah Khalil

The song is based around the theme of love, however it foes not go to plan, as the relationship faces problems and he is left heartbroken. However the built up of narrative is ef fective due to the fact that the song is dominated by talking about the positive ef fects of love, but then in the last verse we are left with a sense of betrayal and the song also ends on this to show that the relationship has also come to a end.

Fresh to def she is, From her steps to the set she is as the song star ts and introduc ed, this i s f o l l o w e d b y a i n t r o d u c t i o n o f c h a r a c t e r. T h e l y r i c s g i v e a f u l l i m a g e r y o f w h a t t h e f e m a l e character looks like. The orchestra in my mind don't play like this Playing of instruments are usually related to love and adds to the mood and emphasises the lyrics. Even cut my hair for it, Cause normally I don't care for it This shows that the male character is tr ying to make a ef for t for this girl, and also the fact that its not the norm for him to do shows that she is dif ferent or she has a dif ferent impact on him compared to all others. B u t I t h i n k I l i k e h e r l i k e a m e t a p h o r, I t ' s h a r d t o g e t r e f e r e n c e s t o m e t a p h o r s e x p r e s s h e r p e r s o n a l i t y, a n d t h e a u d i e n c e g e t a m o r e d e s c r i p t i v e i d e a o f w h a t s h e i s l i k e . I compliment her on the common sense This goes against the negative stereotypes that the Hip-hop genre holds, as females are usually seen as dumb sex symbols However she d i f f e r e n t i a t e s a n d g i v e s h e r a u n i q u e q u a l i t y. My knight in shining armour yes you be References to typical love stories that would follow these types of conventions Yo u ' r e m y s u n s h i n e , Yo u ' r e m y m o o n l i g h t u s e o f p e r s o n i f i c a t i o n t o p o r t r a y h e r b e a u t y.

The theme of betrayal consists with in the lyrics and shows a conflicted relationship. The artist attempts to make the audience aware of the negatives on relationship and has references to trust. This expresses to the audience that no matter how long a relationship is, hurt can come with in a short period.

Relationship is just 30 minutes long this expresses a contrast between a relationship that is conventionally seen to last a lifetime, where as his lasted 30mins. This makes the audience feel a sense of remorse towards the rapper. It's kinda heavy maybe il be a lil strong This shows a sense of catharsis, and shows that even though hes going through heat break there can be positives. Do this one thing for me outta the trillions of numbers that's in the world Just leave me a few that lead to you In this lyric he is requesting her to leave him a way where he can contact again, with the hope of them being together again Won't be longing I see you in the morning This is where he yet again grieves over the fact that their relationship is over.

One example of Intertextality would be the use of established brands such as the car SUV. The hip-hop genre is supposedly portraying a wealthy culture and that they can af ford high life style brands. This produces stereotypes as the audience as singers are now conventionally living a glamorous lifestyle This gives the impression that in order for a singer/rapper to be successful on a mainstream level, then they will also need to portray this lifestyle. However Lupe Fiasco as a singer goes against these stereotypes and focuses of making positive and real music.

The Hip-Hop/Rap genre usually consists of: Anti authority Love/hurt Real life Message related Sexual references

The lyrics in the Lupe Fiasco song mainly follow the theme of love and expresses the conflict with in his relationship. It also goes on to talk about the hurt that he felt and how he wishes to see her once again.


Lupe fiasco is not afraid to show his feelings and express them to the audience. This is effective as the audience can relate and show remorse, this means that the lyrics will touch or have a larger effect on the audience. People may like the fact that he is going against mainstream and still be successful by producing positive music. It shows the audience that anyone can be involved with music regardless of any sort of demographic.

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