Logical Connectors

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Logical Connectors

Logical Connectors

•Are words, phrases or

sentences that connect two
ideas or make logical
transitions between them
1. Sequential Connectors

•Are used to link opinions from

one sentence to the next and to
give paragraphs coherence
Sequential Connectors

• First, second, third… next, last, finally,

in the beginning, before, during,
meantime, while, after, afterward,
until, at last, in the end, etc.
Sequential Connectors


Before you go to the stadium to watch your favorite

basketball game, make sure that you have your
snacks and video camera that you will use during
the game. Later, you will find it enjoyable when
you can simultaneously eat while videotaping.
2. Corroborative connectors

•add information or reinforces

2. Corroborative connectors


Further, furthermore, moreover,

in addition, too, also, as
well,and, etc.
2. Corroborative connectors

Gabriel loves, respects, and obeys

his parents. Moreover, he helps in
the household chores if he is not
studying. Furthermore, he is grateful
that his parents are very supportive
in every task he does.
3. Comparative Connectors

Point out comparison or

3. Comparative Connectors

And, like, both, all, likewise,

similarly, also, as well as, just as,
3. Comparative Connectors

• My sister and I are both achievers.

• I read fiction books as well as
non-fiction books.
• I think apples are good. Likewise,
I think oranges are good.
4. Contrasting Connectors

Are used to create continuity

in the text between two
clauses that present
contradictory ideas.
4. Contrasting Connectors

But, although, while, besides,

however, on the other hand, as
opposed to, conversely, instead,
in contrast, in spite of, rather
than, despite, etc.
4. Contrasting Connectors

• That man has much money. However, he isn’t

happy at all.
• I like playing football. On the other hand, my
brother likes playing basketball.
• Though the meal was spicy, it was really
• Some people are extroverts. In contrast, some
people are introverts.
5. Explanatory Connectors

• Used to clarify an idea by using examples.

• used to give more details about the idea
being developed.
5. Explanatory Connectors

for example, for instance, in

fact, according to, as stated
in, for this reason, etc.
5. Explanatory Connectors

•I can play a few musical

instruments, for example, the
piano, the violin, and the guitar.
6. Cause and Effect Connectors

A.causative connectors are used to

explain the reason behind
B.Effect – consequence or result
6. Cause and Effect Connectors

Cause : because, since, due to

Effect: as a result, consequently, to
this end, hence, therefore
6. Cause and Effect Connectors

• Larry is absent because he is sick.

• He received high grades since he studied hard.
• He gained weight as a consequence of his unhealthy
eating habits.
• The company took out too many loans and as a result of
that, they went bankrupt.
7. Rebuttal Connectors

A rebuttal is when you respond directly to

your opponent’s argument/point to
explain/show how/why they are wrong.

• But, however, yet, nevertheless, regardless

8. Concluding Connectors

Used to restate/ conclude

8. Concluding Connectors

Thus, therefore, in summary, in

general, on the whole, overall, to
conclude, finally, etc.
8. Concluding Connectors

We should teach that words are not the

things to which they refer. We should teach
that words are best understood as convenient
tools for handling reality. . . . Finally, we
should teach widely that new words can and
should be invented if the need arises."

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