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• Use the introduction to show that you are
knowledgeable about your field of study and existing
research. Your introduction should contain:

• A summary of existing research (BACKGROUND) on

the subject.

• General objective
• Thesis statement or research question
• Hypothesis
• Significance of the study
• Scope and Delimitation
Background of the Study
• The need to conduct the research.
 Problem!
• The current situation/ solution.
 Existing researches related.

• What if there’s no existing researches related?

 Traditional way or existing technology connected to the
THEORY (if relevant)

An introduction to the field, the current situation or

to prevailing practice

The introduction should explain what we know, and what we

are uncertain about. It should explain and summarize, but it
should also ask questions, clarify, compare etc. Everything
you write here must relate to your research question.
Statement of the Problem
 Parametric Statistics
• Used for interval and or ratio scale
• Population distribution are assumed to be normally

 To show the significant difference

a. z- test
b. t-test

 To show the significant relationship

a. Pearson r
Statement of the Problem

 Non-Parametric Statistics
• Used for nominal and or ordinal types of data
• Distribution-free statistics

 To show the significant difference

a. Chi-square goodness of fit

 To show association or dependency

a. Chi-square test of independence
Significance of the Study

 This must be from highest level to school base

such as students or future researchers.

 Know the field of your study.

Scope and Delimitation

 Where and when to conduct and the limitations

of the variables to use.
Definition of Terms

 Words must have operational definition.

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