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Have you ever had any money stolen from you?

What are the symbols of wealth for you?

What would you do with $1,000,000?
What are the advantages of being rich?
What are the disadvantages of being rich?
Can money buy love?
Is it possible to be happy in spite of being poor?
Are poor people usually more generous than rich
Do rich people generally spend their money wisely?
Should global wealth be re-distributed?
Does money make the world go round?
How would society work without money?
1. How often do you go to the cinema?
2. What kind of films do you like?
3. What kind of films don’t you like?
4. How do you decide what to watch?
5. What film have you seen the most times?
6. What’s the funniest film you've ever seen?
7. What’s the scariest film you've ever seen?
8. Have you ever seen a film that had a big effect on your life?
9. How will the cinema change in the next 20 years?
• In what ways are you a good or bad language learner?
• What do you remember about your first school, when you
were a child?
• If you could go to high school again, what would you like to
• Have you given up anything you used to do in your free
1. What kind of food do you like?
2. What kind of food don’t you like?
3. Do you like trying new food? Why (not)?
4. Do you have a healthy diet?
5. Do you care where the food you eat comes from?
6. Do you avoid any food or drinks for health reasons?
7. What do you think about vegetarians?
8. When you eat out, do you prefer something new or what
you know?
9. What’s the most unusual dish you've ever tried?
10.How has food changed over the recent years?
How often do you go shopping?

What do you like about shopping?

What don’t you like about shopping?

Do you do any shopping online?

What’s more important to you: price, quality, brand or

something else?

Do you sometimes buy things you don’t really need? Give

an example. Explain why you bought it and what changed
your mind.
Are you reading a good book at the moment?

Can you judge a book by its cover?

Have you ever read a book that had a big effect on your life?

Will libraries disappear in the future?

Do you prefer e-books or traditional ones?

Will e-books replace traditional ones in the future?

1.How do you usually prepare yourself for a job interview?
2.Would you be happier if you were born in another country?
3.Have you ever lost your temper?
4.If you lived abroad, what would you be most nervous
• Give some tips on how to learn a foreign language?
• If a professor were asked to describe you, what would
he/she say?
• If you have 2 exams on the same day, how will you
• Which do you find more interesting, fiction books or non-
fiction books?
• Has your country changed much since you were a child?
• Will you celebrate if you get your desired grade in an
important exam? What will you do?
• What do you usually do the night before an exam?
• Have you ever given a presentation at university?
• If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in
the world? Why?
• Have you ever eaten something you didn’t like? What was
it? Describe it.
Would you say you are good at speaking other languages?
What did you find most interesting about your major?
If you could start again, what major would you choose?
Do you like visiting art galleries?(why/not?)
Have you remained friends with people from your childhood?(

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