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SW Project Management

IT Project Conceptualization

INFO 420
Dr. Jennifer Booker
INFO 420 Chapter 2 1
Project conceptualizing and
 Now we’ll expand on the project life cycle,
and examine its first phase in detail
 The ‘IT project methodology’ used
throughout the text is fairly typical as a
foundation, but every project tailors its
base methodology to meet its own needs

INFO 420 Chapter 2 2

Project conceptualizing and
 This chapter focuses on defining the goal
for a project, and several objectives to
help meet that goal
 Then we’ll expand on the business case
concept, including MOV and feasibility
 The higher level governing structure to
choose IT projects will be discussed

INFO 420 Chapter 2 3

IT Project Methodology (ITPM)
 A project methodology provides the overall
strategy for managing and controlling them
 This describes the overall game plan
 The methodology recommends phases,
deliverables, processes, tools to support
projects; but your project’s needs may differ!
 Sharing a common foundation also makes
CMMI level 3+ happy

INFO 420 Chapter 2 4

 Using a common methodology also helps
managers decide which projects should be
supported, and makes cross-project
measurements feasible
 The ITPM is flexible to accommodate any
SDLC, and may be further adjusted for the
skill level of the project team, project size,
application type, etc.

INFO 420 Chapter 2 5

ITPM phases and deliverables
1. Conceptualize and initialize project – delivers
the business case
2. Develop project plan and charter – delivers
3. Execute & control project – follows an SDLC,
and delivers the completed system
4. Close project – delivers a final project report
and presentation
5. Evaluate project – delivers a project evaluation
and lessons learned

INFO 420 Chapter 2 6

Phase 1
 Conceptualize and initialize project defines
the goal of the project, and how it will add
value to the organization
 Do so by comparing project to possible
alternatives, and making a cost/benefit,
feasibility, and risk analysis to prove which
choice is best
 This produces the project’s business case

INFO 420 Chapter 2 7

Phase 2
 Develop project plan and charter
 The project charter defines the project
organization, and how the project will be
 It clarifies the project goal in terms of scope,
schedule, budget, and quality standards
 The project plan answers the who/what/
where/when/why/how questions

INFO 420 Chapter 2 8

Phase 2
 The business case (phase 1) and project
plan (phase 2) are kept separate
 The business case focuses on how well the
project matches the business strategy
 Should the project be done at all?
 The project plan focuses on how the project
will be achieved – more tactical concerns
 How will we make the project happen?

INFO 420 Chapter 2 9

Phase 3
 Execute & control project carries out the
project plan
 Project manager must make sure the
resources and infrastructure are available
to the project team
 People,technical infrastructure
 Development methods and tools

INFO 420 Chapter 2 10

Phase 3
 Also need to provide:  And use plans for:
 Work environment  Risk management
 Controls over scope,  Procurement
schedule, budget, and  Quality management
quality  Change management
 Human resources
 Communications
 Testing
 Implementation

INFO 420 Chapter 2 11

Phase 4
 Close project transfers control from the
development team to the client or sponsor
 Team should make a final project report and
presentation to document everything was
 Allows final project cost and schedule to be
 Archive project files, release resources

INFO 420 Chapter 2 12

Phase 5
 Evaluate project success, often called a
‘post-mortem’ review
 Project manager and team review what
worked, what didn’t
 Record lessons learned, look for broader
best practices
 Can review individual performance

INFO 420 Chapter 2 13

Phase 5 - Third party review
 Can get third party review of the project
 Will project meet its goal?
 How about scope, schedule, budget, and
quality objectives?
 Did we deliver everything promised?
 Is the client happy?

INFO 420 Chapter 2 14

Phase 5 - Third party review
 Did we follow our own processes and
 How did we handle risks and problems?
 How well did we work with the sponsor?
 Did we behave ethically and professionally?
 Did the project provide value to the
organization? (if you can tell yet)

INFO 420 Chapter 2 15

ITPM Foundation
 The ITPM is based on having five sets of
resources available to the team
 PM process groups
 Objectives for this project
 Tools
 Infrastructure
 And the PMBOK knowledge areas

INFO 420 Chapter 2 16

PM process groups
 These groups of processes are the
activities needed to carry out the project
life cycle
 Initiatingprocesses
 Planning processes
 Executing processes
 Controlling processes
 Closing processes

INFO 420 Chapter 2 17

Objectives for this project
 The objectives for this project, taken
together, ensure the project goal is met
 The objectives typically address four areas
 Scope
 Schedule
 Budget
 Quality

INFO 420 Chapter 2 18

 Tools support the project processes, and
creation of the product itself
 Could include estimation tools, requirements
management tools, cost/schedule tools,
quality tools, etc.
 The development environment (IDE, CASE
tools) are in this category too
 (Yes,some consider this part of infrastructure)

INFO 420 Chapter 2 19

 This includes three categories of
 Organizational – define project organization,
roles, reporting structure
 Project – the physical environment,
processes, and controls
 Technical – general tools: email, Office suite,
Internet access, PM software, etc.

INFO 420 Chapter 2 20

PMBOK knowledge areas
 The lessons learned from past projects
feeds into the PMBOK knowledge areas,
 This can refine your project methodology
to suit your needs, culture, and

INFO 420 Chapter 2 21

Business case
 Now we’ll look in detail at how to develop a
business case for a project
 What reasons might be used to justify an IT
Reduce cost, create new product, improve customer
service, processes, reporting, communication,
decision making, create stronger connection to
suppliers or customers, meet legal requirements

INFO 420 Chapter 2 22

Business case process
 The process for  Assess TCO
preparing a business  Assess TBO

case has about eight  Analyze alternatives

steps  Propose & support
 Select core team recommendation
 Define MOV
 Identify alternatives
 Assess feasibility

INFO 420 Chapter 2 23

Select core team
 The team to develop the business case
should come from multiple perspectives –
business, technical, management, etc.
 Provides a better balanced viewpoint
 Enhances credibility, gets buy-in across org.
 Better alignment with organizational goals
 Better access to detailed supporting data

INFO 420 Chapter 2 24

Define MOV
 MOV is Measurable Organizational Value
 The MOV must be some characteristics
that can be objectively measured, to prove
the project provided real value to the org
 MOV proves success or failure of the project
 All key stakeholders must agree on MOV
 MOV must also support the org’s strategy

INFO 420 Chapter 2 25

Define MOV
 There are six steps to defining MOV
(Yes, all within step 2 of writing a business case)
 Identify desired area of impact
 Identify desired value of the project
 Develop an appropriate metric
 Set a time frame for achieving MOV
 Get agreement from stakeholders
 Summarize MOV in a statement

INFO 420 Chapter 2 26

Identify desired area of impact
 Where will this project affect the
organization? (could be more than one)
 Strategic: new markets, products & services
 Customer: better products & services, better
loyalty, higher satisfaction
 Financial: increased profits, profit margins
 Operational: lower costs, higher efficiency
 Social: education, health, safety, environment

INFO 420 Chapter 2 27

Identify desired value of the project
 Ok, now within each area of impact, what
will the project do to provide value?
 Will it help you do something:
 Better?(e.g. quality, effectiveness)
 Faster? (speed, efficiency, cycle time)
 Cheaper? (reduce cost!)
 Or do more in some way? (new markets,

INFO 420 Chapter 2 28

Develop an appropriate metric
 So how will you measure that value?
 $$ - generate $x in new sales
 Percentage - reaching at least a certain
number (customer satisfaction > 95%)
 Numbers – have at least y new customers
 Don’t get fancy – simple, clear measures
are often the best

INFO 420 Chapter 2 29

Develop an appropriate metric
 Make it clear how the measure will be
 Might need surveys, competitor data, etc.
 Make sure the measure really addresses
the value you wish to measure
 Some things like loyalty or satisfaction are
hard to nail down

INFO 420 Chapter 2 30

Set a time frame for achieving MOV

 Determine how long it’ll take to achieve

the MOV
 Could have multiple time objectives – reach x
by 6 months, y by 12 months, etc.

INFO 420 Chapter 2 31

Get agreement from stakeholders

 Yup, easy to say, much harder to achieve

 Everyone (project manager, sponsor, etc.)
needs to agree the MOV is realistic
 Don Quixote may like impossible dreams, but
most techies hate impossible goals

INFO 420 Chapter 2 32

Summarize MOV in a statement
 So what’s the output from all this work?
 A sentence or two, or maybe a short table,
to summarize the MOV (or MOVs if there
are multiple) and it/their time frames
 “Project XYZ will achieve {the MOV} within
{the time frame} after its completion”
 Or something vaguely like that…

INFO 420 Chapter 2 33

Identify alternatives
 Now back to the overall business case,
step 3 - Identify alternatives
 Most problems can be solved more than
one way, so your job is to brainstorm and
find several* plausible ways to address
the problem
 One can be the ‘change-nothing’ answer

* (for homework, at least three)

INFO 420 Chapter 2 34
Identify alternatives
 Alternatives can examine many possible
approaches, such as
 Change processes but keep the existing
 Reengineer an existing system
 Buy something off the shelf to replace an
existing system
 Start over, and make a new system

INFO 420 Chapter 2 35

Assess feasibility
 Step 4 is to assess the feasibility and risks
of each alternative
 Feasibility assessment consists of
considering three dimensions
 Economic feasibility – a full cost/benefit
analysis is nice, but at least determine if the
cost of each alternative is within reach

INFO 420 Chapter 2 36

Assess feasibility
 Technical feasibility measures whether the
alternative can be accomplished
 Do you have the infrastructure, skills, equipment,
experience, etc. to implement each alternative?
 If not, can the deficiencies be met reasonably?

 Would you need to consider outsourcing or other

outside sources?

INFO 420 Chapter 2 37

Assess feasibility
 Organizational feasibility considers each
alternative’s impact on your organization
 Would it result in major changes?
 Will jobs be affected?

 Will people welcome a new approach?

 Other possible areas of feasibility could

include legal or ethical concerns
 Are there, e.g. union conflicts or labor law

INFO 420 Chapter 2 38

Assess feasibility
 The risk assessment should identify major
plausible risks to the success of the
 Not the success of the product produced
 What could keep the project from reaching
its conclusion on time and within budget?

INFO 420 Chapter 2 39

Assess feasibility
 Identify each risk
 Estimate the impact on the project – how
much effort or money would it cost to fix?
 How likely is the risk? Estimate the
percent chance of it happening
 Determine how the project could respond
to the risk to reduce (mitigate) its impact

INFO 420 Chapter 2 40

Assess TCO
 Determine the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of
each alternative, which is the sum of
 Direct costs – the cost of implementing the project
 Ongoing costs – the cost of maintaining the system
 Indirect costs – the cost of lost productivity during
development, unexpected system down time, etc.

INFO 420 Chapter 2 41

Assess TBO
 Determine the Total Benefits of Ownership
(TBO); what are the benefits of each
 What is the value of time not spent on paper-
work, of reduced errors, of getting information
faster, of sales of new products, etc.?
 Tangible benefits are easy to estimate,
intangible ones take more assumptions…

INFO 420 Chapter 2 42

Analyze alternatives
 Step 7, analyze alternatives to see which
has the most value for the organization
 There are five cash flow metrics most
often used to answer that ‘most value’
question: payback, breakeven, ROI, NPV,
and scoring models
 Typically use a few of them for a given project

INFO 420 Chapter 2 43

 Payback is the amount of time (years)
needed for an investment to pay for itself
in new cash flow (or other benefit)
 Payback = initial investment / cash flow
 Initial
investment is in dollars
 Cash flow is in $/yr typically
 A smaller payback period is good

INFO 420 Chapter 2 44

 Breakeven is like payback, but it’s typically
expressed in terms of the number of units sold
to recoup the investment, based on knowing a
‘net profit margin’ per unit sold
 Breakeven = initial investment / net profit margin
 The dimensions of breakeven are units sold, as in,
“We have to sell 20 cars this weekend to break even
from our ads on TV”
 Want a smaller breakeven point

INFO 420 Chapter 2 45

 Return on Investment is probably the best
known cash flow measure
 It
describes the percent by which project total
benefits will exceed costs
 ROI = 100*(total benefits-total costs)/(total costs)
 Want a larger ROI
 Often tricky to measure benefits

INFO 420 Chapter 2 46

 Net Present Value reminds us that, in a
good economy, money can be invested
over time to earn a profit – the ‘time value
of money’
 To calculate NPV, need the expenses and
benefits of the project, year by year, for
its life

INFO 420 Chapter 2 47

 First find the net cash flow each year
 Net cash flow = outflow – inflow
= expenses – benefits
 Then find the discounted cash flow of each
year’s expenses
 Discounted CF = net cash flow/(1+r)t
 Where r=interest rate, t=number of years

The interest rate used here is a critical assumption!

INFO 420 Chapter 2 48

 The NPV of the project is the sum of all
discounted cash flows, minus the initial
 NPV = (discounted cash flow) – investment
 You want NPV to be positive, and as large
as possible

INFO 420 Chapter 2 49

Scoring models
 This is a catchall category, when you want
to combine different measures to come up
with an overall score for each alternative
 Total score = (w c )
i i
 Where wi is the weighting percentage for each
score, and ci is the score value
 The sum of all weighting percentages = 100%
 The highest total score generally wins

INFO 420 Chapter 2 50

Cash flow metrics summary
Metric Units Want it

Payback Years Small

Breakeven Items sold Small

ROI Percent Large

NPV $ Large & positive

Scoring models None (numeric) Large

INFO 420 Chapter 2 51
Propose & support
 Ok, so we survived cash flow metrics,
picked a couple of them, and calculated
them for each alternative
 Now comes the easy part – the conclusion
 Based on this analysis, pick the alternative
with the most value to the organization
 Page 59 in the text has a nice business
case outline

INFO 420 Chapter 2 52

Project selection & approval
 Everything so far is focused on making a
case for one IT project
 On a larger scale, an organization typically
develops a project portfolio – all the
projects it supports
 Depending on the org, it may select all low
risk projects, or a mix of technologies, etc.

INFO 420 Chapter 2 53

Project selection & approval
 All organizations have limited resources,
so the decision to allow a project or not is
a common and critical one
 There are many possible processes upon
which to base a decision
 We’ll focus on Balanced Scorecard, which is
also used to manage active projects

INFO 420 Chapter 2 54

Balanced Scorecard
 A key feature is that it uses more than just
financial measures
 Financial perspective
 Customer perspective
 Internal process perspective
 Innovation & learning perspective
 You define measures for each perspective

INFO 420 Chapter 2 55

Financial perspective
 While traditional finance measures (ROI,
NPV) can be useful, BS also encourages
 Customer-focused finance measures
 Measures of internal operations
 Investments in employees or infrastructure
 A new measure often used is EVA,
economic value added

INFO 420 Chapter 2 56

 EVA determines if you’re earning more
money than the cost of capital
 EVA = (net operating after taxes profit) minus
(opportunity cost of the capital invested)
 So positive EVA is good

Formula adapted from

INFO 420 Chapter 2 57
Customer perspective
 This includes all dimensions of customer
satisfaction, including satisfaction with how
the products/services were delivered,
processes used to create them, support,

INFO 420 Chapter 2 58

Internal process perspective
 This measures how well the organization’s
processes help achieve its financial and
customer goals
 So this boils down to the efficiency and
effectiveness of the organization’s

INFO 420 Chapter 2 59

Innovation & learning perspective

 This recognizes that investments in people

and infrastructure help achieve the other
three perspectives
 Support individual learning and growth
 Encourage training, certifications
 Care about employee satisfaction
 Strive for continuous improvement

INFO 420 Chapter 2 60

Why all this BS?
 The main point is to avoid making key
decisions based solely on $$$
 It encourages a broader perspective
on project go/no-go decisions
 The MOV can also be reviewed in the
context of BS
 See how MOV supports BS perspectives

INFO 420 Chapter 2 61

BS can still fail if
 Non-finance measures are the focus and
shouldn’t be; or no connection between
them and finance measure
 Metrics poorly defined
 Goals not based on stakeholder req’ts
 No clue how to get to high level goals
 Rely on trial and error for improvement

INFO 420 Chapter 2 62

IT governance
 In general, governance manages
processes to avoid doing something
unethical, illegal, or just daft
 So HR governance helps avoid discrimination
 IT governance helps comply with laws, like
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) for
financial reporting

INFO 420 Chapter 2 63

IT governance
 IT governance starts with project
management duties, but can also include
change, life-cycle, asset/resource,
portfolio, and security management
 Best practices for IT governance include
 Identify strategic value of potential projects,
not just costs & risks

INFO 420 Chapter 2 64

IT governance
 Top business management sets IT priorities,
not just IT managers; this helps keep
everyone on the same page
 Communicate priorities and progress clearly
(e.g. BS status updates)
 Monitor projects regularly; traffic light
dashboard reports are common

INFO 420 Chapter 2 65

 A Project Management Office (PMO) can
be a key IT governance body; they
 Help coordinate the projects that are
proposed and accepted
 Help collect data across projects
 Manage the organization’s portfolio
 Collect audit trail history (e.g. for SOX)
 Improve estimation for future projects

INFO 420 Chapter 2 66

 The IT Project Methodology phases and
 How to develop a business case, calculate
MOV, assess feasibility and calculate cash
flow metrics
 Balanced Scorecard
 IT governance and the PMO

INFO 420 Chapter 2 67

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