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Done By: Joshna Britto

VII E 24 22792
An endangered species is a species that is very likely to become extinct in the near
future, either worldwide or in a particular political jurisdiction. Endangered species
may be at risk due to factors such as habitat loss, poaching and invasive species.

 Snow leopards have evolved to live in some of the harshest

conditions on Earth.
 Snow leopards are often referred to as the “ghost of the
 Their thick white-gray coat spotted with large black
rosettes blends in perfectly with Asia’s steep and rocky,
high mountains. It is the perfect camouflage for their
rocky habitat, allowing them to stalk their prey.
 Snow leopards are highly adapted to their home in
the cold high mountains.

 Their thick fur patterned with dark rosettes and

spots (a pattern that is unique to each individual
snow leopard).

 Wild leopards are under threat, largely due to human

pressures and habitat loss, while captive animals suffer in
zoos, circuses and under private ownership. ... Although they
often breed well in captivity, it is extremely difficult to return a
captive-bred big cat to the wild and this almost never happens.
Thank you

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