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September 2009


When people speak or listen to others, the message given or received is being understood. We communicate only when we want to communicate. The words in the message mean the same to both the speaker and the listener. We can communicate chiefly with words in a face-to-face conversation. Nonverbal communication is completely silent communication. Communication is a one-way street between an active speaker and a passive listener. If you speak another language slowly, communication can easily take place.

Communication is a conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and/or nonverbal messages, sent, received, and comprehended.

Factors present in any communica tive event.

The communicators

The purpose

The setting

Communication system

T h e re is a p a tte rn to th e w a y y o u c o m m w ith o th e rs. T h e p a tte rn ce n te rs o n w h o w h a t th e s p e a k e r s a y s o r is a llo w e d to s w a y in w h ic h th e m e s s a g e is s e n t, a n d w th e y b o th a re . S p e c ia lly , th e p a rtic ip a n t s e ttin g , a n d th e p u rp o s e fo rm th e b a s is c o m m u n ic a tio n sy s te m .


Managers must effectively communicate:

Upward to their boss Downward to their staff Laterally/across with fellow managers.

Upward communication takes care on planning. Some

tips to help you communicate better with your boss includes the following: Be sure message is important, bosss time is limited. Be brief. Assure the information is accurate and complete. Communicate both good and bad news. Communicate regularly. When you present a problem, suggest potential solutions. Make an agenda; some bosses appreciate receiving a list of topics you will discuss in advance so that they, can be prepared, too. Be sure your timing is right; trying to present information to your boss at the wrong time can derail the communication process. Establish clear objectives; know in advance what you want to accomplish during your talk with your boss. Dont go over your bosss head unless it is absolutely necessary.

Downward M a in t a in a n o p e n - d o o r p o lic communication skills e m p lo y e e s k n o w t h e y c a n c o help managers identify w ith p r o b le m s . potential problems, gain L is te n a t te n t iv e ly a n d o b je staff commitment, and gathering information for your e m p lo y e e s conce making decisions. c o n t r ib u t io n s . However, managers must D o n t r e a c t e m o t i o n a l l y o work hard to establish an w h e n s o m e o n e b r in g s y o u effective downward B e c o m in g a n g r y a t t h e m e s s communication style. w ill c u t o ff y o u r c o m m u n ic a Some tips to help you develop better fu tu re . downward U s e a c t iv e lis t e n in g s k ills . communication skills B e s u r e t h a t e m p lo y e e s k n o w y include the following:

a b o u t t h e ir o p in io n s a n d s u g g e s

L a te ra l co m m u n ica tio n if e ffe ctiv e , h e lp s m a n a g e rs to e n su re th a t in fo rm a tio n w ill co n tin u e to flo w y o u r w a y a n d e n h a n ce s y o u r ca re e r o p p o rtu n itie s. T ip s th a t ca n h e lp y o u d e v e lo p b e tte r la te ra l co m m u n ica tio n sk ills in clu d e th e fo llo w in g :

Get to know as many managers in the organization as you can. View peer communication as a chance to establish relationships that work for both parties. Share information; nobody wants to talk to someone who doesnt share in return. Constantly look for overlapping areas of responsibility or interests that might help improve your interaction with other managers. Take a big picture perspective and communicate about issues that might help the whole organization, not just part of it. give sincere and positive feedback when asked. When appropriate offer your help. Use positive body language when communicating. Work a day or two in another department to help you understand some of the problems and issues your peers are discussing.

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