IELTS Writing Task 1

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IELTS Writing Task 1

Tutor: Widya Febrina

Write a report on data, map or process

IELTS At least 150 words

Task 1 20 minutes

1/3 of your total mark

Assessment criteria

• Task Achievement (25%)

• Coherence and Cohesion (25%)
• Lexical Resource (25%)
• Grammatical Range and Accuracy (25%)
Task Achievement
• How appropriately, accurately and relevantly you fulfil your task requirements.
• How accurately you write your report and how appropriately you present the data
(compare/ contrast/ show the most striking trends/ features/ data.)
Coherence and cohesion
• No misinterpretation and presentation of data and trends.
• How well you organise your paragraphs.
• Overall clarity and fluency of your report and message.
• How well you have organised and linked the information, data and ideas in your
• Logical sequencing and appropriate use of linking devices between and within
your sentences.
Lexical resource
• The range of vocabulary you have used in your writing.
• How accurately and appropriately you have used words/ phrases while presenting
the graph(s) as a report.
Grammatical range and accuracy
• Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy.
• Rare minor errors occur only as "slips".
Types of diagram in IELTS Writing Task 1

Data driven diagram Non-data driven diagram

Diagram types
• Introduction : paraphrase the question
• Overview : the general sense of the diagram
• Details : specific details of diagram, make comparisons where
• Conclusion : Optional
Starting Diagram types Verb Description
The given/ the supplied/ Diagram/ table/ figure/ Presents/ shows/ The changes/ the
the provided/ the illustration/ chart/ graph/ represents/ depicts/ differences/ the
presented flow chart/ bar chart/ pie illustrates/ provides/ proportion/ the amount/
chart/ picture/ column outlines/ delineates/ the number/ the total/
graph/ process diagram/ describes/ denotes/ the percentage/ the ratio/
line diagram indicates/ gives how the …

The supplied bar graph compares the number of male and female graduates in three developing countries
while the table data presents the overall literacy rate in these countries.
Overview / general trend
• In general,
• Overall,
• Generally,
No numbers
• At the first glance,
• At the onset,
• It can be clearly seen that
• It is readily apparent that

At the onset, it is clear that drinking in public and drink-driving were the most common reasons
for US citizens to be arrested in 2014.
• Comparison and contrast of the data
• Most striking angle or changes of the data

The overall sale of the company increased by 20% at the end of the year.
Data diagram

Comparison Trend
diagram diagram
Pie chart
Bar graph
• Share = proportion = percentage = contribution = ratio

There was a wide disparity in the proportion of male and female

students in University X
Comparison language
Comparison language
• A is larger than B
• A is smaller than B

• A has the most significant ….. among B and C
• A produces the lowest ……
• A ranks first

New Zealand consumed the lowest gas at approximately 5 million

Comparison and contrast language
• Transitions : However, On the other hand, In contrast, Similarly
The USA produces large amounts of natural gas. In contrast, South
Korea produces none.

• Subordinating conjunctions: While, although, whereas

Although the Middle East produced 100 tons oil, Japan produced none.

6.9 Nearly 7 million

8.2 Just over 8 million

25% A quarter
68 A little below 70
Additional useful language
• A accounted for …% of…
• A formed …..% of…..
• A was responsible for ….% of ….
• A comprised ….% of ….
• A contributed …% to….
• There was a significant difference between ….. and …..
• There was a wide disparity in ….

Money spent on leisure and education in Turkey accounted for just below 4.5% of
spending there, which was the largest proportion among the five countries.
The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons that
people came to and left the UK in 2007. At first
glance it is clear that the main factor influencing this
decision was employment.

Having a definite job accounted for 30 per cent of

immigration to the UK, and this figure was very
similar for emigration, at 29%. A large number of
people, 22%, also emigrated because they were
looking for a job, though the proportion of people
entering the UK for this purpose was noticeably
lower at less than a fifth.

Another major factor influencing a move to the UK

was for formal study, with over a quarter of people
immigrating for this reason. However, interestingly,
only a small minority, 4%, left for this.

The proportions of those moving to join a family

member were quite similar for immigration and
emigration, at 15% and 13% respectively. Although a
significant number of people (32%) gave ‘other’
reasons or did not give a reason why they emigrated,
this accounted for only 17% with regards to
Trend diagram
Trend diagram
Useful language for trend
Verb + adverb Adjective + noun
• Rose rapidly • A rapid rise
• Decreased minimally • A minimal decrease

It rose rapidly and reached 70% in 2020 There was a rapid rise in 2020
• a significant rise – correct (adjective/noun)
• rose significantly – correct (adverb/verb)
• a significantly rise – wrong

• There was a gradual rise in the price of oil – correct

• There was a gradual rise in the price of oil in 2020 with the total of
• The price of oil rose gradually --- correct
• Initially, the production of oil started at around 5% in 1990 before
reaching 50% in 2020.
Grammar for trend diagram
1. Past
2. Present :
• If it happens regularly or if there is no specific time provided
3. Future
• If the trend starts in the past, reaches now and has a break point at the present time:
• If the trend start in the past, passes now into the future and has a
breakpoint sometime in the future
Mixed diagram
• IELTS Tahasoni (

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